Italian Manners And Etiquette: 10+ Tips For Being Super Polite

Italian manners and etiquette

Italian culture places a strong emphasis on interpersonal interactions and proper behavior, and learning basic Italian manners and etiquette is essential if you want to make a good impression when you visit the country.

From the art of greeting to dining etiquette, understanding and embracing Italian manners can greatly enhance your experience and is the first hurdle to jump over when making new friends. So come, let’s familiarize ourselves with the subtle yet necessary art of imbibing Italian manners and etiquette.

The Art Of Greeting

In Italian etiquette, greetings are more than just a formality – they’re an art that reflects genuine respect and warmth. When meeting someone, a firm handshake and direct eye contact are customary. It’s important to use appropriate titles such as “Signore” (Mr.) or “Signora” (Mrs.) when addressing someone, followed by their last name. Italians are known for their expressive gestures, and a friendly smile and nod can go a long way in conveying your friendliness.

Kissing on the cheek, or the “air kiss,” is a common form of greeting among friends and family. However, the number of kisses can vary depending on the region – two kisses are common in most parts of Italy, while three kisses are exchanged in some areas. Remember, the left cheek goes first!

cheek kiss Italian manners and etiquettes

Dining Etiquette

Italian cuisine is a highlight for many travelers, and understanding Italian dining etiquette and table manners is crucial for fully immersing yourself in the experience. Italians consider mealtime a cherished social occasion, where sharing food and conversation is a way of life.

When dining in Italy, keep the following etiquette tips in mind:

Wait To Be Seated

Don’t take a seat until you’re shown to one. The host often decides the seating arrangement, so wait for their guidance.

Napkin Usage

Place your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down. Use it to dab your mouth when necessary, but avoid wiping your face extensively.

Bread Etiquette

Break bread with your hands instead of using a knife. Don’t put bread directly on the table – Italians tend to place it on the bread plate provided.

Pasta Protocol

Twirl long pasta, like spaghetti, with a fork against a spoon. Never cut pasta with a knife, as it’s considered impolite according to Italian etiquette rules.

Pizza Slicing

If you’re served an entire pizza at Italian meals, it’s typically not sliced. Use your fork and knife to cut it into manageable pieces.

Wine Tasting

When tasting wine, hold the wine glass by the stem to avoid warming the liquid with your hand. If you don’t want more wine, leave your glass partially full.

Caffè Concluding a Meal

A coffee after a meal, especially lunch or dinner, is customary. However, avoid ordering a cappuccino after 11 a.m., as it’s considered a breakfast drink.

Italian manners and etiquette

Social Norms And Politeness

Politeness is a cornerstone of Italian society, and simple gestures can make a big difference in your interactions:

Use “Per Favore” And “Grazie”

Please (“Per favore”) and Thank you (“Grazie”) go a long way in showing respect and consideration. Remember to use these phrases liberally, especially when interacting with service staff. Try to speak Italian whenever you can – it will always be hugely appreciated.

Personal Space

In Italy, Italians are known for their affectionate nature, but it’s important to respect personal space, especially with people you’ve just met. Maintain an appropriate distance in conversations when visiting Italy.


While Italy has a relaxed pace of life, being punctual is still important, especially for business meetings, business culture, and formal events. Arriving a few minutes late is generally acceptable for social gatherings, but not for business lunches or business discussions.

Italian manners and etiquette

Dress Appropriately

Italians take pride in their appearance, and dressing well is a sign of respect. When visiting religious sites, make sure to cover your shoulders and knees as a mark of reverence.

Public Behavior

Maintain a respectful demeanour in public spaces. Loud conversations and disruptive behaviour are generally frowned upon, particularly in places like museums, churches, and public transportation.

Gift Giving

If invited to an Italian home, it’s a thoughtful gesture to bring a small gift like a bottle of wine, pastries, or flowers. Always offer the gift with both hands as a sign of respect. Never give scissors or knives as a gift as they are considered very bad luck.

Some Basic Italian Courtesy Phrases

Hello / HiCiao
PleasePer favore
Thank youGrazie
You’re welcomePrego
Excuse me / I’m sorryScusa / Mi scusi
Good morningBuongiorno
Good afternoonBuon pomeriggio
Good eveningBuona serata
Good nightBuona notte
How are you?Come sta?
Very wellMolto bene
I’m sorryMi dispiace
Can I help you?Posso aiutarla?
Excuse me / May I?Con permesso / Permesso
Hi / GoodbyeSalve / Arrivederci

Manners and etiquette in Italy are as ubiquitous as Gucci sunglasses, Vespa bikes, and Fellini films reflecting the importance of respect, warmth, and connection. By learning a handful of these Italian customs, you not only enhance your travel experience but also create meaningful connections with the people you meet along the way. Whether savoring a delicious Italian meal, engaging in passionate conversations, or simply enjoying the beauty of the country around you, adhering to Italian manners and etiquette will undoubtedly leave you with cherished memories, new Italian friends, and a deeper appreciation for this enchanting land. “Buona fortuna!” (Good luck!)

Learn More Italian Manners And Etiquette With Ling

Learning Italian, as with any language, is not just about words and phrases, but also about learning the local culture and social etiquette. With Ling, all of the 60+ languages become available to you along with specially curated, dedicated and extensive blogs explaining everything you need to know about the country’s people and their culture. Check out the Ling app at the App Store or Google Play today.

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