Learn Dutch
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Frequently asked questions about learning Dutch

Is It Hard To Learn Dutch?

The answer to this question depends on the learner. Learning how to speak Dutch can be easy or hard, depending on the amount of time you dedicate to study and your motivation for learning the language. Generally speaking, Dutch is considered one of the easiest languages to learn.


The Foreign Service Institute classifies Dutch as a category I language, which means that it will take the average learner 600-750 hours to reach proficiency.


Here are some basic facts to consider when learning Dutch:


  • Grammer: Dutch uses the subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, but the conjugated verb is moved to the second position in main clauses. Dutch also uses three grammatical genders and has four main verb types.
  • Vocabulary: Dutch has similar words to English and German, which is not surprising because its rooted in the Germanic language. In fact, 20% of its loan words are from German.
  • Speaking/Listening: Dutch is not a phonetic language, so the way you speak doesn’t necessarily translate to the way you write.
  • Reading/Writing: Dutch uses the standard writing system and has a high amount of duplicated letters.
How Can I Teach Myself Dutch?

It is possible to learn Dutch by yourself, thanks to online resources! Not to mention, nowadays, learning a new language is the cheapest its ever been. There are tons of free language apps out there, like Ling!


Here are some tips to help you learn Dutch by yourself:


  • Look for the right resources – language learning apps have proven to be effective in teaching Dutch
  • Frequently practice what you’ve learned – try talking to a native Dutch speaker
  • Listen to Dutch music, movies, and news – use subtitles initially and slowly wean yourself off of them over time
  • Dedicate at least 15 minutes to learning Dutch every day
  • Download the Ling App for comprehensive Dutch lessons and grammar tips
What Is The Fastest Way To Learn Dutch?

Learning a new language requires time, dedication, and the right mindset.


To quicken your language learning, you can try enrolling in comprehensive Dutch lessons online, hiring a private tutor, or subscribing to language apps.


However, if you don’t have the time or budget for these options, here are some helpful tips to reduce learning time:


  • Dedicate a few minutes every day to practicing pronunciation and speaking skills with a fellow Dutch learner or native Dutch speaker
  • Try to think in Dutch as much as possible
  • Use flashcards when you’re commuting or eating dinner to learn new vocabulary
  • Set realistic goals and push yourself to reach them
How Long Does It Take To Learn Dutch?

It depends on the amount of time you dedicate to studying every day and the overall difficulty of the language.


Dutch is a category I language, so it’s relatively low in difficulty. Especially in comparison to category V languages, like Chinese and Arabic.


Also, if your native language is similar to West Germanic languages, like German or English, Dutch will be much easier to learn. If not, that doesn’t mean learning Dutch will be impossible. With the right resources and learning apps, like the Ling App, you can be a proficient Dutch speaker in no time!