Ling has been featured on the App Store as a great educational application!


$14.99 USD per month


$79.99 USD per year

7-day free trial


$149.99 USD

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30 Day money-back guarantee

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Join over 5 million language learners for a 100% guaranteed amazing language experience

What makes learning with Ling special

Interactive exercises

Improve your pronunciation by starting a conversation with our app’s interactive chatbot

Engaging activities

Practice your skills with mini-games and track your progress with fun quizzes

Mix of languages

Choose from over 60 languages, both big and small, and listen to audio from native speakers

Proven results

Backed by linguistic research, our learning methods can help you achieve fluency in record time

Pricing Plan Comparison



1 Month

$14.99 USD

per month


1 Year

$79.99 USD



$149.99 USD

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For questions, comments, or suggestions, you can reach out to:

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