32+ Mongolian Spaceship Related Vocab To Go Beyond World

Mongolian Spaceship Related Vocab Ling

Amidst the rolling hills and endless skies of Mongolia’s open steppes, a deep-rooted nomadic culture flourishes. But as the world advances in technological marvels and space exploration, Mongolia has also made its mark in the field of орон зай (oron zai)/space science.

With a fascinating history of participation in the Soviet space program and recent satellite launches, Mongolia’s connection with the cosmos is undeniable. It is no surprise then that the Mongolian language has developed a unique set of vocabulary related to space exploration and technology.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing world of Mongolian spaceship-related vocabulary, revealing a side to this nomadic nation that may surprise you.

The Importance Of Mongolian Spaceship Related Vocab

Although Mongolia may not have its own thriving space program exploring outer space travel, it has certainly reached for the stars by partnering with countries and organizations across the globe on a variety of celestial endeavors.

One notable example is the space cooperation agreement inked with Russia in 2019, which paves the way for joint efforts in satellite navigation and remote sensing technologies. And while Mongolia’s first satellite, Mazaalai, may be diminutive in size, its launch into orbit by a Japanese rocket in 2019 represents a giant leap forward for the country in its ability to observe and monitor weather patterns, natural resources, and environmental changes.

Space education has also been a priority for Mongolia. The Mongolian University of Science and Technology launched a satellite technology laboratory in 2018 to help train and inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts. And through its participation in various international space programs such as the International Space Station, the Square Kilometer Array, and the International Astronomical Union, Mongolia has shown that its reach extends far beyond its own borders when it comes to the exploration and understanding of the cosmos.

So while Mongolia may not yet have its own bustling space agency, its collaborative spirit and thirst for knowledge continue to shine bright among the stars, which makes space-related vocabulary very useful.

Space Vocabulary In Mongolian

Space Vocabulary In Mongolian Ling

Embark on an out-of-this-world journey with the Space Vocabulary in Mongolian table, where you can explore the wonders of the universe in the language of the great Mongol Empire.

English WordsMongolianRomanization
Asteroid BeltАстероидын БүсAstyeroidyn Büs
Astronomical UnitОдон Орон Судлалын НэгжOdon Oron Sudlalyn Negj
Average DistanceДундаж ЗайDundaj Zai
Closest PlanetХамгийн Ойрын ГаригKhamgiin Oiryn Garig
Coldest PlanetХамгийн Хүйтэн ГаригKhamgiin Khüiten Garig
Cosmic DustСансрын ТоосSansryn Toos
Distinct PopulationТодорхой Хүн АмTodorkhoi Khün Am
Divine LightsТэнгэрлэг ГэрэлTengerleg Gerel
Dwarf PlanetОдой ГарагOdoi Garag
Earthly ObjectsДэлхий Дээрх ОбъектуудDelkhii Deerkh Obiyektuud
Earth’s TwinДэлхийн ИхэрDelkhiin Ikher
Eight PlanetsНайман ГаригNaiman Garig
Elliptical OrbitsЗууван Тойрог ЗамуудZuuvan Toirog Zamuud
Extrasolar SystemsНарны Гаднах СистемүүдNarny Gadnakh Sistyemüüd
Fifth PlanetТав Дахь ГарагTav Dakhi Garag
Kuiper Belt ObjectsKuiper Belt ObjectsKuiper Belt Objects
Largest PlanetХамгийн Том ГарагKhamgiin Tom Garag
Mercury VenusМөнгөн Ус СугарMöngön Us Sugar
Milky WayСүүн ЗамSüün Zam
Minor PlanetБага ГаригBaga Garig
Molecular CloudМолекулын ҮүлMolyekulyn Üül
Natural SatelliteБайгалийн Хиймэл ДагуулBaigaliin Khiimel Daguul
Natural SatellitesБайгалийн Хиймэл ДагуулуудBaigaliin Khiimel Daguuluud
Nine PlanetsЕсөн ГаригYesön Garig
Ninth PlanetЕсдүгээр ГаригYesdügeer Garig
Objects OrbitingТойрог Эргэдэг ОбъектуудToirog Ergedeg Obiyektuud
Other BodiesБусад БайгууллагаBusad Baiguullaga
Other Extrasolar SystemsНарны Гаднах Бусад СистемүүдNarny Gadnakh Busad Sistyemüüd
Planetary RingГаригийн ЦагирагGarigiin Tsagirag
Planetary SystemГаригийн СистемGarigiin Sistyem
Proxima CentauriПроксима КентаврProksima Kyentavr
Red PlanetУлаан ГарагUlaan Garag
Solar FlareНарны ТуяаNarny Tuyaa
Solar SystemНарны СистемNarny Sistyem
Solar WindНарны СалхиNarny Salkhi
Term PlanetГаригийн Нэр ТомъёоGarigiin Ner Tomiyoo
Terrestrial PlanetГазрын ГаригGazryn Garig

Mongolian Words For Stars

As you gaze up at the twinkling night sky, have you ever wondered how to say the names of stars in Mongolian? Look no further than the Mongolian Words for Stars Vocabulary table! This table has three columns: one for English terms, one for the corresponding Mongolian words, and the last for Romanization.

English WordsMongolianRomanization
Alpha Centauri AАльфа Кентавр АAlifa Kyentavr A
Capella AКапелла АKapyella A
Capella BКапелла БKapyella B
Hadar (Agena)Хадар (Агена)Khadar (Agyena)

Mongolian Vocabulary For The Solar System

Explore the vast reaches of space with ease using the table of Mongolian Vocabulary for the Solar System, your guide to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos in the language of the Mongolian people.

English WordsMongolianRomanization
AstronautСансрын НисгэгчSansryn Nisgegch
Mongolian astronautsМонголын Сансрын НисэгчидMongolyn Sansryn Nisegchid
CometСүүлт ОдSüült Od
Dwarf PlanetОдой ГарагOdoi Garag
MercuryМөнгөн УсMöngön Us
Milky WayСүүн ЗамSüün Zam
NeptuneДалай ВанDalai Van
SatelliteХиймэл ДагуулKhiimel Daguul
SaturnСанчир ГаригSanchir Garig
SpaceОрон ЗайOron Zai
SpaceshipСансрын ХөлөгSansryn Khölög
UniverseОрчлон ЕртөнцOrchlon Yertönts
UranusТэнгэрийн ВанTengeriin Van

Useful Sentences

And finally, here are some sentences about space that you should learn to have a perfect conversation with the native speaker.

English WordsMongolianRomanization
Beyond the Earth’s atmosphere lies the vast expanse of space.Дэлхийн агаар мандлын цаана сансар огторгуйн өргөн уудам оршдог.Delkhiin agaar mandlyn tsaana sansar ogtorguin örgön uudam orshdog.
Experts estimate that the age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old.Мэргэжилтнүүд орчлон ертөнцийн насыг ойролцоогоор 13.8 тэрбум жил гэж тооцоолжээ.Mergejiltnüüd orchlon yertöntsiin nasyg oiroltsoogoor 13.8 terbum jil gej tootsooljee.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon.1969 онд Нейл Армстронг саран дээр хөл тавьсан анхны хүн болжээ.1969 ond Nyeil Armstrong saran deer khöl tavisan ankhny khün boljee.
Red dwarf stars are the most prevalent type of star found in the universe.Улаан одой одод бол орчлон ертөнцөд олддог оддын хамгийн түгээмэл төрөл юм.Ulaan odoi odod bol orchlon yertöntsöd olddog oddyn khamgiin tügeemel töröl yum.
Satellites encircle the Earth, furnishing essential communication, navigation, and weather information.Хиймэл дагуулууд нь дэлхийг тойрон хүрээлж, харилцаа холбоо, навигаци, цаг агаарын мэдээллийг өгдөг.Khiimel daguuluud ni delkhiig toiron khüreelj, khariltsaa kholboo, navigatsi, tsag agaaryn medeelliig ögdög.
Spaceships are engineered to traverse space and explore other planets.Сансрын хөлөг нь сансар огторгуйг туулж, бусад гаригуудыг судлах зориулалттай.Sansryn khölög ni sansar ogtorguig tuulj, busad gariguudyg sudlakh zoriulalttai.
The competition between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1960s pushed advancements in space technology and exploration.1960-аад оны үед АНУ, ЗХУ-ын хоорондох өрсөлдөөн нь сансрын технологи, хайгуулын дэвшлийг түлхэв.1960-aad ony üyed ANU, ZKhU-yn khoorondokh örsöldöön ni sansryn tyekhnologi, khaiguulyn devshliig tülkhev.
The International Space Station is a hub for astronaut research, studying the impact of long-term space travel on human physiology.Олон улсын сансрын станц нь сансрын нисгэгчдийн судалгааны төв бөгөөд урт хугацааны сансрын аялал хүний ​​физиологид хэрхэн нөлөөлж байгааг судалдаг.Olon ulsyn sansryn stants ni sansryn nisgegchdiin sudalgaany töv bögööd urt khugatsaany sansryn ayalal khünii ​​fiziologid kherkhen nölöölj baigaag sudaldag.
The notion of faster-than-light travel, or warp drive, remains a popular topic in science fiction.Гэрлээс хурдан аялах тухай ойлголт нь шинжлэх ухааны уран зөгнөлт зохиолын түгээмэл сэдэв хэвээр байна.Gerlees khurdan ayalakh tukhai oilgolt ni shinjlekh ukhaany uran zögnölt zokhiolyn tügeemel sedev kheveer baina.

Wrapping Up

Learn Mongolian With Ling App- CTA

That’s it for this blog post. If you want to learn this beautiful language, then check out Ling, as it has some amazing options for you. Learn new languages like a pro with Ling. Download it today from Google Play Store or App Store and start your journey to fluency in Mongolian!

Enjoyed this post? Also, check out our guide for Mongolian phrases and shopping vocabulary.

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