20+ Easy Shopping Vocabulary In Mongolian To Master Now

Shopping Vocabulary In Mongolian Ling

If you’re planning a trip to Mongolia or simply looking to expand your Mongolian language skills, this post is for you! Shopping, which is Дэлгүүр хэсэх (Delgüür khesekh) in Mongolian, is a crucial aspect of daily life, and it’s always helpful to know some basic shopping vocabulary in Mongolian for navigating the local markets, shops, and stores. In this post, we’ll provide you with the most useful shopping-related words and phrases in this awesome language that will make your shopping experience more enjoyable and efficient. Whether you’re buying food, clothing, or gifts, this guide will help you communicate with local merchants and make the most of your shopping experience in Mongolia.

Shopping In Mongolia

Mongolia is a land of mesmerizing beauty, unique culture, and a nomadic way of life that will take your breath away. And let’s not forget; it’s also a shopper’s paradise waiting to be discovered! From traditional handicrafts to modern luxury items, Mongolia has everything you need for a shopping experience unlike any other.

Step into the World of Handicrafts

The traditional handicrafts of Mongolia are famous all around the world. From felt rugs to cashmere scarves, and traditional clothing, these items are made with the same techniques passed down from generation to generation. A visit to Mongolia is the perfect opportunity to take a piece of the country’s rich cultural heritage back home.

Narantuul Market in Ulaanbaatar is the place to be if you’re searching for traditional handicrafts. Here, you’ll find a wide selection of items at affordable prices. Don’t be afraid to haggle – bargaining is common in Mongolia, and you might get an even better deal.

Luxury At Its Finest

For those who prefer finer things, Mongolia offers an array of high-end boutiques and department stores. Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, is home to several malls, including the State Department Store and the Grand Khan Mall. Here, you’ll find a mix of international and local luxury brands, giving you a shopping experience that’s both stylish and unique.

Tasting the Flavors of Mongolia

Mongolia’s cuisine is known for its rich and flavorful dishes, and food and beverages are popular items to purchase while shopping in the country. Dairy products, such as curd cheese and yogurt, and traditional dishes like steamed dumplings called уурын бууз (uuryn buuz) and fried meat pasties called хуушуур (khuushuur) are just a few of the local specialties you can try.

An Unforgettable Experience

Shopping in Mongolia is not just a way to buy souvenirs and gifts – it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the country’s rich culture and history. Whether you’re looking for a traditional handicraft, a luxury item, or just a taste of the local cuisine, you’ll find it all in Mongolia.

Shopping Vocabulary In Mongolian

Shopping Vocabulary In Mongolian Ling


AffordableБоломжийн ҮнээрBolomjiin Üneer
BakeryТалх Нарийн БоовTalkh Nariin Boov
Book ShopНомын ДэлгүүрNomyn Delgüür
BotanistУргамал СудлаачUrgamal Sudlaach
Buy ClothesХувцас Худалдан АвахKhuvtsas Khudaldan Avakh
Card MachineКартын МашинKartyn Mashin
Carrier BagТээвэрлэгч ЦүнхTeeverlegch Tsünkh
CashБэлэн МөнгөBelen Möngö
Changing RoomsХувцас Солих ӨрөөKhuvtsas Solikh Öröö
Convenience StoreАя Тухтай ДэлгүүрAya Tukhtai Delgüür
Corner ShopМухлагMukhlag
Credit CardsЗээлийн КартZeeliin Kart
Debit CardsДебит КартуудDyebit Kartuud
EscalatorУрсдаг ШатUrsdag Shat
Expiration DateДуусах ОгнооDuusakh Ognoo


Fitting RoomsТохируулах ӨрөөнүүдTokhiruulakh Öröönüüd
Fur TraderҮслэг ХудалдаачинÜsleg Khudaldaachin
Gardening CentreЦэцэрлэгжүүлэлтийн ТөвTsetserlegjüüleltiin Töv
Gardening StoreЦэцэрлэгжүүлэлтийн ДэлгүүрTsetserlegjüüleltiin Delgüür
General StoreЕрөнхий ДэлгүүрYerönkhii Delgüür
Gift ReceiptБэлгийн БаримтBelgiin Barimt
GrocerХүнсний ДэлгүүрKhünsnii Delgüür
Grocery StoreXүнсний ДэлгүүрXünsnii Delgüür
LeafletУхуулах ХуудасUkhuulakh Khuudas
Loyalty CardЛоялти КартLoyalti Kart
MallХудалдааны ТөвKhudaldaany Töv
MarketЗах ЗээлZakh Zeel
Off-LicenseТусгай ЗөвшөөрөлгүйTusgai Zövshöörölgüi
Opening HoursНээлтийн ЦагNeeltiin Tsag


PharmacyЭмийн СанEmiin San
PollСанал АсуулгаSanal Asuulga
Post OfficeШуудангийн ГазарShuudangiin Gazar
PurchaseХудалдан АвалтKhudaldan Avalt
Record ShopДуу Бичлэгийн ДэлгүүрDuu Bichlegiin Delgüür
RefundБуцаан ОлголтButsaan Olgolt
RetailerЖижиглэн ХудалдаачинJijiglen Khudaldaachin
Second-HandХоёр Дахь ГарKhoyor Dakhi Gar
Shopping MallХудалдааны ТөвKhudaldaany Töv
Storage RoomАгуулахын ӨрөөAguulakhyn Öröö
Toy ShopТоглоомын ДэлгүүрTogloomyn Delgüür
Traditional MarketУламжлалт Зах ЗээлUlamjlalt Zakh Zeel
TurnoverБараа ЭргэлтBaraa Ergelt
WholesalerБөөний ХудалдаачинBöönii Khudaldaachin

Useful Questions

Shopping Vocabulary In Mongolian Useful Questions Ling

Here are some questions that you might want to ask your Mongolian customer care and merchants while shopping.

Are there any discounts or promotions available?Ямар нэгэн хөнгөлөлт, урамшуулал байгаа юу?Yamar negen khöngölölt, uramshuulal baigaa yuu?
Are there different color or size options?Өөр өөр өнгө, хэмжээтэй сонголт байна уу?Öör öör öngö, khemjeetei songolt baina uu?
Are there other sizes available for the skirt?Банзал өөр размер байгаа юу?Banzal öör razmyer baigaa yuu?
Can you provide more information?Та дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл өгөхгүй юу?Ta delgerengüi medeelel ögökhgüi yuu?
Can you recommend a restaurant?Та ресторан санал болгож чадах уу?Ta ryestoran sanal bolgoj chadakh uu?
How is the product made, and what is the production process?Бүтээгдэхүүнийг хэрхэн хийдэг, үйлдвэрлэлийн процесс нь юу вэ?Büteegdekhüüniig kherkhen khiideg, üildverleliin protsyess ni yuu ve?
Is there a warranty or guarantee for this product?Энэ бүтээгдэхүүнд баталгаа, баталгаа байгаа юу?Ene büteegdekhüünd batalgaa, batalgaa baigaa yuu?
Are you looking for anything specific?Та тодорхой зүйл хайж байна уу?Ta todorkhoi züil khaij baina uu?
What is the return policy?Буцаах бодлого юу вэ?Butsaakh bodlogo yuu ve?
What is the delivery method?Хүргэлтийн арга юу вэ?Khürgeltiin arga yuu ve?
Where is the nearest book café located?Хамгийн ойрын номын кафе хаана байдаг вэ?Khamgiin oiryn nomyn kafye khaana baidag ve?

Wrapping Up

Learn Mongolian With Ling App- CTA

If you want to learn more about the Mongolian language, check out Ling, on which you can enhance your Mongolian vocabulary substantially. Learning a new language can be challenging, especially if you aren’t in contact with native speakers. To make it super easy, we brought you Ling, which is perfect for your language-learning goals. The best part? You can learn two languages at the same time or even more. So download Ling from Google Playstore or App Store and speak the Mongolian language fluently.

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