30+ Best Vocabulary For Family In Ukraine

Today’s blog post will cover everything you should know about Ukrainian vocabulary for family in Ukraine. If you are interested in this beautiful country, its culture and people, this guide will help you get more familiar. 

Besides learning about the family members in Ukrainian, you will get to know their interesting traditions!

With these, you can also definitely know more about the Ukrainian language. You might also pick up a couple of Ukrainian words along the way. If this is something that you want to know more about, then definitely continue reading down below!

Know These Interesting Ukrainian Family Traditions!

Before you venture into immersing yourself in Ukrainian words, you might want to get acquainted with various traditions and know more about their culture! While customs and traditions will always vary from place to place, these are ways of life that you don’t want to miss out on!

Vocabulary For Family In Ukraine

1. Women Run The Household

It is not a common occurrence for specific households to have women lead it, especially when you live in Asia. That goes the same when you are in Ukraine or if you find yourself living in a Ukrainian household.

While women have jobs, they are also expected to run the household by cooking and doing most of the chores. Double responsability!

2. They Are Family Oriented

Family is vital in Ukraine. Ukrainians spend good amounts of time with their family members and bond with them. Whether through a family gathering or a moving night with them, it is very uncommon for people in Ukraine not to be close-knit with their family members.

If you visit Ukraine, you will see many families spending time together regardless of their availability during the day. For Ukrainians, having time for your loved ones, mainly family, is essential. No matter how busy they are, there will always be room for quality and joyful time with the people they care about. Not even the most demanding job will get in the way!

3. Family Gatherings Are A Normal Occurrence

And because they are very family oriented, they love to hold gatherings to spend time together and celebrate certain milestones as well as occasions. Whether it is a wedding, a birthday, or an office promotion, Ukrainians make it a point to hold parties and gatherings to commemorate such events. 

And so, if you find yourself in the beautiful country of Ukraine, do not be too surprised if almost all of their events have family gatherings and celebrations.

Vocabulary For Family In Ukraine: Your Complete Guide!

Ready to build your Ukrainian vocabulary? These are all the words about the family members in Ukraine that you should know about! Though these terms can sometimes be intimidating, they will surely come in handy when the situation needs it.

Get ready to have great conversations with Ukrainian people!

family in Ukraine

Not only that, but this is also a great way to start talking in Ukrainian and even practice your pronunciation. If you still haven’t thought about studying such a beautiful language, take this as your sign to do so!

Auntтітка (Titka) 
Brother in lawШварин (Shvaryn) 
Childдитина (Dytyna) 
Childrenдіти (Dity) 
CousinДвоюрідна сестра (Dvoyuridna sestra) 
CousinsКузини (Kuzyny) 
Cousin in lawДвоюрідна сестра (Dvoyuridna sestra) 
Daughterдочка (Dochka) 
Daughter in lawНевістка (Nevistka) 
DadТато (Tato) 
Fatherбатько (Batʹko) 
Father in lawСвекор (Svekor) 
GrandchildrenОнуки (Onuky) 
Granddaughterвнучка (Vnuchka) 
GrandfatherДідусь (Didus’) 
GrandmotherБабуся (Babusya) 
GrandsonОнук (Onuk) 
HusbandЧоловік (Cholovik) 
Momмама (Mama) 
Motherмати (Maty) 
Mother in lawСвекруха (Svekrukha) 
Nieceплемінниця (Pleminnytsya) 
NephewПлемінник (Pleminnyk) 
ParentsБатьки (Bat’ky) 
Siblingрідний брат (Ridnyy brat) 
Sister in lawНевістка (Nevistka) 
Sonсин (Syn) 
Son in lawЗять (Zyat’) 
Spouseподружжя (Podruzhzhya) 
Step brotherЗведений брат (Zvedenyy brat) 
Step daughterДочка (Dochka) 
Step fatherВітчим (Vitchym) 
Step motherМачуха (Machukha) 
Step sisterЗведена сестра (Zvedena sestra) 
Step sonПасинок (Pasynok) 
Uncleдядько (Dyadʹko) 
WifeДружина (Druzhyna) 

Keep this vocabulary next to you and practice it to master each term about family members in Ukrainian. Though this is one of the Slavic languages notorious for being very complex to learn, nothing is too impossible. With the right resources, time, dedication, and focus, you will surely be able to reach your language goals in no time!

Aside from that, while these words can be a bit overwhelming, building your Ukrainian vocabulary is one of many ways to get things started.

Because it will expose you to more words and phrases about the language, you will surely be able to construct sentences and apply certain grammar tips more easily too!

Learn More With The Ling App!

Are you interested to learn more and mastering the Ukrainian language? Do it with the Ling App today!

The Ling App is a language learning platform that will help you achieve your language goals and aid you with your language needs. Because it is committed to making learning languages very easy and fun for its students, the application is designed to be just that. 

Vocabulary For Family In Ukraine

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Aside from that, you can also learn in the comfort of your own home and whenever you want to! Because language learning is easy, you can also learn wherever and whenever you want to. 

Not just that, but the Ling App’s lessons are definitely of high quality and accuracy because of how the translations are verified and translated by the native speakers of such language. That said, whether you want to know more about Vietnamese words or master Thai, everything you need is in the Ling App.

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