#1 Comprehensive List Of Latvian Prepositions From A to Z


Prepositions are one of the topics of Latvian grammar that learners find difficult. These small but mighty words play a crucial role in creating flawless sentences in any language.

In this article, you’ll learn the most commonly used Latvian prepositions and how they are used in a sentence. Let’s start our journey towards Latvian language!

What Are Prepositions?

Before we get into Latvian prepositions, let’s understand what exactly prepositions are.

Prepositions are words that relate different parts of a sentence to each other. They express a variety of information, such as location, direction, and time. They are an important element for creating clear and grammatically correct sentences in any language – and Latvian is no different!

Now, let’s take a look at some of the most common Latvian prepositions used in Latvian sentences!


The List Of Latvian Prepositions

Latvian has many prepositions and also a small number of postpositions, which are placed after the word they relate to. Each preposition requires a particular case (genitive, accusative, or dative), depending on the context.

Some common prepositions in Latvian are: pie (at, on, to), uz (to, on, towards), ap (around, about), pa (by), par (about), pēc (after), ar (with). Here, we’ve collected all Latvian prepositions in the table below.

Latvian Example SentenceEnglish Translation
AboutParViņš runāja par savu interesējošo hobiju.He talked about his interesting hobby.
AboveVirsLidojot lidmašīna atradās virs debesu pārseguma.The airplane was flying above the cloud cover.
AcrossPāriViņš pārgāja upi, ejot pāri tiltam.He crossed the river by walking across the bridge.
AfterPēcSkolas beidzoties, viņi pulcējās parkā pēc pusdienām.After school, they gathered in the park for lunch.
AgainstPretKomanda cīnījās pret saviem pretiniekiem līdz paša beigām.The team fought against their opponents until the end.
AmongStarpGrāmata bija slēpta starp citām grāmatām plauktā.The book was hidden among other books on the shelf.
AroundApBērni skrēja ap māju, baudot vasaras spēles.The children ran around the house, enjoying summer games.
AsViņa bija ātri kā vējš, iepriecinot visus ar savu smaidu.She was as quick as the wind, delighting everyone with her smile.
AtPieMēs tiksimies pie kafejnīcas pulksteņa pulksten 4.We will meet at the cafe by the clock at 4 o’clock.
BeforePirmsViņš iegāja istabā pirms vakariņām.He entered the room before dinner.
BehindAizSunītis slēpās aiz koka, mēģinot pārsteigt savu saimnieku.The puppy hid behind the tree, trying to surprise its owner.
BelowZemākTermometrs rāda zemākas temperatūras šovakar.The thermometer shows lower temperatures tonight.
BeneathZemDzelzceļa tunelis iet zem Alpēm.The railroad tunnel goes beneath the Alps.
BesideBlakusViņa sēdēja blakus saviem draugiem koncerta laikā.She sat beside her friends during the concert.
BetweenStarpKafejnīca atrodas starp diviem veikaliem.The cafe is located between two stores.
BeyondPēcViņa sapņoja par piedzīvojumiem pēc robežām savas dzimtenes.She dreamed of adventures beyond the borders of her homeland.
ButBetViņš mācēja spēlēt Ģitāru, bet ne vijolīnu.He could play the guitar, but not the violin.
BylīdzDarbs būs pabeigts līdz šīs nedēļas beigām.The work will be completed by the end of this week.
Close toTuvsViņa māja ir ļoti tuvu pludmalei.Her house is very close to the beach.
Due toDēļPasākums tika atcelts dēļ neparedzētu apstākļu.The event was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Except forIzņemotVisi iegādājās iebūvētos augļus, izņemot ābolus.Everyone bought the in-season fruits, except for apples.
Far fromTālu noViņu māja ir tālu no pilsētas centra.Their house is far from the city center.
Inside ofIekšpusēSlepeni lietas tika glabātas iekšā kumodes.Secret items were stored inside of the dresser.
Instead ofVietāEs izvēlējos tēju vietā kafijas rīta dzēriena.I chose tea instead of my morning coffee.
Next toPieManas klasesbiedres sēdēja blakus man pie stundām.My classmates sat next to me in class.
OfNoŠī ir glezna no slavena mākslinieka.This is a painting by a famous artist.
OnParDāma uz galda atstāja ķeksi par kafijas trauciņu.The lady left a tip on the coffee saucer on the table.
OverPāriPutni lidoja pāri debesīm uz siltām ziemas dienām.Birds flew over the sky on warm winter days.
PerUzDzērieni tiek pārdoti uz glāzēm.Drinks are sold per glass.
SinceKopšViņš dzīvo šajā pilsētā kopš bērnības.He has been living in this city since childhood.
ThanNekāMana māsa ir gudrāka nekā es.My sister is smarter than I am.
ThroughCaurViņi ceļoja caur mežu, lai sasniegtu savu galamērķi.They traveled through the forest to reach their destination.
TillLīdzVeikals ir atvērts līdz pusnaktij.The store is open till midnight.
ToUzEs eju uz veikalu iepirkties.I am going to the store to shop.
TowardUzViņa skatījās uz debesīm, cerot redzēt zvaigznes.She looked toward the skies, hoping to see the stars.
UnderZemBērni spēlējās zem galda.The children played under the table.
UnlikeAtšķirībā noViņi bija pilnīgi atšķirībā no savām māsas personībām.They were completely unlike their sister’s personalities.
UntilLīdzEs lasīju grāmatu līdz pusnaktij.I read the book until midnight.
UpUz augšuViņš skrēja pa kāpnēm uz augšu, cenšoties sasniegt virsotni.He ran up the stairs, trying to reach the top.
ViaCaurViņi sazinājās viens ar otru caur e-pastu.They communicated with each other via email.
WithArEs gatavoju vakariņas ar saviem draugiem.I cooked dinner with my friends.
WithinIekšāJāpabeidz projekts iekšā noteiktajā termiņā.The project must be completed within the set deadline.
WithoutBezEs iztiku bez cukura šajā tējā.I managed without sugar in this tea.

Start Learning Latvian With Ling!

Want to learn Latvian but can’t find a comprehensive language-learning app that teaches it? Then you haven’t tried the Ling app yet!

The Ling app is designed to help all who are passionate about learning a new language. It teaches you Latvian from scratch with game-like activities, such as multiple-choice writing and listening exercises, grammar tips, mini quizzes, vocabulary matching, and an AI chatbot to practice your Latvian speaking skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Ling app from the App Store or Play Store and start learning Latvian today!

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