Easy Guide To 10+ Slovenian Question Words

Are you wondering how to construct meaningful questions while you are in Slovenia? Today’s post will teach you about the essential Slovenian question words that you can use to create better questions and connect with the locals. As we all know, having the ability to develop questions that are easy to understand can significantly help us in getting the correct answers as soon as possible. This can be handy, especially if you plan to go to the country in the future.

If you are up for learning Slovenian, let’s get right into it.

Slovenian Question Words

Here is a list of all the question words in the Slovenian language that you can master to connect with the locals. Of course, there are tons of ways to construct a question, but learning the essential words and Slovenian greetings can help you formulate better in the future.

English TranslationQuestions Words In Slovenian
what…forkaj za
why don’tzakaj pa ne
how farkako daleč
how longkako dolgo
how manykoliko
how muchkoliko
how oldkoliko star

Do you want to practice these words in your free time? The Ling app is best for beginners who want to practice their speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Download it now on the Play Store or App Store and start your language learning journey in the Slovenian language.

Basic Questions In Slovenian

While living in Slovenia, you cannot escape asking questions in your native language. Here are some of the basic questions in Slovenian, which you must know if you wish to have a conversation with the locals.

Asking Names In Slovenian

Asking names in Slovenian is relatively simple. Here are three of the most common ways for that:

Kako Ti Je Ime?

Kako ti je ime? is used to ask “What is your name” in Slovenian.

The word ime implies the “first name or full name”. It does not ask for the surname. For the surname, the word used in Slovenian is “priimek”. This can be used both with the individuals as well as the groups because this phrase has a plural form.

This phrase is used to ask questions specifically from the people with whom you are comfortable and can have an informal conversation. Youngsters usually ask each other this question. This should not be used in a professional/ respectful setting.

Kako Ae Pišeš?

Kako se pišeš? is used to ask the surname of a person. Pišeš means “surname.” This is also a casual phrase and, therefore, should only be used in an informal setting.

Kako Ae Pišete?

“Kako se pišete?” is the same as the previous phrase. The only difference is that this form should be used in a professional setting or while talking to someone with whom you need to converse with respect e.g. older people etc.

To answer this question you can add your surname after “pišem se to answer this question.”

Asking About Someone’s Country In Slovenian

Od Kod Si?

This phrase is used to ask where someone is from. This can be about your town if the person knows your nationality and about your country if they do not. This is an informal version of the question.

The word od means “from”, kod si refers to “where are you”. To answer these simple questions you can say “sem iz (country/ place)”.

Od Kod Prihajaš?

Another way of asking someone about where they are from is by asking “Od kod prihajaš”. It is an informal version of the question.

Od Kod Prihajašte?

A formal version of the same question is “Od kod prihajašte?”. This should be asked while you are talking to a colleague or your grandpa etc. You can say “prihajam iz (country) to answer this question.”

Od Kod Ste

This question is the same as the previous one, the only difference being that this question needs to be used in a formal setting.

S Kje Si/S Kje Ste?

These are two extremely casual ways of asking someone where they are from. The first one is informal which the second one is formal.

Asking About Residency In Slovenian

You can be from anywhere but you must be living somewhere too. The two places can be the same for all the people who are in the same place where they were born. However, some people live elsewhere and these questions specifically target the current place of living.

Kje Ziviš?

The word kje refers to “where,” and živiš means “living/ live currently.” This is the informal version of asking someone where are they residing.

Kje Zivite?

Kje živite is a formal version of the asking “where are you from?”. To answer this, you can say “živim v (place)”.

Example Questions In Slovenian

Here is a table with some specific questions which can also be used to learn Slovene:

English TranslationQuestions In Slovenian
What is your name?Kako ti je ime?
Can you speak English?Ali govoriš angleško?
How can I improve my Slovene vocabulary?Kako lahko izboljšam svoj slovenski besednjak?
How to learn a new language?Kako se naučiti novega jezika?
How much is this?koliko je to?
Who is your friend?Kdo je tvoj prijatelj?
Are you free tonight?Ste prosti nocoj?
What is your favorite subject?Kaj je vaš najljubši predmet?
Which course are you taking?Kateri tečaj obiskujete?
What is your point?Kaj misliš?
Have you ever been to Slovenia?Ste že bili v Sloveniji?
How are your spoken languages?Kako so vaši govorjeni jeziki?
Is Slovene one of the Slavic languages?Je slovenščina eden izmed slovanskih jezikov?
Is this a good website to learn Slovene?Je to dobra spletna stran za učenje slovenščine?
How are you feeling today?Kako se počutite danes?
Is your health getting better?Se vaše zdravje izboljšuje?
What do you find interesting?Kaj se vam zdi zanimivo?
What are some basic phrases in the Slovenian language?Katere so nekatere osnovne besedne zveze v slovenskem jeziku?
How is your Slovenian vocabulary?Kakšen je vaš slovenski besednjak?
What are your main subjects?Kateri so vaši glavni predmeti?
Where can I get the translation of these words from?Kje lahko dobim prevod teh besed?
Can you write a page for me?Ali mi lahko napišeš stran?
What are Slovene nouns?Kaj so slovenski samostalniki?
Did you notice him?Ste ga opazili?

Tip For The Day

The grammar in this Slavic language (called Slovenian) always depends upon the vowels or consonants used. Other languages are often not that complex, but these play a huge role in conjugations in Slovene. For instance, the gender of a place needs to be conjugated while asking/ answering a question in Slovenian.

Wrapping Up

If you want to learn the Slavic languages or Slovene language, the Ling app is the best option. If you liked this blog, feel free to check out other blogs by the Ling app related to question words like funny Sloevenian phrases or practice how to order food in Slovenian.

The Ling app offers lessons for the Slovene language: Slovene grammar, sentence structures, word order, pronouns (personal pronouns and possessive pronouns, etc.), nouns (feminine and masculine nouns), adjectives, and much more. So, what are you waiting for? Download it today!

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