Easy Guide To 10+ Slovenian Question Words

Slovenian question words

Are you wondering how to construct meaningful questions while you are in Slovenia? Today’s post will teach you about the essential Slovenian question words that you can use to create better questions and connect with the locals.

As we all know, having the ability to develop questions that are easy to understand can significantly help us in getting the correct answers as soon as possible. This can be handy, especially if you plan to go to the country in the future. If you are up to learning some Slovenian vocabulary, let’s get right into it.

Slovenian Question Words

Here is a list of all the question words in the Slovenian language that you can learn, to help when you’re trying to ask questions. Of course, there are tons of ways to construct a question, but learning the essential words and Slovenian greetings can help start conversations much easier in the future!

English Question WordQuestions Words In Slovenian
why not?zakaj ne?
how far?kako daleč?
how long?kako dolgo?
how many?koliko?
how much?koliko?

Basic Questions In Slovenian

While in Slovenia, you will be curious about the people around you, wanting them to become your friends. Here are some of the basic questions in Slovenian, which you must know if you want to have a conversation with the locals.

Asking Names In Slovenian

Asking names in Slovenian is relatively simple. Here are the most common ways of doing that:

What Is Your Name?

When you want to ask someone’s name in Slovenia you say: Kako ti je ime?

The word ime implies the first name. It does not ask for the last name.

This phrase is used to ask questions specifically from the people with whom you are comfortable and can have an informal conversation. Youngsters usually ask each other this question. This should not be used in a professional/respectful setting. Instead, in a more formal setting, you should use: Kako vam je ime?

To answer, you would say: Ime mi je… (My name is…)

What Is Your Last Name?

When you want to know someone’s last name you can use the phrase: Kako se pišeš?

This does not translate directly, though. The work for last name is priimek.

This is also a casual phrase and, therefore, should only be used in an informal setting. In a formal setting, you would say: Kako se pišete?

To answer the question: Pišem se… (My last name is…)

Raising hand to ask a question

Asking About Someone’s Country In Slovenian

Where Are You From?

There are more ways to ask where someone’s from. Usually, this would imply which country the person is from, but among locals, this phrase is used to find out which Slovenian town or city they come from.

You may use any of these phrases to ask where someone’s from:
Od kod si? – Where are you from?

Od kod prihajaš? – Where do you come from?

S kje si? – Where are you from?

This is an informal version of the question. For the informal version, use this one instead:

Od kod ste?

To answer the question:

Sem iz… (i am from…)

Prihajam iz… (I come from…)

Asking About Age In Slovenian

Be careful when asking about someone’s age, as it may seem impolite in some situations. But of course, if you’re making new friends, this is not an unusual question.

How Old Are You?

To ask someone’s age it depends who you’re talking to. You would say Koliko si stara? to ask a girl, and Koliko si star? to ask a guy.

Not a question used often, as it may seem impolite, but the formal way would be: Koliko ste stari?

To answer this question, you would say: Star/a sem xx let. (I am xx years old.)

To answer this question properly, you might wanna have a look at Slovenian numbers first.

Other Slovenian Question Examples

Here is a table with some specific questions which can also be used to help you learn Slovenian:

Do you want to practice these words in your free time? The Ling app is best for beginners who want to practice their speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills.

English QuestionSlovenian Question
How are you?Kako si?
What are you doing?Kaj delaš?
Where do you live?Kje živiš?
Do you speak English?Ali govoriš angleško?
How much does this cost?Koliko stane to?
When are you coming?Kdaj prideš?
What is this?Kaj je to?
Why are you here?Zakaj si tukaj?
Do you have a brother or sister?Ali imaš brata ali sestro?
Where is the store?Kje je trgovina?
Do you like music?Ali ti je všeč glasba?
What is your hobby?Kaj je tvoj hobi?
What time is it?Koliko je ura?
Who is your best friend?Kdo je tvoj najboljši prijatelj?
What is your favorite book?Katera je tvoja najljubša knjiga?
Do you have a pet?Ali imaš hišnega ljubljenčka?
When do you go to work?Kdaj greš v službo?
How do you feel today?Kako se počutiš danes?
What is your favorite food?Katero hrano najraje ješ?
Do you like sports?Ali imaš rad/a šport?

How Do You Say Question In Slovenia?

The word for question in Slovenian is vprašanje. The word for question word is vprašalnica.

Slovenian Conversation Vocabulary

Here’s some other useful words for you to know when learning about having Slovenian conversations.

To speakGovoriti
To listenPoslušati
Interlocutor (Person you’re talking to)Sogovornik

Common Questions About The Slovenian Language

What Is The Word Order In Slovenian?

In Slovenian, the word order is usually Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). This means that the subject comes first in a sentence, followed by a verb and then the object. To ask a question, this order switches. For example:

Ana pije vodo. (Ana drinks water.)

Pije Ana vodo? (Does Ana drink water?)

What Are The Dos and Don’ts Of Asking Questions In Slovenia?

When asking basic questions, be polite and considerate. This means, you should respect boundaries and be mindful of cultural norms. Don’t dive into personal matters too quickly. Getting to know each other first is important, especially in formal settings. Basically, treat others how you’d like to be treated, and you’ll do just fine!

What Is The Cultural Etiquette In Slovenia?

Slovenians value respect, and modesty. Greet warmly, keep eye contact, and shake hands firmly, especially in formal situations. Be on time, compliment the chef during meals, avoid bragging, and let others speak without interruption. Giving small gifts when visiting is appreciated. Respect for elders, authority, and the environment is very important. Following all these will help you build positive relationships with the Slovenian people.

friends chatting

Building Friendships In Slovenian

Learning essential question words and Slovenian grammar, will ensure that you can start conversations more easily. Not only that, it will show your respect and interest in the Slovenian culture. What a great way of creating friendships and adventures in Slovenia!

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