45+ Easy Hobbies In French To Improve Your Vocabulary!

Hobbies In French

Would you like to know some hobbies in French? As part of the introduction, you are often asked what you like to do in your free time, and if you want to understand and reply correctly, it is useful to improve your vocabulary with hobby words.

In addition, if you ever visit a French-speaking country or interact with French speakers, knowing how to talk about hobbies in French can help you communicate better and connect with people who share similar interests.

Keep reading to learn the most common hobbies in French.

How Do You Say Hobbies In French?

In French, the word for “hobbies” is “les passe-temps” or “les loisirs“.

  • “Les passe-temps” is more commonly used to refer to leisure activities, while
  • “Les loisirs” is a broader term that can include hobbies, sports, and other leisure activities.

For example:

  • Mes passe-temps préférés sont la lecture et la randonnée – My favorite hobbies are reading and hiking
  • Les loisirs créatifs sont très populaires en France – Creative hobbies are very popular in France.
  • Pendant mon temps libre, j’aime regarder la télévision – In my spare time i like to watch TV
  • Quels sont tes loisirs? – What are your hobbies?

Indoor French Hobbies And Their Meaning

Learning vocabulary related to hobbies in French can help you expand your French vocabulary and practice using the language. In addition, knowing about French hobbies can help you understand more about French culture and popular activities there.

Moreover, if you are interested in working in fields related to hobbies, such as art, music, or sports, being able to talk about these topics can be a valuable skill. It may open up more opportunities for you.

Here are the most common indoor French hobbies:

EnglishHobby In FrenchSound
ReadingLa lecture
PaintingLa peinture
DrawingLe dessin
KnittingLe tricot
SewingLa couture
DIY ProjectsLe bricolage
ScrapbookingLe scrapbooking
MusicLa musique
CookingLa cuisine
YogaLe yoga
Board GamesLes jeux de société
Jigsaw PuzzlesLe puzzle
PhotographyLa photographie
MoviesLes films
Crossword PuzzlesLes mots croisés
PotteryLa poterie
Indoor GardeningLe jardinage d’intérieur
SculptingLe modelage
DancingLa danse

For example:

  • Faire de la lecture – Reading
  • Ils jouent aux cartes – They play cards
  • Jouer aux jeux vidéos – Play video games
Hobbies in French

Outdoor French Hobbies And Their Meaning

If you are into outdoor hobbies or if you like to learn how to say them in French, here are some of the most common outdoor activities:

EnglishHobbies In FrenchPronunciation
HikingLa randonnée
CampingLe camping
FishingLa pêche
CyclingLe vélo
SwimmingLa natation
RunningLe jogging
Rock climbingL’escalade
KayakingLe kayak
CanoeingLe canoë
GardeningLe jardinage
GolfLe golf
TennisLe tennis
Outdoor photographyLa photographie en extérieur
Team sportsLes sports d’équipe
SkiingLe ski
SnowboardingLe snowboard
WindsurfingLa planche à voile
SurfingLe surf
SkateboardingLe skateboarding
ParaglidingLe parapente

Sports That Can Be Hobbies In French

Most sports are practiced as hobbies. Here are some sports that people can do in their free time in French with their translations:

EnglishHobbies In FrenchSound
SoccerLe football
TennisLe tennis
BasketballLe basket-ball
VolleyballLe volley-ball
HandballLe handball
RugbyLe rugby
GolfLe golf
CyclingLe cyclisme
Rock climbingL’escalade
RunningLe jogging
SwimmingLa natation
BoxingLa boxe
KarateLe karaté
DanceLa danse
GymnasticsLa gymnastique

These are just a few examples; people can do many other sports and physical activities in their free time.


  • J’aime jouer au tennis – I like to play tennis
  • Il joue au football – He plays football
  • Faire du jogging – To jog
  • Jouer au tennis est bon pour le corps – Playing tennis is good for the body

How To Describe Which Hobby You Practice

Hobbies In French

To describe hobbies in French, you must use a different sentence structure with a different verb depending on the circumstances.

Describe A Hobby You Are Doing

When discussing a hobby you are doing or currently engaged in, and you can use the French verb “faire” (to do/make).

For example:

  • Je fais du yoga – I do/make yoga
  • Nous faisons de la randonnée – We do/make hiking
  • Il fait de la photo – He does/makes photography
  • Elle fait du jardinage – She does/makes gardening

So, “faire” is a versatile verb used to discuss various hobbies and activities.

Describe A Sport You Are Practicing

When talking about sports in French, you can use the verb “jouer au” (to play) or “pratiquer” (to practice), depending on the context.

Here are some examples of how to use these verbs in sentences:

  • Je joue au basket-ball – I play basket
  • Nous pratiquons le football – We practice football
  • Elle pratique la gymnastique – She practices gymnastics

So, “jouer” is typically used for team sports or games, while “pratiquer” is used for individual sports or activities that involve more practice or training.

Describe A Game You Are Playing

To say “I play a game” in French, you could use the following sentence structure:

Je joue à un jeu – I play a game

In summary:

  • “je” means “I”
  • “joue” means “play”
  • “à” means “at/to”
  • “un jeu” means “a game”

So, when you put it all together, “Je joue à un jeu” literally translates to “I play at/to a game” in English.

What Are The Most Common Hobbies Of French People?

French people have a wide variety of hobbies, but here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Cuisine (cooking)
  2. Jardinage (gardening)
  3. Sports (various types, including football, basketball, handball, tennis, and pétanque)
  4. Arts plastiques (plastic arts, including painting, drawing, and sculpture)
  5. Musique (music, including playing instruments and attending concerts)
  6. Lecture (reading)
  7. Jeux de société (board games)
  8. Randonnée (hiking)
  9. Cinéma (movies)
  10. Voyages (traveling)

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and many French people also enjoy other hobbies, such as photography, knitting, and dance. However, these are some of the most common and popular hobbies that you may find among the French population.

Would you like to add more words to your French vocabulary?

Learn French With The Ling App

Using the Ling app, you can also learn common words, take more advanced French lessons, and speed up your learning process.

Ling has all you need to advance in your language learning journey, regardless of your current level. You can use the app in the mobile version or use it from your computer.

Also, check out our great blog posts: Amazing French Slang Words and Basic French Pronouns.

There is no time to waste! Download the Ling app from the App Store or Play Store and continue your journey in learning more about the French language. See you in the next post!

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