9 Ways To Say Cheers In Vietnamese When Drinking

Three people cheering each other with beer glasses Cheers in Vietnamese

If you travel to Vietnam, you might get some friends for a drink or hang out sometimes. Drinking is a fun and easy way to get to know people. You can also make friends with local people without knowing a lot of Vietnamese words. I’m sure that they will teach you how to say Cheers in Vietnamese when they have a chance, but why don’t we learn some today so you can impress them?

Different Ways To Say Cheers In Vietnamese

Dzô! (Yo!)

If in English, you say Cheers!, in Vietnamese, we say ‘Dzô!’ (sounds like Yo!). Dzô is actually not a correctly written word according to the Vietnamese writing system. However, everyone nowadays accepts it, and it is widely used.

Dzô is pronounced like Yo in English. This pronunciation is from the south of Vietnam. In the North, people pronounce it as ‘zô’ with the sound of /z/.

Một, Hai, Ba, Dzô! (1,2,3, Cheers!)

To help everyone around a table cheer at the same time, people will count from one to three before saying ‘dzô’. To count in Vietnamese, you can say ‘một, hai, ba’ with correct tones, or if it’s too hard, just say ‘mot, hai, ba’ without tones. People can still understand you.

So, the full sentence will be ‘Một, hai, ba, dzô!’ or ‘mot, hai, ba, yo!’. After that, you can smile and put your glass in the center of the crowd.

There is a longer version to cheer this way. People will say:

Một, hai, ba, dzô!

Hai, ba, dzô!

Hai, ba, uống!

‘Uống’ means to drink. Only after the word is spoken everyone starts to drink.

Trăm Phần Trăm (A Hundred Percent)

‘Trăm phần trăm’ or ‘Một trăm phần trăm’ both mean a hundred percent (100%). You will drink all the alcohol you have in your glass.

If you don’t want to drink a hundred percent, try to bargain with the next phrase, ‘năm mươi phần trăm’.

Năm Mươi Phần Trăm (Fifty Percent)

‘Năm mươi phần trăm’ is translated as fifty percent (50%). You can bargain with your friends to drink just half of your glass.

You can also reduce it to ‘hai lăm phần trăm’ (twenty-five percent, 25%). It is a fun way to drink less and save the alcohol for more rounds.

Cạn Chén, Cạn Ly (Bottoms Up!)

With a similar meaning to ‘trăm phần trăm’, people also use ‘cạn chén’ or ‘cạn ly’. ‘Cạn’ means drying out. ‘Chén’ or ‘ly’ both mean glass, but one is in the Northern dialect, and the other one is in the Southern dialect, respectively.

‘Cạn chén’ or ‘cạn ly’ sound a bit less fun and exciting than ‘trăm phần trăm’ but they are also widely used.

Không Say Không Về (No Drunk, No Go)

‘Không say không về’ is spoken when you and your friends want to have a long drinking session. It means that you will only go home when you are drunk. This phrase is used just for fun so you don’t need to freak out when you hear someone saying it.

Cụm Chén, Cụm Ly (Put Glasses Together)

‘Cụm’ can be translated as a group of something. It also means putting many things together. ‘Cụm chén’ is used in the North of Vietnam, while ‘cụm ly’ is used in the South.

Chúc Sức Khoẻ! (To Your Health!)

It is nice to say ‘chúc sức khoẻ’ which means ‘to your health’ or ‘I wish you good health’. The phrase is useful when you cheer with an older person to show your respect. In this situation, you will rarely use ‘dzô’ or ‘một, hai, ba, dzô!’.

Nâng Ly! (Lift Up Your Glass!)

‘Nâng ly’ means to lift up your glass, usually a glass of wine or champagne. It is a formal phrase, so people usually say it at formal events like a wedding party or a company event.

Metal Plate with vietnamese coffee Cà-Phê and a glass of condensed milk

Beverage Names In The Vietnamese Language

You can also make friends with local people without drinking alcohol. Let’s learn some beverage names to order when you hang out with friends.

  1. Bia (Beer): It’s pronounced as beer without /r/ at the end. Popular beers in Vietnam include Tiger, Saigon, Hanoi, Trúc Bạch, Heineken, and Tuborg
  2. Rượu (Liqueur): All the strong spirits such as Vodka, Whisky, Rum, Gin, or Vietnamese Rice Wine (but we call it ‘rượu’).
  3. Rượu Vang (Wine): Besides the wine imported from European countries, we also have ‘Rượu vang Đà Lạt’ which is a local wine produced in Dalat, a city in Lâm Đồng province, Vietnam.
  4. Cocktail (Cocktail): Vietnamese pronounce it ‘cốc tai’ or ‘cocktail’.
  5. Sinh Tố (Smoothies): You can order smoothies from tropical fruits like mango, avocado, pineapple, mixed fruits.
  6. Nước Hoa Quả, Nước Trái Cây (Fruit Juice): One is the Northern phrase while the other is the Southern phrase respectively.
  7. Nước Lọc (Water): Safe choice! You can also say ‘nước’ alone.
  8. Đồ Uống Có Ga (Soft Drink): ‘Đồ uống’ means beverage, ‘có’ means has or includes, and ‘ga’ means gas. This is to call all soft drinks like Coke, Sprite, etc.
  9. Trà, Chè (Tea): popular tea in Vietnam is green tea (‘trà xanh’). We also have imported black tea and matcha tea.
  10. Cà-Phê (Coffee): Just so you know, one of the best ‘cà-phê’ in the world is grown in Vietnam. You can order ‘cà-phê đen’ (black coffee), ‘cà-phê sữa đá’ or ‘nâu đá’ (coffee with condensed milk and ice), and ‘cà-phê trứng’ (egg coffee).

Other Vietnamese Vocabulary In Drinking

Below are more words used in drinking alcohol. You might hear your friends saying them a lot, so it’s good to learn and understand them now.

  1. Tửu Lượng (Alcohol Tolerance)
  2. Nhậu, Nhậu Nhẹt (Drinking Alcohol And Hangout)
  3. Bạn Nhậu (Drinking Buddy)
  4. Mồi (Snacks Or Food For A Drinking Session)
  5. Xỉn, Say (Drunk)
  6. Vào Ba Ra Bảy (Drink 3 Shots When You Join, 7 Shots Before You Leave)
  7. Rượu Ngoại, Rượu Nhập (Imported Liqueur)
  8. Rượu Nặng (Strong Liqueur)
  9. Rượu Nhẹ (Light Liqueur)
  10. Bia Hơi (Local Craft Beer)
Traffic at night in Hanoi, Vietnam where the Drinking culture of the Vietnamese takes place

Drinking Culture In Vietnam

Drinking is a popular thing in Vietnamese culture. If you compare the prices of beer in Vietnam and nearby countries like Thailand, you will see that beer in Vietnam is much cheaper.

Drinking (or ‘nhậu’) is especially popular in the South of Vietnam. People can drink and hang out from 10 am to midnight or from 2 pm to early morning the next day easily.

Vietnamese usually cheer many times. They can take any reason just to cheer and have fun together. When they say ‘1, 2, 3, cheers!’, usually, a person in the group will shout out loud, and everyone else can follow.

When saying Cheers in Vietnamese, the locals rarely look into each other’s eyes. Probably they are too shy to do that. But in general, you can still have fun and a good time with them.

Learn Vietnamese Language With Ling CTA

Learn More Uselful Vietnamese Phrases for Your Stay In Vietnam with the Ling app

Now you can go party and practice the new phrases for Cheers in Vietnamese you just learned. You can also learn Vietnamese with the Ling app before or after the party as well 😉
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