17+ Malay Weather Vocab: For Brilliant Forecasting

Malay Weather Vocab_ling app_learn Malay_Umbrellas

The weather in Malay varies depending on the region and time of year. Generally, the country experiences a tropical climate with warm temperatures, high humidity, and heavy rainfall year-round. To know more, let’s look at Malay weather vocab together.

Weather Patterns In Malaysia

In the northern states of Malaysia (Perlis, Kedah, Penang, and Perak), the months of October to February tend to be the wettest, while the months from March to September are generally dryer. During the wet season, you can find the temperature range from 22 to 33 degrees Celsius (72 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit).

In the central states of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Negeri Sembilan, the wet season tends to last from October to April, with temperatures ranging from 24 to 33 degrees Celsius (75 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit). The dry season is from May to September, with temperatures ranging from 21 to 32 degrees Celsius (70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit).

In the eastern states of Pahang, Terengganu, and Kelantan, the weather is generally more humid and wet than in the other states. Temperatures usually range from 24 to 33 degrees Celsius (75 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit). The wet season lasts from October to April, while the dry season is from May to September.

List Of Malay Weather Vocab

Here is some Malay vocabulary on weather in the table below:

Malay Weather Vocab_ling app_learn Malay_Forecast
Malay Weather Vocab – Weather Forecast
English WordsMalay Weather Vocab
Heavy rainHujan lebat
Drizzling rainHujan renyai
Strong windAngin kencang
ThunderstormHujan petir
SnowfallHujan salji
DrizzleHujan renyai-renyai
SunshineCahaya matahari

Malay Weather Vocab In Sentences

Here is a list of common weather phrases. We can use these weather expressions in sentences such as:

English SentencesSentences With Malay Weather Vocab
Today, it is raining.Hari ini hujan.
Malay weather is unpredictable.Cuaca melayu tak menentu.
It’s going to rain tomorrow.Esok nak hujan.
The temperature is dropping.Suhu semakin menurun.
There’s a thick fog outside.Terdapat kabus tebal di luar.
I heard some hail earlier.Saya mendengar hujan batu tadi.
The sky is full of clouds.Langit penuh dengan awan.
We had a severe storm last night.Kami mengalami ribut yang teruk malam tadi.
The wind is really strong today.Angin sangat kuat hari ini.
The humidity is high.Kelembapan adalah tinggi.
I can see some drizzle outside.Saya dapat melihat hujan renyai di luar.
It’s a beautiful sunny day.La adalah hari cerah yang indah.

Choose any of the sentences above and repeat them for practice. This helps to learn the vocab quickly! Work on the vocab for each weather too by changing the sentences. As the weather in Malay is so diverse, you will surely have the chance to try out many sentences.

Malay Language And English Similarities

Malay Weather Vocab_ling app_learn Malay_Peninsula
Malay Weather Vocab – Peninsular Malaysia

To understand the language more, let’s look at the similarities between the Malay language and English. Both Malay and English are Indo-European languages. They use the Latin alphabet. They have the parts of speech – nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs and both languages have a subject-verb-object sentence structure.

Both languages use similar vocabulary for terms like colors, numbers, and days of the week. Both languages also have loanwords from other languages, such as Arabic and French. They have similar grammar rules, such as the use of articles and tenses.

The languages use prepositions to indicate the location and other relationships and have a variety of dialects. Both languages have a rich history and culture associated with them.

Fascinating Things About Malaysia

Malaysia is home to some of the world’s oldest rainforests. The country is also known as “the land of contrasts,” as it is home to both modern cities and traditional villages. It is a culturally-diverse country, with three major ethnic groups – the Malay, Chinese, and Indian populations.

The capital city of Kuala Lumpur is home to the world’s tallest twin towers. They are the world’s leading producer of rubber, cocoa, and palm oil. The country is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, including the Perhentian Islands.

Malaysian follows a constitutional monarchy, with a unique blend of traditional and modern cultures. The country is known for its delicious cuisine, which incorporates flavors from all three major ethnic groups.

You can also find a diverse range of wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and numerous species of birds. The country is known for its vibrant festivals and vibrant art scene.

Learn Malay With The Ling App

Learn Malay With Ling App
Learn Malay With Ling App

With Ling, you’ll find much more than a basic list of vocabulary. Our app will take you deeper into understanding the language through sentence structures, and even take you on a journey through cultural issues like clothing, food, movies, and so on.

This magnificent app is gamified, personalized, and fully entertaining for you to learn Malay with ease!

It also has speech recognition and you have the opportunity to actually speak with a Malaysian. You can recognize the accent and work on improving yours. You can practice speaking to perfection and sound like a local in no time!

Give this phenomenal app a try and make your language learning a smooth ride from here on. Find us at the Apple Store or Google Play store today!

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