25 Common Phrases In Czech With Other Useful Words

Hello and welcome! Are you going to travel to Prague? Although you can use English well, knowing some common phrases in Czech will greatly help your travel.

If you’re planning to go to Czech or just want to meet a Czech friend online or impress someone you met, here are many phrases that will help you learn Czech.

Why Is it Good To Learn Czech?

The Czech Republic’s official language is Czech, which is spoken by 96 percent of the population. However, fear not, as you can communicate effectively in English, especially in larger cities. Additionally, Czech is closely related to Slovak and Polish languages. Nevertheless, Slovaks and Czechs usually communicate well.

There are 10 million people in the world who speak Czech, most of whom are in the Czech Republic. Czech is a Slavic language, nearly related to Slovak, a language in neighboring Slovakia. Although it is of Cyrillic origin, Czech still uses the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic alphabet. However, it effectively reproduces the sound by adding diacritics and several directed graphs, thereby adapting it to the Czech language.

For many people, Czech is the best Slavic language to learn. Due to its use of the Latin alphabet and seemingly simple phoneme writing (each character represents only one sound). Certain elements may also prove difficult, but learning Czech is a very fulfilling experience, and it can open the doors to learning other languages that are closely related to it. No matter what reason you learn common phrases in Czech, you will get a certain amount of amusement.

Why Should You Learn Common Words And Phrases In Czech?

There are so many reasons why people choose to learn a new language, such as Czech. Apart from greetings in Czech, which will help you gain new friends, you will also explore more about the Czech culture and people by learning the common words and phrases. Explaining why you want to learn common phrases in Czech will help your motivation and promote your learning when you may not feel your depth. Although there are many more complex reasons, you should consider the following points when starting your language learning journey:

Travel: Do you know what makes traveling more accessible and enjoyable? You can speak the language of the locals.

Business: Knowing the language of business partners will make daily operations smoother.

Improve yourself: Being able to use a target language fluently is very satisfying. It allows you to meet new people and explore more.

Meet new friends: Whether you want to try speaking in your native language or meet new people from different cultural backgrounds, learning a new language is one of the best ways.

Common Phrases In Czech And Other Essential Czech Words

Common Phrases In Czech For Greetings

Common Phrases In Czech - Greetings

Common Phrases In Czech – Greetings

Good morningDobré ránodob-reh ra-noh
Good eveningDobrý večerdob-ree ver-chair
Good nightDobrou nocdob-roo nots
Good byeAhoja-hoy
How are you?Jak se máš?yak se marsh
I’m well, and you?Jde to a ty?yee-deh toh ah teh
Good daydobry denDobry den
Good, thanksDobře, děkujidob-je geh-kweh

Start learning Czech for free now

Essentials In Czech Words And Phrases

my name isjmenuji sej-menu-ji se
Thank youDekujigeh-kweh
You’re welcomeNemáš začneh-my zatch
NoNeneh-my zach
Excuse mePromiňteproh-min-ee-teh
I’m sorryOmlouvám seom-loh-vaam seh
I don’t understandNerozumímneh-roh-zah-mim
Do you speak English?Mluvíš anglicky?mloo-vish ang-gli-skee

Questions – Phrases Czech

How much is…?Jak moc Je…?yek moht yeh
Where is…?Kde je…?geh-day-yeh
May I please have…?Mohu prosim …?mo-hoo pro seem

Eating Out In Czech

Common Phrases In Czech - Eating Out

Common Phrases In Czech – Eating Out

I don’t eat…Nejím
I’m a vegetarianJsem vegetarián
The bill, pleaseÚčet, prosim

Getting Around – Phrases Czech

Go straight aheadjděte rovně
Turn leftOdbočit vlevo
Turn rightOdbočit vpravo
Bus stopAutobusová zastávka
Train stationVlakové nádraží

Numbers In Czech


Days Of The Week In Czech

Common Phrases In Czech - Days Of The Week

Common Phrases In Czech – Days Of The Week


Some Common Phrases In Czech Emergencies

I need a doctorPotřebuji lékaře
I don’t feel wellNecítím se dobře
Call the police!Zavolat policii!

Best Apps For Learning Czech Or Any Other Languages

If you speak English, there are many good choices for learning easy phrases in Czech or Czech words, whether you are using an IOS or Android device. Here are some examples, each of which provides different utilities when learning the language.

Use The Ling App To Learn Czech

Through gamification, Ling app makes learning common phrases in Czech or other languages more enjoyable. Through a series of different quizzes, challenges, and dialogues, you can learn any language instead of studying book after book.

Simply Learn

Simply Learn is a travel language manual that enables you to obtain voice samples, voicing prompts, and learning techniques so that you can learn quickly and find what you need and make sure you are understood.


What Vocly brings to the desktop is the ability to build vocabulary in each language. With fun and engaging mini-games, you can use a combination of sounds, images, and text to practice words on various topics.

Write Me

The purpose of “Write Me” is self-explanatory: learn, improve and master your writing skills—languages ​​like Czech use unique writing scripts, which may be difficult to understand. So, with Write Me, you will be guided through every stroke of all characters or Czech words, during learning common phrases in Czech, to help you recognize and write characters. 

10,000+ people use the Ling app every day to learn languages!

Should you join us too? The answer is YES! Here’s why:
  1. Core Learning Tools
    • Essential vocabulary and useful phrases in bite-sized lessons
    • Realistic dialogues for comfortable conversations
    • Listening and speaking practice with native speaker audio
    • Culture and grammar notes for extra context

  2. Interactive & Engaging Features
    • Fun games for vocabulary review
    • Finger-tracing exercises to practice writing
    • Daily streaks and badges to keep you motivated

  3. Over 40+ Asian and Eastern European languages unlocked

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