Unlock 30+ Croatian Prepositions & How To Use Them!

croatian prepositions

Okay, okay, I know Croatian prepositions aren’t exactly the most exciting language topic, but nevertheless it’s a hurdle you must overcome if you want to learn the Croatian language! Prepositions are the tiny words used in language to give direction and clarity to sentences. For example, look at the following sentence:

The kid jumped over the fence. 

Do you see the word ‘over?’ Yeah, that’s a preposition. As you can see, we use them in practically every sentence when describing everyday occurrences. Croatian is no exception! If you want to start speaking coherently, you must learn common prepositions and how to use them in a sentence. Let’s begin!

On a Croatian grammar learning spree? Check out Croatian adverbs next.

What Are Croatian Prepositions, And How Do You Use Them In A Sentence?

prepositions in croatian?

In Croatian, prepositions are usually placed before the nouns or pronouns they modify. Prepositions are words that serve as connectors that bridge concepts and add depth to conversations! By skillfully using prepositions, you can bring together the elements of a sentence and convey meanings. Without prepositions, sentences would get too confusing! 

Let’s look at 3 examples of how prepositions are used before nouns they modify. 

  1. Preposition: “iza” (behind) Sentence: “Kuća je iza drveta.” (The house is behind the tree.)
  2. Preposition: “ispod” (underneath) Sentence: “Torba je ispod stola.” (The bag is underneath the table.)
  3. Preposition: “pored” (next to) Sentence: “Mama stoji pored mene.” (Mom is standing next to me.)

**In each of these examples, the prepositions (“iza,” “ispod,” and “pored”) come before the nouns (“drveta,” “stola,” and “mene”) they modify, helping to establish clarity and meaning to each sentence!

Let’s look at some more examples. When expressing location in Croatian (locative case), you can use the preposition “u” (in) to indicate being inside a place, as in “Učim u knjižnici” (I am studying in the library). 

Here’s one last example; the preposition “na” (on) can be used to specify being on top of something, as in “Slikam na platnu” (I am painting on canvas). These prepositions bring sentences together, ensuring clear communication for all parties! Does that make sense?

Examples Of Common Croatian Prepositions

hand of a person writing on a paper

Here are two tables with the English translations on the left column and the corresponding Croatian prepositions on the right column. These are common Croatian prepositions that will help you navigate and express relationships while speaking or writing in Croatian!

learn croatian prepositions paper and pencil
In front ofIspred

Croatian Prepositional Phrases

two children talking to each other

Now, time to add context to these prepositions! It’s not enough to only memorize the words, you must know how to use these prepositions in a sentence! 

In English, if someone asked you, “Where is my shirt?” and you answer with, “above” they would be very confused! It’s the same in Croatian. You need to add more details (like a noun or pronoun) to answer a question. 

To practice answering all types of questions using prepositions, look at the table below. This will get your brain noticing the patterns of prepositions in Croatian, and soon enough you’ll be able to use prepositions in everyday speech without thinking!

In front of the houseIspred kuće
On top of the tableNa vrhu stola
Behind the buildingIza zgrade
Underneath the bridgeIspod mosta
Next to the parkPored parka
Inside the museumUnutar muzeja
Outside the restaurantIzvan restorana
Between two mountainsIzmeđu dvije planine
Among the crowdMeđu gomilom
Through the forestKroz šumu
Towards the beachPrema plaži
From the airportOd aerodroma
To the city centerDo centra grada
Near the train stationBlizu željezničkog kolodvora
With my friendsS mojim prijateljima

Bring It All Together!

Yay word on a wall   - croatian prepositions

Let’s look at a dialogue with Ana and Marko using Croatian prepositions. 

Ana: Hej Marko, gdje si bio jučer? (Hey Marko, where were you yesterday?)

Marko: Bio sam na koncertu u centru grada. (I was at a concert in the city center.)

Ana: Super! I ja sam bila tamo. Gdje si bio točno? (Awesome! I was there too. Where exactly were you?)

Marko: Bio sam s prijateljima ispred pozornice. (I was with friends in front of the stage.)

Ana: Ja sam bila iza tebe. Vidjela sam te!  (I was behind you. I saw you!)

Marko: Nisam te primijetio. Bila si iza mene, a ja sam gledao prema naprijed. (I didn’t notice you. You were behind me, and I was looking forward.)

croatian concert hall

 Ana: Da, bila sam iza tebe, ali uspjela sam te vidjeti. (Yes, I was behind you, but I managed to see you.)

Marko: Možda se slijedeći put možemo naći ispred koncertne dvorane. (Maybe next time we can meet in front of the concert hall.)

Ana: Zvuči odlično! Vidjet ćemo se tamo. (Sounds great! We’ll see each other there.)

Marko: Da, vidjet ćemo se ispred koncertne dvorane. (Yes, we’ll see each other in front of the concert hall.)

Understanding and using Croatian prepositions opens up a world of more precise communication! By mastering them, you can paint vivid pictures, describe relationships, and bring sentences together with clarity. So, whether you’re exploring Croatia, speaking with Croatian speakers, or simply expanding your language skills, embracing Croatian prepositions will enhance your fluency and understanding tenfold!

Learning Croatian, and want more? Download the free Ling app today from the App Store and Play Store. It is a highly researched language-learning app for a fun and personalized experience. With Ling, you’ll smash your Croatian language goals with a little hard work and practice. Aside from Croatian, there are over 60+ foreign languages to learn on Ling!

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