30+ Awesome Vocabulary For Health In Japanese To Learn Now

When discussing health in Japanese, it’s impossible to gloss over the fact that Japanese people are exceptionally healthy.

Still, Japan’s aging society is a problem due to the country’s low birth rate and a large proportion of retirees to children and young adults. The longevity of Japanese people, however, makes them unique among aging societies across the world; it is not unusual to see senior citizens in Japan who are well into their 100s. So is it just luck that people live so long? The truth is that this is always a result of the person’s way of living and the food they consume.

Particularly the about 1.4 million Japanese that call Okinawa Prefecture, the island’s gorgeous location, home. Research shows that Okinawans have a longer life expectancy than other regions of Japan. The traditional Japanese diet includes over 70% grain intake and a maximum of 25% sugar, which may explain why most Okinawans live to be at least 75 years old and have the lowest mortality rates from typical illnesses.

Differences in lifestyle from those on Japan’s main island are one of the study’s more interesting findings. The residents of Okinawa enjoy social activities like singing and dancing together and frequently greet their neighbors. The statement claims that people are constantly comforted or made to feel at ease by their surroundings. Stress, it is said, is the “key to making all kinds of diseases even worse” and “you are what you eat.”

If you desire to live a long and happy life and experience everything the world offers, you may learn from their secret to staying young at heart. The following table provides some good Japanese health terms with which to familiarize yourself.

Next, we’ll introduce you to Japanese words related to symptoms in case you feel sick when visiting Japan.

How To Say Health In Japanese

Health In Japanese

Here are some of the Japanese words for health in different contexts.

English WordJapanese WordRomanjiSound
Health care健康管理Kenkō kanri
Mental health精神衛生Seishin eisei
Health food, natural food自然食Jinenjiki

Japanese National Health Insurance (国民健康保険, Kokumin Kenkōhoken)

We’ve already established that the Japanese have an impressively high average life expectancy; what about their national healthcare system?

Among many countries in the world, Japan is one country that successfully provides equality in terms of health care service regardless of individual income.

Nearly all medical facilities in Japan, including dental clinics, accept National Health Insurance. When you receive medical care in Japan, the government will cover at least 70% of the cost if you have public health insurance. All Japanese nationals and foreigners living in Japan for more than one year are also eligible to use this system. As a result, no one needs to worry about accessing affordable healthcare because everyone is covered.

Next, we’ll introduce you to Japanese words related to symptoms in case you feel sick when visiting Japan.

Vocabulary For Health In Japanese

Health In Japanese

Here are the Japanese words related to health conditions and location with translations. Learning words from the following table will help you gain more of a Japanese noun or adjective. So even though you’re a beginner to the Japanese language and not confident to build a complete sentence, you can still remember these words to give a keyword to the medical workers.

English PhraseJapanese PhraseRomanjiSound
 Nausea, feeling sick 吐き気 Hakike
Disease, illness 病気  Byōki
 Unhealthy skin, bad skin 肌荒れ Hadaare
 Cold風邪  Kaze
Flu  インフルエンザ Infuruenza
Medical card診察券Shinsatsuken

Japanese Words For Body

Here are the Japanese words for the body, so you can use this to build the sentences in the following Japanese phrases for health.

English WordJapanese WordRomanjiSound
Internal organs臓器Zouki

Japanese Phrases For Health

To avoid difficulty describing your symptoms, these phrases will help you explain the Japanese doctors or nurses smoothly.

English PhraseJapanese PhraseRomanjiSound
What kind of symptoms do you have?  どこが悪いですかDoko ga o-warui no desuka? 
Where do you have pain?  どこが痛いですかDoko ga itai desu ka? 
My head hurts.  頭がいたいです Atama ga itai desu.
I have a stomachache. お腹が痛いです  Onaka ga itai desu
Do you have a fever?  熱がありますかNetsu ga arimasu ka? 
Call an ambulance!救急者を呼んでくださいKyūkyūsha o yonde kudasai!
I’m dizzyめまいがしますMemai ga shimasu
I have a fever熱がありますNetsu ga arimasu
I have a coughせきがでますSeki ga demasu
I feel nauseous吐き気がしますHakike ga shimasu

In Summary

How interested are you in learning about Japanese and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as the Japanese do? No matter the motivation, knowing some basic health terms in Japanese will ensure your survival and facilitate communication with medical professionals. Even though you never appear to experience any health issues severe enough to need a visit to the doctor. Though, unforeseen events are always possible. Keeping this Japanese vocabulary in mind will open numerous doors for you.

In addition, we have the top choice for you to consider if you’re seeking an app to learn more vocabulary.

Learn Japanese With Ling

Learn Japanese With Ling

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Most Japanese learners chose Ling to help them succeed, so why not join them? Download the Ling App from Google Play Store and Apple App Store now, and prepare to be fluent in Japanese soon!

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