100+ Common Phrases And Basic Words In Vietnamese For New Learners

Are you planning a trip to Vietnam or interested in learning a new language? If so, mastering the most common Vietnamese phrases and essential words used in everyday life is one of the best places to start. In this blog, we’ll take you through some essential phrases and words you’ll need to know to communicate effectively with Vietnamese speakers.

Not only will you learn about the language itself, but you’ll also gain insight into Vietnamese culture and pronunciation. By the end of this blog, you’ll have the tools needed to have a proper conversation with native speakers, making your experience in Vietnam much more enjoyable. Now, please enjoy this list of basic words in Vietnamese!


Common Vietnamese Phrases | The Vietnamese Language In A Nutshell

Basic Vietnamese Words To Start You Off

These basic Vietnamese words are great for new learners!

Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam and is spoken by over 80 million people worldwide. The language itself is tonal, meaning that the tone in which a word or phrase is pronounced can change its meaning entirely. By learning some of the most basic words and phrases in Vietnamese, you’ll become more comfortable with the tonal aspect of the language and be better equipped to recognize and distinguish the different tones.

Aside from helping you recognize context, learning basic Vietnamese words and phrases can also be extremely helpful in everyday situations. Whether ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions, knowing a few key phrases can make all the difference in communicating effectively with the locals.

Here’s a list of some of the most common Vietnamese words you may encounter. We’re going to list down the English translation first, and then show you the Vietnamese pronunciation after:

one một
two hai
three ba
four bốn
five năm
six sáu
seven bảy
eight tám
nine chín
ten mười
what cái gì
where ở đâu
who ai
(to) have
(I) use (tôi) dùng
(to) go đi
(to) come đến
(to) laugh cười to
(to) make làm
(I) like (tôi) thích
(to) want muốn
(to) take cầm
(to) see nhìn thấy
easy dễ
hard cứng
good tốt
bad tồi tệ
near gần
far xa
small nhỏ
big to
beautiful đẹp
ugly xấu
yes vâng
no không
week tuần
year năm
today hôm nay
tomorrow ngày mai
yesterday hôm qua
hour giờ
minute phút
time thời gian
Monday thứ hai
Tuesday thứ ba
Wednesday thứ tư
Thursday thứ năm
Friday thứ sáu
Saturday thứ bẩy
Sunday chủ nhật

Greetings And Salutations In Vietnamese

Greet your Vietnamese colleagues with these basic Vietnamese greetings!

Vietnamese culture places great emphasis on respect and hospitality, and one of the best ways to show respect to locals is by greeting them in Vietnamese. However, greeting someone in Vietnamese is more than just saying hello – it’s a way to build a connection and show that you’re interested in getting to know them and their culture. You can speak English, for example, but it won’t have the same effect!

Hello! Xin chào!
Good morning! Chào chị!
Good afternoon! Chào buổi chiều!
Good evening!Chào buổi tối!
Good night! Chúc ngủ ngon!
How are you? Khỏe không?
What is your name? Tên bạn là gì?
My name is_____ Tên tôi là _____.
Nice to meet you. Rất vui được gặp bạn.
Where are you from? Bạn từ đâu đến?
What time is it? Mấy giờ rồi?
Can you help me? Bạn có thể giúp tôi chứ?
How much does it cost? Giá bao nhiêu?
Please. Làm ơn
Thank you. Cảm ơn.
Thank you very much. Cảm ơn rất nhiều.
You’re welcome. Không có gì.
I’m sorry. Tôi xin lỗi.
Excuse me. Xin lỗi cho tôi hỏi.
No problem. Không vấn đề gì.
Speak slowly. Nói chậm thôi.
Great. Tốt quá
Goodbye.Tạm biệt

While most local people speak English, there’s something that feels more genuine when a visitor speaks the local language with a native speaker. To that end, here are some useful Vietnamese phrases for greetings and salutations! These phrases will help you show appreciation towards the Vietnamese people, as well as help you understand the context of conversations.

Basic Vietnamese Phrases And Words For The Restaurant

So much Vietnamese food, so many words to go with them!

Vietnamese cuisine is a delightful blend of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors that tantalize the taste buds. From savory pho noodles to crispy banh mi sandwiches, the country of Vietnam is home to a wide variety of dishes that are sure to satisfy any foodie’s cravings.

Suppose you’re planning a trip to Vietnam or just looking to explore the cuisine in your local Vietnamese restaurant. In that case, it’s helpful to know these Vietnamese words and phrases related to food and drink. Here are a few essential ones to get you started:

Water Nước
CoffeeCà phê
Juice Nước ép
Wine Rượu
Beer Bia
Alcohol Rượu
Chicken Món gà ạ
Salad Món rau trộn
Sandwich Bánh mỳ kẹp
Bread Bánh mì
Dessert Món tráng miệng
Cake Bánh ngọt
Breakfast Bữa sáng
Lunch Bữa trưa
Dinner Bữa tối
Salt Muối
Pepper Hạt tiêu
No sugarKhông đường
What’s the best dish? Món gì ngon nhất?
I would like a bowl of phoTôi muốn một tô phở.
Do you have banh mi? Bạn có bánh mì không?
Can I have some more water?Cho tôi thêm nước.
What is this? Cái này là gì?
I’m vegetarian. Tôi ăn chay.
Thank you. Cảm ơn.
Excuse me. Xin lỗi.
Iced teaTrà đá
Sugarcane juice Nước mía
I have a reservation. My name is… Tôi có đặt trước. Tên tôi là…
What would you recommend? Bạn có thể giới thiệu cho tôi món gì?
I’d like something without meat. Tôi muốn một cái gì đó với thịt không.

By learning these basic Vietnamese phrases about food and drink, you’ll be able to easily navigate menus and order your favorite dishes like a pro. Plus, locals such as restaurant owners and street vendors will appreciate your efforts to speak their language and connect with their culture, making your dining experience all the more enjoyable!

Vietnamese Vocabulary On Health And Body Parts

The bác sĩ is in!

In the Vietnamese language, it’s important to learn how to describe different body parts and express symptoms, especially when seeking medical attention.

Not only will these phrases come in handy in medical situations, but they can also be helpful in everyday life. Whether you’re shopping for clothes or teaching Vietnamese phrases to children, having a basic grasp of body part vocabulary is essential. Practice them!

head đầu
hair tóc
chest ngực
armcánh tay
fingerngón tay
foot bàn chân
face khuôn mặt
handbàn tay
nose mũi
mouth miệng
leg chân
knee đầu gối
disease bệnh
allergydị ứng
headache đau đầu
fever sốt
pain đau
medicine y khoa
I feel sick. Tôi cảm thấy say.
Can you help me? Bạn có thể giúp tôi chứ?
Where is the hospital?Bệnh viện ở đâu?
Please call a doctor. Xin gọi bác sỹ.
I’m in pain! Tôi bị đau đớn!
I need to go to the doctor! Tôi cần phải đi khám bệnh!
I need to go to the emergency room! Tôi cần phải đi cấp cứu!
I need to get a check-up! Tôi cần được nạo vét!
I need to get treated! Tôi cần được chữa bệnh!

By learning these basic Vietnamese phrases for body parts and emergencies, you’ll be able to describe everything from “mắt” (eyes) to “bụng” (stomach) and “đau đầu” (headache) to “sốt cao” (high fever), making it handy for communication with Vietnamese medical professionals.


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