7 Great Ways To Say Thank You In Turkish Like A Native

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One of the handiest phrases to know while learning a new language is how to say thank you, as it is overly used in daily life wherever you go.

So if you’re going to Turkey, you should learn to say thank you in Turkish to express your gratitude because you want to be polite to people. You should know that most Turks are very helpful and open-handed towards foreigners, meaning you’ll find yourself thanking them frequently.

You probably know “teşekkürler” which is the most common and shortest way of thanking someone, but what if I tell you there are many phrases you can say instead of just “teşekkürler.” In this post, you’ll learn the other thank-you phrases commonly used by native speakers of the Turkish language.

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How To Say Thank You In Turkish

There are more than one ways to say thank you in Turkish, and you should know that locals don’t say “teşekkür ederim” all the time. So if you want to speak Turkish like native speakers, don’t miss out on these nine phrases below!

1. Teşekkür Ederim

Meaning: Thank you.

It’s the most commonly used phrase for thanking someone and expressing gratitude. You can emphasize it by adding “çok” and it’ll be “çok teşekkür ederim.” When you want to speak on behalf of a group rather than only yourself, you can make the phrase plural, like “teşekkür ederiz.”

2. Teşekkürler

Meaning: Thanks.

This one is like the shorter version of saying thank you. Turkish people say “teşekkürler” as frequently as they say teşekkür ederim. Again, you can emphasize it by adding “çok,” which means “very” in Turkish,at the beginning. “Çok teşekkürler.”

3. Sağ ol

Meaning: Thanks.

This phrase is a bit more informal than the previous ones. “Sağ ol” literally means something like “stay healthy,” but it practically means thanks. So it has a meaning like wishing someone blessings for the favor they have done.

a girl giving a present to an older woman

4. Çok Naziksiniz

Meaning: That’s very kind of you.

This phrase is more formal than others. You can say it when someone gives you a present or compliments you. You can also say “çok naziksin” to your friends and family. So, getting rid of the 2nd person plural suffix makes it less formal.

5. Çok Düşüncelisiniz

Meaning: It’s very thoughtful of you.

Similar to the previous one, this is a formal phrase. You can say this phrase when someone offers kindness to you. If you want to sound less formal but still polite, you can say “çok düşüncelisin.”

6. Eyvallah

Meaning: Thanks.

This is a masculine phrase that men usually say to other men and is very informal. If you watch Turkish dramas, you must hear the male characters often say “eyvallah” instead of “teşekkür ederim.”

7. Allah Razı Olsun

Meaning: May God bless you.

This phrase has a religious background, but it is possible that you hear it in daily life. When someone does them any favor, like helping with something or offering food, some say, ” Allah razı olsun.” It has a meaning like you’ve made me happy, so may God bless you.

it's written you're welcome on a pinboard

How To Respond When Someone Says Thank You In Turkish?

After learning many different ways to say thank you in Turkish, it’s time to learn how to respond, as it is as important as saying thank you.

1. Rica Ederim

Meaning: You’re welcome.

The most commonly used phrase to respond to a thank you in Turkish is “rica ederim.” You can use it in both formal and informal situations.

2. Bir Şey Değil

Meaning: It’s nothing.

The second most common phrase is “bir şey değil.” I usually say this phrase if it’s not a big thing like lending your pencil to your friend in the classroom.

3. Ne Demek

Meaning: No big deal.

If you want an easy and quick reply to teşekkür ederim, you can say “ne demek” and return to your business.

4. Lafı Bile Olmaz

Meaning: Don’t mention it.

If you want to sound humble after you help someone or give them a present, you can say “lafı bile olmaz.”

Want to learn more than just saying teşekkür ederim in Turkish? Then you must try Ling’s Turkish course!

Example Dialogues In Turkish

Dialogue 1

A: Sana küçük bir hediye aldım. (I bought you a small gift.)

B: Teşekkür ederim. Çok düşüncelisin. (Thank you. It’s very thoughtful of you.)

A: Rica ederim, umarım beğenirsin. (You’re welcome, I hope you like it.)

Dialogue 2

A: Çok acıktm. (I’m so hungry.)

B: Hadi bir şeyler yiyelim. Ben ısmarlıyorum. (Let’s eat something. It’s on me.)

A: Teşekkürler. (Thanks.)

B: Lafı bile olmaz. (Don’t mention it.)

Ready To Learn Turkish With Ling?

If you want to learn the Turkish language or other foreign languages, waste no more time and check out Ling to start learning something new today!

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Also, remember to go to Ling’s Turkish blog for new weekly articles about learning Turkish and its culture!

So, what are you waiting for? Try Ling by downloading it from the App Store or Play Store!

Until next time! Görüşürüz!

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