Lingbe Review: 5 Absolute Features For Your Speaking Skills

Isn’t it an amazing idea to talk to your friends without interruption? You can talk endlessly about the same interests at that very moment using your smartphone app. How much more if that innovation is a built-in feature for language apps? For this Lingbe review, we’ll see how effective talking with other native speakers will be. Are speaking and listening to natives the right techniques to become fluent in foreign languages?

A foreign language sounds spectacular as it usually captivates people like you and me to become curious. We want to know what they are talking about. We as humans crave communication and being heard, and with various cultures and languages, it’s pretty impossible to know them all. But as a starting point, many language learning apps today exhibit more than just a Google translate alternative. These apps actually teach you how to sound like native speakers!

If you have different languages to learn, you must hone your language skills and adapt these techniques. One is speaking, and with that method, you’ll need a free language exchange app like Lingbe. It is a great idea for language learning apps to be accessible and fun to increase one’s interest in new languages.

Increase your potential to master the target languages you want in this comprehensive Lingbe app review.

What Is The Lingbe App?

Lingbe review Logo

Lingbe is a free language exchange app that started out as a practice for Spanish and English. As the users saw potential in this app, it grew into a larger community for learning other languages. The app was a startup created by three language enthusiasts, Victor Castro, Juan Pablo Andrade, and Alberto Cruz Alonso, in June 2015. Their great idea came from having a vast app to practice Spanish and find a language partner that speaks English fluently. Lingbe is now a part of iTalki, one of the largest platforms as a language exchange community.

There are many features inside Lingbe that you may not see elsewhere. Other users say that Lingbe is the perfect companion before traveling to other countries. You can taste how the locals talk to you or what they’re interested in. Overall, Lingbe connects people worldwide to improve their pronunciation and grammar. It acts like a voice messaging app that allows quick calls with incentives for answering and a reward system that encourages everyone to interact more often.

Do you want to practice your conversational skills without going through language lessons? Then you should read more features in this Lingbe app review.

What Is It For? Lingbe is the perfect language exchange app to practice languages, whether it’s your skill in speaking, reading, writing, or listening.

Languages Offered: 366 Languages

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Level Learners


  • Practice daily with real conversations
  • Get Lingbe rewards: introducing Lingos
  • Free energy refills
  • Delete your account easily


  • Can’t remove your native language
  • Limited energy and energy refills
  • Many in-app purchases
  • App crashes due to bugs

Who Is Lingbe For? For language learners that want to communicate with native speakers right away.

How Does Lingbe Work?

How to use Lingbe is as similar to how most language exchange community works. You just need a free account to sign up, and you’ll start practicing your language skills. After signing up, you’ll be asked what your mother and practice languages are. You can find your target language from the extensive Lingbe language list that even includes less spoken languages and dialects worldwide.

It is as easy as a few taps away. Just set your desired language to learn, and you can call other users in no time! Lingbe is the ultimate language exchange app that connects you immediately without filling in too many questionnaires or other gimmicks. Do you wish to become a native Spanish speaker by talking to someone in Madrid? Start your one-on-one call with a native Spanish speaker right away! Want to correct non-native speakers? You can also do that! Start your language learning with the Lingbe app and meet other users that share the same interests as you.

How Does Lingbe User Interface And Design Fare Against Other Apps?

Lingbe review User Interface

Lingbe is only available on apps like iOS and Android. Hence, screen reader users who love the PC interface may be disappointed. On the other hand, a mobile app means it should load fast and have all the things you need in just one dashboard.

After the splash screen, it will take you to the login, and the dashboard will show you five tabs: Home, Friends, Start, Me, and Stock. For the Home tab, you’ll see all the same languages you need to learn, the tasks, rooms, and the notification to unlock special rewards. For the Friends tab, you’ll see who messaged you after the call and have a history of people you’ve talked to. The Me tab serves as your profile account where you can track your progress and see badges. Lastly, the Stock tab contains your Lingos, Energy, ways to get more Lingos, and achievements that you can unlock.

Ready to talk? Just click on start and choose between Practice & Learn or Help & Earn to start using Lingbe!

5 Amazing Lingbe Features To Discover

Lingbe is a refreshing app to discover which native speakers you’ll meet whenever you look for someone to call. While you might think Lingbe can be compared to similar apps like Idyoma, it isn’t just a regular messaging platform.

Here are 5 features that will help you learn languages using Lingbe.

Free Voice Conversations: Calling Native Friends

Lingbe review Features

Say you’ve brushed up on your Greek and want to know more than just basic Greek words. You can try your basic greetings and introductory phrases with other users that speak Greek with just one call.

It will ask you if you want to make a one-on-one call with your practicing partner, a group conversation, or even take language courses in partnership with iTalki. As mentioned earlier, most voice apps’ features surround instant calling and messaging. But you can’t just add anyone if you haven’t met them yet. More on that feature later.

Create A Personal Room For Group Audio Chats

Do you want to have a specific topic to talk about? Meeting interesting people with the same interests as you make Lingbe more enjoyable. You can strike up a good conversation and even have them correct your pronunciation. A personal room also encourages privacy and exclusivity since you can choose filters like what language level users you want to interact with.

Own Tutor Rooms To Teach As A Native Speaker

Aside from having a group room for casual talk, you can also use it as a platform to teach other people. If you can speak Spanish, Swedish, or Bosnian as your mother language, you can set up a room for interested users to join you. Unlike iTalki or other tutorial platforms, you aren’t paid for your time when teaching.

Create A Lingbe Task

What are Lingbe tasks, and why are they important? Lingbe tasks serve as a questionnaire card where people can interact with the rest of the community. You can ask questions about vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and translation. You can even use the task as a way to make friends in your target language. The rewards for answering a Lingbe task are getting featured as the most popular answer and having a reward.

Has An Exclusive English Learner Practice

One of the reasons why many users love Lingbe is how you can find an English language partner right away. Based on app reviews, it’s among the most popular search and chat messaging platforms for English learner practice. They even have a Facebook group to encourage more users to get to know each other. You can find free grammar lessons, invites to group chats, and the option to message one-on-one.

Is Lingbe Pro Worth The Cost? Why Choose It?

Lingbe is a free app, making it one of the top choices for finding a language partner. Although Lingbe is a great app for free practice with your newfound native speaker friends, the free version limits your Energy and Lingos. That said, Lingbe also has a premium subscription where you can unlock unlimited energy and Lingos, so you can call anyone anytime without issues. It costs $8 to $10 per month, but you can also get other rewards starting at $0.99.

On the other hand, if you want to try Lingbe Pro, you can get the 3-day free trial. But, you’ll still need to input your card details or other payment options before obtaining the trial offer.

Lingbe Pros: What Makes Lingbe Worth It?

Practice Daily With Real Conversations

What’s a language learner’s dream? To speak the same language with a native speaker with minor mistakes, right? It’s our dream too! Becoming a master isn’t a magic trick, though. Everyone needs to invest their time and sometimes money to speak fluently. But not with Lingbe! A beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner can talk to a native for free with real conversations.

If you’re fed up just reading and passively learning a language, sign up in Lingbe and find that language partner that fits your learning style.

Get Lingbe Rewards: Introducing Lingos

Lingbe review additional features

Like Duolingo, you can stock rewards and perks using their Lingos reward system. You can unlock exclusive rewards like an XP boost, a streak protector, and even update your profile photo. Some of the rewards need you to level up until level 7. But, for perks like Energy refill and Lingos, there are two different options. You can either pay for the Lingos or earn them by watching ads.

Free Energy Refills

Ran out of energy? You can get free energy refills in different ways. Users can invite their friends using their promo code to get energy. Verify your account to enable your free daily energy refill if you’ve signed up. It’s as simple as going to the email address you used for Lingbe and then clicking on the link. Hurrah! Committing yourself to learning languages should be this easy!

Delete Your Account Easily

Are you not satisfied with Lingbe’s features? Many apps may fit one person or not, and that’s inevitable. But with every data accessible to online perpetrators, it’s important to delete app data and your account.

Similar to Speaky, Lingbe also allows you to delete your account immediately without speaking to customer support. You can still email them for additional security to ensure they’ve deleted all your app data as they comply with the data privacy act.

Lingbe Cons: Which Gaps Should Lingbe Improve?

You can’t remove your native language

What if suddenly you misclicked on having Telugu as your first language instead of Tagalog? It can be inevitable; sometimes, we get confused with similar-looking words, also known as cognates. There may be a time that you want to try out talking to other native speakers. While you practice languages, you must click on the right language to find the best people to talk to.

Sadly, if you’ve made a mistake, you can’t remove these languages and may end up filtering your search bar. But you may contact their customer support to remove this language from your account’s database.

Limited energy and energy refills

With many available languages, we’ve found it very limiting to have an energy system. Avoiding spam calls and people that hang up quickly may seem very beneficial. However, if you’re very serious about learning a new language constantly, you need to have more Lingos or Energy refills. And that means you need to purchase these items to continue enjoying the app. 

There Are Too Many In-App Purchases

No matter how good an app is, many people would not feel very encouraged with too many microtransactions. According to many reports in the gaming industry, microtransactions are ruining the gaming industry for reasons like disrupting freedom and relaxing aspects that games should have.

Unfortunately, Lingbe hasn’t escaped this predicament as it is a free app that needs a steady income. While microtransactions aren’t intrinsically bad, how much it is priced per country may affect users’ satisfaction and retention.

For Lingbe to get a better feedback rating, it’s time to bring back opportunities for users of the free version. One of them is earning Lingos just by watching ads. Sure, we understand that some of you may hate this idea, but it assists a long way for some who can’t afford subscription prices.

App Sometimes Crashes When In A Call

There are quite a few bugs reported by other users when using Lingbe. A frequent bug that users get is using the recording function while doing the native calls.

Also, the only way for you to chat with someone using text messages is if that person is accepted your calls. So if you end up experiencing too many crashes, it will ruin the experience for you.

Lingbe Review: A Useful Hack In Language Acquisition

When you practice languages that sound similar, it’s quite easy to learn them since they all belong to the same family of languages. There are also linguistically similar terms like cognates or false cognates to watch out for.

But with many of these languages, it’s essential always to start your practice language by speaking and listening at the same time. Taking advantage of a language app helps in acquiring a language faster. Right away, we felt that language exchange apps like Lingbe, HelloTalk, Tandem, Speaky, or Idyoma are the ideal apps to immerse yourself linguistically greatly. Features like voice calls, group chats, and saving audio files will prompt you to speak and think directly in that language.

You might find this ultimate language exchange app still lacking great features to learn languages faster. However, most users are not native speakers of that foreign language, and it is possible to hold on to mistakes when acquiring this new language.

Unless you want to focus only on speaking, Lingbe is your best app. But, we are offering you a better alternative that strengthens how you speak and how you read, listen, and write like a native. Want to learn more? Then explore the Ling app by reading on!

Learn Languages Faster With The Ling App

Lingbe review by Ling app

Language learning is a massive industry that starts with various styles of how you’ll learn. Some apps utilize flashcard games; some have intensive language classes for serious language students. But, is there an app that combines both intensive and fun-filled lessons per language topic?

With over 200+ lessons per language in Ling, you’ll practice languages for hours! You can even use the AI chatbot to start speaking like a native. There are many interactive puzzles, gamified lessons, and a place for you to write the alphabet of your target language.

Download the Ling app now on the App Store for iOS or the Google Play store for Android phones. Swoon your friends, your loved ones, or someone who speaks the same language you’ve been trying to conquer for many years. Find a conversational practicing partner in that new language while using Ling!

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