30+ Cool Mongolian School Phrases & Vocabulary

mongolian school phrases

Did you just ride a camel into the Mongolian plains and then bounce into your new classroom, all giddy and jittery about which Mongolian school phrases to toss around? If yes, imagine just plopping down into your seat and your classmates’ chatter swirling around you like a cozy, welcoming hug. It’s your big moment, and your heart’s doing the Macarena!

Zoom ahead to those lively group chats, and your heartbeat’s pumping a wild salsa.

What in the world do you say in Mongolian? How do you introduce your fabulous self? But hang on, cool cat – we’ve all been there. Finding the perfect time to chime in with your brilliant thoughts can be like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube while riding a unicycle.

But chillax, because we’ve got your back!

We’re here to guide you through those first-time jitters like a seasoned rockstar. Say goodbye to those frantic brain waves and those awkward “umms” and “uhhs.” It’s time to be you, fearlessly chatting away in Mongolian and weaving yourself into the colorful, bustling fabric of the classroom.

Got your snazzy notebook and favorite pen at hand? Great! Buckle up, because here comes the good stuff you’ll want to jot down!

Mongolian School Vocabulary

Before studying the school phrases, you must first be familiar with some basic terms often heard and used in Mongolian schools. Adding any of these words to your vocabulary can expand the depth of your conversations.

Classroom Objects

WhiteboardЦагаан самбарTsagaan sambar
NotebookТэмдэглэлийн дэвтэрTemdegleliin devter

School Subjects

ScienceШинжлэх ухаанShinjleh ukhaan
Physical EducationБиеийн тамирBiyeiin tamir
Mongolian LanguageМонгол хэлMongol khel
Social StudiesНийгэм судалгааNiigem sudalgaa
Computer ScienceКомпьютерийн ухаанKompyuteriin ukhaan
LiteratureУран зохиолUran zokhiol

School Facilities

EnglishMongolianMongolian Pronunciation
ClassroomАнгиAngiin öröö
LibraryНомын санNomin san
CanteenХоолны газарKhoolny gazar
PlaygroundТоглоомын талбайTogloomyn talbai
Computer LabКомпьютерийн лабораториKompyuteriin laboratori
Music RoomХөгжим сургуульHögjim surguu
Science RoomШинжлэх ухаан сургуульShinzlëkh ukhaan surguu
RestroomХувцасны өрөөHuvtsasny öröö
Nurse’s OfficeАриутгагчийн оффисAriutgagchiin offis
Many colorful school supplies and backpack  - Mongolian school phrases

Mongolian School Phrases

You can communicate with teachers, classmates, and school personnel more effectively if you are familiar with these useful Mongolian phrases. This is essential for following directions, posing questions, and participating in class discussions.

Basic Expressions

Hello!Сайн уу!Sain uu!
Good morning!Сайн байна уу!Sain baina uu!
How are you?Чамайг ямар ч санаа аваад байна вэ?Chamaig yamar ch sanaa avaad baina ve?
What’s your name?Таны нэр юу вэ?Tany ner yuu ve?
My name is [Your Name].Миний нэр [Таны Нэр].Miniin ner [Tany Ner].
Thank you.Баярлалаа.Bayarlalaa.
You’re welcome.Та амжилттай.Ta amjilttai.
Excuse me / SorryУучлаарайUuchlaarai
PleaseАмархүй байхыг хүсьеAmarkhüi baikhig khüsye
I don’t understand.Би ойлгомжгүй.Bi oilgomjgui.
I’m a student.Би оюутан.Bi oyutan.
What time is it?Хэдийн үгүй вэ?Khedii ugüi ve?

Common Phrases

I have a question.Би асуулттай.Bi asuultai.
Can you explain this to me?Та энэгүйг минийхэн тайлбарлаарай уу?Ta enegüig miniikh taylbarlaarai uu?
I need help with my homework.Би миний даалгаврыг туслах хэрэгтэй.Bi mini daalgavryg tuslakh kheregtei.
Can I borrow a pencil?Би цагаан тушаа зээж болно уу?Bi tsagaan tushaa zeezh bolno uu?
May I go to the bathroom?Би унтраахыг зөвшөөрөх болох уу?Bi untraakhig zövshöörökh bolokh uu?
Can you repeat that, please?Та давтан хэлж болох уу?Ta davtan khelj bolokh uu?
What page are we on?Бид ямар хуудас дээр байна вэ?Bid yamar khudas deer baina ve?
When is the assignment due?Даалгавар ямар хугацаанд ирэх вэ?Daalgavar yamar khugatsaand irekh ve?
The teacher is calling you.Багш таныг дуудах гэж байна.Bagsh tanyg duudakh gej baina.
Can I work with you on this project?Би энэ ажилтантай хамт болохыг хүсч байна.Bi ene ajiltantai khamt bolokhig khüsch baina.
I’ll be absent tomorrow.Би маргааш байх болно.Bi margaaš baih bolno.
What’s the homework for today?Өнөөдрийн даалгавар юу вэ?Önöödriin daalgavar yuu ve?
Do we have a test next week?Бид дараагийн 7 хоногийн тест байна уу?Bid daraagiin 7 khonogiin test baina uu?

Mongolian Phrases For Teachers

Good morning, class!Сайн байна уу, хүүхдүүд!Sain baina uu, khüükhdüüd!
Please take your seats.Уулзаж суурай!Uulzaj suurai!
Open your books to page __.Номоо хэвлэ!Nomoo khövle!
Pay attention, please.Та зүгээр л ямар нэг зүйлд санаа зовоорой!Ta zügeer l yamar neg züil’d sanaa zovooroi!
Does anyone have a question?Хэн нэгэн асуулттай байна уу?Khen negen asuulttai baina uu?
Repeat after me.Миний хэлээр давтан дуусга.Minii khel eer davtan duusga.
Hand in your assignments.Даалгаврыг өгнө үү.Daalgavryg ögnö üü.
Great job!Маш их ажил!Mash ikh ajil!
Keep up the good work.Гоо сайхны ажилыг үргэлжлүүлээрэй.Goo saikhny ajilyg ürgeljluuleerei.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help.Тусалж чадахгүй бол ямар нэгэн асуулт гарга.Tusalj chadakhgui bol yamar negen asuult garga.
Take your time.Удаан хугацаа ав.Udaan khugatsaa av.
Teacher hand is holding pen for checking student homework assignments on desk in school - Mongolian school phrases

Learn The Mongolian Language With Ling

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