Slovenian Dating Customs: 10+ Useful Tips

Slovenian dating customs

So, you’ve got your eyes set on a Slovenian cutie, huh? All of a sudden you feel butterflies in your stomach and your heart skips a beat when you see them. Want to sweep them off their feet by getting to know Slovenian dating customs? Then keep reading!

Dating culture is as diverse as the people who take part in it! While forming romantic connections with folks from different backgrounds can present its challenges, the journey is often rewarding when you find the right person. In Slovenia, dating is more than just a dinner and a movie – it’s about enjoying the simple pleasures of life as a couple. I’ve prepared a guide to Slovenian dating customs, along with some easy Slovenian dating phrases to help you get started on your Slovenian date!

Going On A First Date In Slovenia

When dating Slovenian women or men, there are certain things you can expect:

Relaxed Vibes

Slovenians tend to be super laid-back, so don’t stress about dressing to the nines. Keep it casual and take it slow! By keeping things low-key, you’ll create a comfortable and authentic vibe that your Slovenian date will surely appreciate.

Going Outside

Slovenia is a beautiful country with incredible nature. If your date loves the outdoors, they’ll definitely dig the idea of an outdoor date, even if it is just taking a stroll through the park.

Delicious Food

You can expect to have a first date in a nice restaurant in the capital city or near Lake Bled. Trying out delicious local foods such as stews, dumplings, or potica will make your date especially great.


When you’re getting ready for a date, don’t forget to grab some flowers and give your date some sweet compliments. Slovenians are known for their romantic nature, and it’s the little gestures that count to make your date feel special.

Slovenian dating customs

Tips For Dating Slovenians

If you’re dating someone from Slovenia or looking to, here are some handy tips to keep things smooth and enjoyable!

Learn Slovenian

While many Slovenians speak very good English, they really appreciate the effort to learn their official language, especially when it comes to dating. Impressing your Slovenian crush with a few words in Slovenian could be the key to winning their heart.

Be Respectful

Do you really want to score some major points? Learn about Slovenian culture and heritage! Slovenians take great pride in their traditions and customs. If you show respect and interest in their identity, this can go a long way. Embrace Slovenian culture and show that you appreciate your partner’s heritage!

Show Interest

In Slovenia, family and friends hold a special place in people’s hearts. If you show interest and respect for the important people in your partner’s life, you can make a lasting impression. Slovenians are all about the closeness, so embrace that and you’ll be part of the crew in no time!

Be Upfront

When it comes to relationships in Slovenia, there is no beating around the bush! Do you like them? Tell them! But if not, it’s totally cool to say so. Slovenians dig that kind of upfront honesty, and who knows, it might just lead to some clarity and a smoother journey in the dating world.

Slovenian dating customs

Most Common Slovenian Dating Customs

Now that you know what to expect from Slovenians, here are some of the dating customs you should keep in mind when looking for a long-term relationship.

Keeping It Traditional

In Slovenia, dating is a mix of tradition and modern flair. While old-school gender roles still have a bit of a presence, they’re definitely getting a makeover thanks to exposure to different cultures and more progressive attitudes. Slovenia might be a small country in Central Europe, but they’re big on their history and religious beliefs, which can add an interesting twist to how people date.

Dating Etiquette

Locking eyes and showing mutual admiration are like the stars of the show during dates, setting the stage for awesome conversations where both of your vibes sync up perfectly. When you meet someone new, there’s an unspoken agreement to shake hands. A clear communication style is important – when it comes to talking, it’s all about being real and open.

Call Or Text After

After a fun date, it’s pretty common for folks to want to keep the good vibes rolling by reaching out. While you’ve got options like texting or online chat rooms, Slovenians really like the simplicity of a good old-fashioned phone call. So, don’t sweat it—pick up the phone and dial away!

Dating Online

To meet people in Slovenia, you can easily connect through various dating sites. By creating a profile and sharing what you’re into, you can find people who fit your vibe and start talking to them! Whether you’re up for casual hangouts or something more serious, these platforms make it easy for Slovenians to meet new folks and find the right match.

Slovenian dating customs

Easy Words And Phrases For Dating

Here are some common words and phrases to help you get to know someone and ask them out.

Breaking The Ice

How are you?Kako si?
My name is…Moje ime je…
Nice to meet youVeseli me, da sem te spoznal/a

Dating Vocabulary

I like youVšeč si mi
Will you go out with me?Bi šel/šla z mano ven?
Let’s go on a dateGreva na zmenek
You’re beautifulLep/a si
Let’s have dinner togetherPojdiva na večerjo

Learn More Slovenian For Your Significant Other

I hope these tips have helped you better understand the dating culture and will make your experience with your Slovenian sweetheart lead to a fulfilling relationship. And to avoid any language barriers in the future, check out the fantastic lessons available on the Ling app, perfect for beginners and advanced learners alike. You can find it in the App Store and Play Store.

Additionally, feel free to explore our article on Slovenian relationship vocabulary for more interesting insights into Slovenian culture and dating. Happy learning, and best of luck on your romantic journey!

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