I’ve been traveling all across the globe, and the first thing I get asked in any country is, “Where are you from?”It is funny how people love to know where it is that you call home, and Portuguese people are no different.
I’m actually Portuguese, and I kind of look Portuguese, so people assume it as well. But for foreigners, knowing how to say their nationalities and the country they are from in the Portuguese language may come in handy. You can even take a step further into connecting with the locals when they hear you try to speak their language and even get a big smile!
If you’re like me, and you love to know a bit of the language of the country you’re in, then this article is just perfect for you. In the following sections, I’m going to teach you how to say several countries and nationalities in Portuguese so that you can say them correctly when you get asked in Portugal.
How To Say “Countries” And “Nationalities” In Portuguese
Let’s start from the very start. How do we say “Countries” and “Nationalities” in Portuguese? Let’s find out!
Let’s have a look at some basic sentences using these words. If you’re trying to learn Portuguese, these are the words you’ll often hear when you’re engaging with Portuguese people.
- De que país és? (Where are you from? / Literal translation – From which country are you from?)
- Qual foi o último país que visitaste? (What was the last country you visited?)
Besides knowing how to say país, you should also know how to say the word “nationality” as it relates directly to the country you’re from.
Once again, let’s put these words into practice so that you know how to use them in real conversations.
- Qual é a tua nacionalidade? (Which is your nationality?)
- Eu tenho duas nacionalidades. (I have two nationalities)
Essential Information You Should Know
When talking about nationalities, there are some important rules in the Portuguese language that you must know. Firstly, countries are always capitalized, while nationalities do not necessarily need to be capitalized.
In terms of pluralization in Portuguese, you must use the correct form depending on the situation. For example, if your group is all German, you should say “Somos todos Alemães” (We are all German), where Alemães is the masculine form of the German nationality.
Finally, in terms of gender, Portuguese also differentiates masculine from feminine, so for example, a Portuguese woman is called portuguesa, while a Portuguese man is called português.
List of Countries and Nationalities In Portuguese
If you want to know your nationality or country in Portuguese, just search in the following tables for the translation. Let’s get started!
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Argentina | Argentinian | Argentina | Argetino |
Antigua and Barbuda | Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda | Antígua e Barbuda | Antíguo |
Bahamas | Bahamian | Bahamas | Bahamiano |
Barbados | Barbadian | Barbados | Barbadiano |
British Virgin Islands | British Virgin Islander | Ilhas Virgen Britânicas | Cidadão das Ilhas Virgens Britânicas |
Bolivia | Bolivian | Bolívia | Boliviano |
Brazil | Brazilian | Brasil | Brasileiro |
Belize | Belizean | Belize | Belizenho |
Chile | Chilean | Chile | Chileno |
Colombia | Colombian | Colômbia | Colombiano |
Canada | Canadian | Canadá | Canadiano |
Costa Rica | Costa Rican | Costa Rica | Costarriquenho |
Cuba | Cuban | Cuba | Cubano |
Curaçao | Curaçaoan | Curação | Cidadão de Coração |
Dominican Republic | Dominican | República Dominicana | Dominicano |
Ecuador | Ecuadorean | Equador | Equatoriano |
El Salvador | Salvadorean | El Salvador | Salvadorenho |
Greenland | Greenlandic | Gronelândia | Groenlandês |
Guatemala | Guatemalan | Guatemala | Guatemalteco |
Haiti | Haitian | Haiti | Haitiano |
Honduras | Honduran | Honduras | Hondurenho |
Jamaica | Jamaican | Jamaica | Jamaicano |
Martinique | Martiniquais | Martinica | Martiniquenho |
Mexico | Mexican | México | Mexicano |
Nicaragua | Nicaraguan | Nicarágua | Nicaraguense |
Panama | Panamanian | Panamá | Panamenho |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rican | Porto Rico | Portorriquenho |
Salvador | Salvadoran | Salvador | |
Suriname | Surinamese | Suriname | Surinamês |
Paraguay | Paraguayan | Paraguai | Paraguaio |
Peru | Peruvian | Perú | Peruano |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidadians and Tobagonians | Trinidad e Tobado | Trinitino |
United States | American | Estados Unidos | Americano |
Venezuela | Venezuelan | Venezuela | Venezuelano |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Angola | Angolan | Angola | Angolano |
Algeria | Algerian | Argélia | Argelino |
Botswana | Motswana | Botsuana | Batswana |
Burkina Faso | Burkinabé | Burkina Faso | Burquinense |
Burundi | Burundian | Burundi | Burundi |
Cape Verde | Cabo Verdeans | cabo Verde | Cabo-verdianos |
Cameroon | Cameroons | Camarões | Camarões |
Chad | Chadian | Chade | Chadiano |
Central African Republic | Central African | República Centro-Africana | Centro-Africano |
Côte d’Ivoire | Ivorian | Costa do Marfim | Costa-marfinense |
Egypt | Egyptians | Egito | Egípcios |
Ethiopia | Ethiopians | Etiópia | Etíopes |
Equatorial Guinea | Equatorial Guinean | Guiné Equatorial | Guiné Equatorial |
Gabon | Gabonese | Gabão | Gabonês |
Gambia | Gambians | Gâmbia | Gambianos |
Ghana | Ghanaians | Gana | Ganeses |
Guinea | Guinean | Guiné | Guineense |
Kenya | Kenyan | Quênia | Queniano |
Liberia | Liberian | Libéria | Liberiano |
Libya | Libyan | Líbia | Líbio |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Madagascar | Madagascan | Madagáscar | Madagascar |
Malawi | Malawian | Malawi | Malauiano |
Mali | Malian | Mali | Maliano |
Morocco | Moroccan | Marrocos | Marroquino |
Mauritius | Mauritian | Maurícias | Maurício |
Mauritania | Mauritanian | Mauritânia | Mauritano |
Mozambique | Mozambican | Moçambique | Moçambicano |
Namibia | Namibian | Namíbia | Namibiano |
Niger | Nigerien | Nigéria | Nigeriano |
Republic of Congo | Congolese | República do Congo | Congolês |
Rwanda | Rwandan | Ruanda | Ruandês |
Senegal | Senegalese | Senegal | Senegalês |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leonean | Serra Leoa | Serra Leoa |
Somalia | Somali | Somália | Somaliano |
Swaziland | Emaswati | Suazilândia | Essuatíni |
South Africa | South African | África do Sul | Sul-Africano |
Sudan | Sudanese | Sudão | Sudanês |
Tanzania | Tanzanian | Tanzânia | Tanzaniano |
Togo | Togolese | Togo | Togolês |
Tunisia | Tunisian | Tunísia | Tunisino |
Uganda | Ugandan | Uganda | Ugandense |
Zambia | Zambian | Zâmbia | Zambiano |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwean | Zimbábue | Zimbábue |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Afghanistan | Afghan | Afeganistão | Afegão |
Armenia | Armenian | Armênia | Armênio |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijani | Azerbaijão | Azerbaijano |
Bangladesh | Bangladeshi | Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Bahrain | Baharna | Bahrein | Baharna |
Brunei | Bruneian | Brunei | Brunei |
Bhutan | Bhutanese | Butão | Butanês |
Cambodia | Cambodian | Camboja | Cambojano |
China | Chinese | China | Chinês |
Cyprus | Cypriot | Chipre | Cipriota |
East Timor | Timorese | Timor Leste | Timorense |
Georgia | Georgian | Geórgia | Georgiano |
India | Indian | Índia | Indiano |
Indonesia | Indonesian | Indonésia | Indonésio |
Iraq | Iraqi | Iraque | Iraquiano |
Iran | Iranian | Irão | Iraniano |
Israel | Israeli | Israel | Israelense |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Japan | Japanese | Japão | Japonês |
Jordan | Jordan | Jordânia | Jordânia |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhs | Cazaquistão | Cazaques |
Laos | Lao | Laos | Laosiano |
Lebanon | Lebanese | Líbano | Libanês |
Malaysia | Malaysian | Malásia | Malaio |
Maldives | Maldivians | Maldivas | Maldivo |
Mongolia | Mongolian | Mongólia | Mongol |
Nepal | Nepalese | Nepal | Nepalês |
North Korea | North Korean | Coréia do Norte | Norte-coreano |
Oman | Omani | Omã | Omã |
Philippines | Filipino | Filipinas | Filipino |
Palestina | Palestinian | Palestina | Palestino |
Pakistan | Pakistani | Paquistão | Paquistanês |
Qatar | Qatari | Catar | Catar |
Russia | Russian | Rússia | Russo |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabian | Arábia Saudita | Arabe-saudita |
Singapore | Singaporean | Cingapura | Cingapuriano |
South Korea | South Korean | Coreia do Sul | Sul-coreano |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan | Sri Lanka | Cingalês |
Syria | Syrian | Síria | Sírio |
Tajikistan | Tajik | Tajiquistão | Tadjique |
Thailand | Thai | Tailândia | Tailandês |
Taiwan | Taiwanese | Taiwan | Taiwanês |
Turkey | Turkish | Túrquia | Turco |
Turkmenistan | Turkmen | Turcomenistão | Turcomano |
Uzbekistan | Uzbeks | Uzbequistão | Uzbeques |
Vietnam | Vietnamese | Vietname | Vietnamita |
Yemen | Yemeni | Iémen | Iemenita |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Albania | Albanian | Albânia | Albanês |
Austria | Austrian | Áustria | Austríaco |
Belgium | Belgian | Bélgica | Belga |
Belarus | Belarusian | Bielorrússia | Bielorrusso |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian | Bulgária | Búlgaro |
Czechia | Czechs | República Tcheca | Checos |
Croatia | Croatian | Croácia | Croata |
Denmark | Danish | Dinamarca | Dinamarquês |
Estonia | Estonian | Estônia | Estoniano |
England | British | Inglaterra | Britânico |
Finland | Finnish | Finlândia | Finlandês |
France | French | França | Francês |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Greece | Greek | Grécia | Grego |
Germany | German | Alemanha | Alemão |
Holand | Dutch | Holanda | Holandês |
Hungary | Hungarian | Hungria | Húngaro |
Italy | Italian | Itália | Italiano |
Iceland | Icelandic | Islândia | Islandês |
Ireland | Irish | Irlanda | Irlandês |
Latvia | Latvian | Letônia | Letão |
Lithuania | Lithuanian | Lituânia | Lituano |
Macedonia | Macedonian | Macedônia | Macedônio |
Malta | Maltese | Malta | Maltês |
Montenegro | Montenegrin | Montenegro | Montenegrino |
Moldova | Moldovan | Moldávia | Moldavo |
Norway | Norwegian | Noruega | Norueguês |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Poland | Polish | Polônia | Polaco |
Portugal | Portuguese | Portugal | Português |
Romania | Romanian | Romênia | Romeno |
Russia | Russian | Rússia | Russo |
Serbia | Serbian | Sérvia | Sérvio |
Sweden | Sweden | Suécia | Sueco |
Switzerland | Swiss | Suíça | Suíço |
Scotland | Scottish | Escócia | Escocês |
Slovakia | Slovak | Eslováquia | Eslovaco |
Slovenia | Slovenian | Eslovênia | Esloveno |
Spain | Spanish | Espanha | Espanhol |
United Kingdom | British | Reino Unido | Britânico |
Ukraine | Ukranian | Ucrânia | Ucraniano |
Country (English) | Nationality (English) | Country (Portuguese) | Nationality (Portuguese) |
Australia | Australian | Austrália | Australiano |
Papua New Guinea | Papuans | Papua Nova Guiné | Papua Nova Guineense |
New Zealand | New Zealanders | Nova Zelândia | Neozelandeses |
Fiji | Fijian | Fiji | Fijiano |
Sentences To Practice
- Na minha última viagem conheci um casal de australianos. (On my last trip I met an Australian couple)
- A minha mãe é espanhola. (my mother is Spanish)
- Os tailandeses são um povo muito simpático. (Thais are a very friendly people)
- Eu sou Cubano, mas vivo no México. (I’m Cuban, but I live in Mexico)
- Adoro comida portuguesa! (I love Portuguese food!)
- A comida indonésia é demasiado picante para mim. (Indonesian food is too spicy for me.)
- As praias gregas são um sonho! (Greek beaches are a dream!)
- Já alguma vez viste como se vestem os peruanos? Que giro! (Have you ever seen how Peruvians dress? So cute!)
- Os meus vizinhos vêm de Angola e muitas vezes oferecem-me comida Angolana. (My neighbours come from Angola and they often offer me Angolan food.)
Wrapping Up!
Now you have all the information to answer in correct Portuguese when people ask you where you’re from or where you’re going next in Portugal! Even if nobody asks you, you can use this topic as a conversation starter with the locals. While we covered several translations above, remember that you do not have to memorize all those! Just learn one thing at a time and use it in your interactions with the locals.
And you know what I just realized? As you reach this part of the article, you’ve now officially started your journey through learning Portuguese! But why stop here? Learning a bit more about Portuguese will be super helpful if you’re planning to explore this beautiful European country, try the amazing food, and connect with this rich old culture. If you’re thinking about learning more about Portuguese, then I have the perfect option for you!
Learn Portuguese With Ling App
Ling App is a language learning app that will help you master any of the 60+ languages available for you to learn. We believe that the language learning journey should be joyful and enjoyable. And for that, you need quality, engaging, and fun resources like Ling to make it easier than ever for you to grasp every part of the new language.
Download Ling App now from the Play Store or App Store and start your Portuguese language learning journey right!