10+ Things About The Slovenian Calendar You Need To Know

Slovenian Calendar

Any culture has important dates in its calendar that will tell you a lot about its culture and traditions. If you’re planning a trip or just want to learn more about the local customs, knowing about the calendar can be very useful.

In this post, you’ll discover Slovenian holidays and festivities, along with vocabulary for the months and days, as well as everything else you need to know about the Slovenian calendar!

The Slovenian Calendar

The Slovenian calendar follows the Gregorian system, like most of the world, with twelve months and seven days in a week. To write a Slovenian date you would use the format day, month, year.

Here is how you say the days of the week in Slovenian:

  • Monday – ponedeljek
  • Tuesday – torek
  • Wednesday – sreda
  • Thursday – četrtek
  • Friday – petek
  • Saturday – sobota
  • Sunday – nedelja

And here are the words for months in Slovenian:

  • January – januar
  • February – februar
  • March – marec
  • April – april
  • May – maj
  • June – junij
  • July – julij
  • August – avgust
  • September – september
  • October – oktober
  • November – november
  • December – december

Remember, the names of the months and weeks are never capitalized in Slovenian!

Important Slovenian Holidays And Festivals

In the Slovenian calendar, you’ll find very important dates and holidays. This means Slovenians get a day off work to celebrate these events, which are usually closely connected to the historical heritage of Slovenia. For example, in Slovenia, people celebrate the day of culture as a national holiday. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Prešeren Day – February 8

On February 8th, Slovenians honor France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet. This day marks his death in 1849. It’s a national day that is celebrated with cultural events and various artistic performances across the country.

Day Of Uprising Against The Occupation – 27 April

Back in 1941, during World War II, Slovenian people stood up against the invaders who were trying to take over their country. They fought bravely to protect their land and their freedom. So, on April 27 each year, Slovenians remember and honor those heroes who stood up against the occupation. It’s a day of pride and remembrance for the Slovenian people.

Labor Day – May 1 & 2

Labor Day on May 1st is a time in Slovenia to honor workers and their contributions. It’s marked with events like rallies and picnics organized by trade unions and worker associations. May 2nd is also a holiday, known as “Day of Spring and Labor” giving people an extra day off to enjoy with loved ones. In Slovenian, they call it praznik dela.

Statehood Day – June 25

On June 25, Slovenians celebrate Statehood Day, or Dan državnosti. It commemorates the country’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. It’s a national holiday celebrated with various events, including flag-raising ceremonies, cultural performances, and speeches reflecting on the significance of independence and sovereignty for the Slovenian nation.

Day Of Remembering The Dead – November 1

On this day, people pay tribute to their deceased loved ones by visiting cemeteries, lighting candles, and offering prayers. It’s a solemn day of remembrance and reflection, where families come together to honor the memories of those who have passed away. In Slovenian, it’s called dan spomina na mrtve.

Days of the Calendar

Christmas – December 25

December 25th is Christmas Day, or Božič in Slovenia, just like in many other parts of the world. It’s a very happy time, when families and communities celebrate. This includes traditions like decorating the Christmas tree, giving each other gifts, attending church services, and enjoying special meals together.

Independence And Unity Day – December 26

On this day, Slovenians remember the country’s declaration and independence from Yugoslavia in 1990. It’s an important holiday for celebrating unity and freedom as a nation.

New Year’s Day – January 1 & 2

The Slovenian New Year, or novo leto, is the time for celebrating the start of a new year with parties and fireworks. The evening before, people often spend time with family and friends, maybe exchanging gifts and making resolutions for the year ahead. In Slovenia, they sometimes also have January 2nd off to continue to spend more time together with their loved ones.


Kurentovanje festival is an event that takes place on a different day each year, but usually in February or March. It’s a fun time of celebration, when people dressed in colorful costumes parade down Slovenian streets.

Seasons In Slovenia

Following the Slovenian calendar, you will find that Slovenia has four seasons that go as follows:

Spring – Pomlad

Spring in Slovenia is a magical time when nature starts to wake up after what is typically a very cold winter. This time is among the nicest, as you’ll see flowers and trees blooming, creating wonderful sights. Spring lasts from March to May.

Summer – Poletje

Summer in Slovenia is warm and sunny. It’s the perfect time for outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, and going to festivals, which Slovenians especially enjoy. Summer lasts from June to August.

Fall – Jesen

As summer ends, the weather starts to cool down, and the leaves on trees change color, creating beautiful landscapes. Fall in Slovenia is a time for harvest festivals and enjoying the crisp air. It usually lasts from September to November.

Winter – Zima

Winter brings cold temperatures and snow to Slovenia, especially in the mountains. It’s a time for skiing, snowboarding, and cozying up by the fire with a warm drink. Winter generally lasts from December to February, but nowadays it can last even longer.

A photo of leaves of different colors - Changing seasons in Slovenia

How Do You Say Calendar In Slovenian?

The word for calendar in Slovenian is koledar.

Useful Slovenian Planning Vocabulary

Now that you’ve learned how the Slovenian calendar works, you’ll be a pro at planning your adventures when you’re traveling in Slovenia. I’ve prepared some other words related to the Slovenian calendar for you to learn. If you think that the Slovenian language is something that you might want to keep learning, then might I suggest using the Ling app? It’s an easy and useful tool that will guide you on your language-learning journey!

SeasonLetni čas

What Are The Working Days In Slovenia?

In Slovenia, the working week is from Monday to Friday, with Saturday and Sunday being the weekend, or the days to relax and rest. Usually, Slovenian workers will work from 8 AM to 4 PM, but this greatly depends on the industry where they work at.

What Is The Culture Like In Slovenia?

Slovenian culture is like a mix of Slavic, Germanic, and Mediterranean influences. It’s a country known for its rich folk traditions and music. Slovenian food shows a very diverse cultural heritage with dishes like kranjska klobasa, and prekmurska gibanica. Slovenians are proud of their nature and landscapes, which invite visitors and locals alike. If you visit, you’ll be welcomed with open arms, warmth, and generosity.

When Should I Go To Slovenia?

It depends on your interests and preferences. If you’re a fan of the outdoors, then spring and autumn months might be ideal for you because of the mild weather and great scenery. Summer is peak tourist season, and winter is ideal for skiing and snowboarding. Think about what you want to experience on your trip and plan accordingly.

Planning events in Slovenia

Time’s Up!

As we reach the end of this post, I hope this blog shed some light on how the Slovenian calendar works, and that you’ve enjoyed learning about the things Slovenians like to celebrate. Don’t forget to pencil in your own adventure to this charming land and make sure that you don’t come at a time when everything is closed because of any important Slovenian holidays!

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