30+ Best Romanian Phrases To Get By In Romania

Romanian Phrases

How do I say Good morning? What if someone asks for my name? How do I order in a restaurant? I hope I will get the Romanian phrases right. Aargh! These are the dramatic questions that play games with our minds when traveling to a new country, and I totally understand!

It can look like there are so many basic phrases to learn to get by in Romania but trust me, it isn’t that hard. All you need to do is know some essential greeting words, how to introduce yourself, and other Romanian words that will make your stay in Romania memorable. So, without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter.

Romanian Phrases You Must Know

Basic Romanian Phrases You Must Know

The Romanian language is beautiful, and the pronunciation is straightforward and understandable. Here are some important Romanian greetings and phrases you should keep close to. These phrases will help you navigate Romania easily and start basic conversations with the locals.

How Do Romanians Greet?

Good morningBună dimineaţa
Good dayBună ziua
Good eveningBună seara!
Good nightNoapte bună.
GoodbyeLa revedere.
How are you?Ce mai faci?
How are you doing?Cum mai ești?
How is the familyCe mai face familia ta?
With pleasureCu plăcere
Nice to meet youÎmi pare bine
I am fineBine
Thank youMulţumesc.
You are welcomeEşti binevenit
I am sorryÎmi pare rău.
PleaseVă rog
Can you help me?Mă puteți ajuta
Romanian Phrases Introductions Small Talks

Romanian Introductions And Small Talks

Find out ways to introduce yourself and make small conversations in Romania.

What is your name?Cum te numeşti?
My name is?Mă numesc.
I am…Eu sunt..
I am happyEu sunt fericit
Where do you live?Unde locuiti?
Where are you from?Unde te mergi?
Do you speak English?Vorbiți engleza.
My Romanian isn’t goodRomâna mea nu e bună

Accommodation And Transportation

If you are checking into the hotel and you want to find out the necessary information about the rooms or directions, here are some great phrases to keep in mind.

Do you have any rooms available?Aveți camere libere?
I would like to book a room for … nightsAș dori să rezerv o cameră pentru… nopți
May I see the room first?Pot să văd camera înainte?
Are pets allowed?Sunt permise animalele de companie?
Where can I find the room number…?Unde este camera…?
I would like to check outAș dori să achit factura
Whre is the elevator?Unde este liftul?
How do you get to.. ?Cum se ajunge la..?
Have a nice tripSă ai o călătorie bună
Where is…?Unde este…?
Where is the bus stop?Unde este stația de autobuz?
Romanian Phrases For Shopping

Romanian Words For Shopping

Romania has a lot of big local markets where you can get unique pieces, and a way to get them at affordable prices is to be able to speak some basic Romanian shopping phrases like Cât costă

How much does this cost?Cât costă?
Can I pay with a credit card?Pot să plătesc cu cardul de credit?
I will buy itÎl cumpăr
I am looking…Doar mă uit…

Romanian Phrases For Restaurant Or Dining out

BreakfastMic dejun
Could I see the menu, please?Aş putea să văd meniul vă rog?
I haven’t decided yetÎncă nu m-am hotărât
Enjoy your mealPoftă bună
It is deliciousE delicios
I don’t like itNu îmi place
I like itÎmi place
I want…Eu vreau…
I am allergic to…Sunt alergic la

 General Question Words In Romanian

Other general question words that you will find helpful in Romanian are:

Can you help me?Ma poti ajuta?
What time is it?Cat este ceasul?
Do you speak English?Vorbiti engleza?
Can I help you?Cum te pot ajuta?
Other Useful Romanian Phrases

Other Useful Romanian Phrases

Let’s round it up with useful Romanian Phrases you may likely want to say.

I love youTe iubesc
Where is the bathroom?Unde este toaleta?
I miss youÎmi e dor de tine
I don’t understandNu înteleg

Which Is The Most Important Phrase To You?

We’ve gone through a lot of useful Romanian phrases and a few words. Which phrase stood out to you? Let me know in the comment section below. I believe you were able to learn one or two phrases that you can easily use in Romanian. You can also check out how to introduce yourself in Romanian, the basic greeting words, and how to show affection to your Romanian significant other.

If you want to speak Romanian and you are looking for the best learning resources that teach you everything from vowel combinations, grammar lessons, speaking skills, pronunciation, and so much more, you should consider the Ling app.

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