15+ Useful Malay Words For World Sleep Day


The World Sleep Day is celebrated on March 17, every year. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore the significance of sleep in different cultures. In Malaysia, sleep is an integral part of daily life, cherished for its restorative powers and the sense of tranquility it brings.

To help you dive into the Malay culture and language, we’ll explore some essential Malay words and phrases for World Sleep Day. Let’s embark on a journey to understand the importance of sleep in Malaysian culture.

15 Malay Words For World Sleep Day

  • Tidur (Sleep)
    • Malay: Tidur
    • Sleep, or “tidur,” is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Malaysians value a good night’s sleep, recognizing its role in maintaining overall well-being.
  • Mimpi (Dream)
    • Malay: Mimpi
    • Dreams, or “mimpi,” hold a special place in Malay culture. They are often seen as messages from the spiritual world and are analyzed for hidden meanings.
malay words for world sleep day
  • Bantal (Pillow)
    • Malay: Bantal
    • A comfortable pillow, or “bantal,” is essential for a peaceful slumber. Malaysians take great care in choosing the right pillow to ensure a good night’s rest.
  • Selimut (Blanket)
    • Malay: Selimut
    • A warm and cozy blanket, or “selimut,” is the perfect companion during Malaysia’s occasional chilly nights.
  • Menyapu (Snore)
    • Malay: Menyapu
    • Snoring, or “menyapu,” is a common sleep-related issue. In Malaysia, it’s often met with humor and affection.
  • Insomnia (Insomnia)
    • Malay: Insomnia
    • Just like in other parts of the world, insomnia, or “insomnia,” is a sleep disorder that affects many Malaysians. It’s important to seek help if you’re struggling with it.
malay words for world sleep day
  • Peluk (Hug)
    • Malay: Peluk
    • A comforting hug, or “peluk,” can make falling asleep more pleasant and secure. It’s a universal expression of affection.
  • Nyenyak (Deep Sleep)
    • Malay: Nyenyak
    • Achieving a deep and restful sleep, or “nyenyak tidur,” is the goal for many, as it ensures waking up refreshed and energized.
  • Lampu tidur (Nightlight)
    • Malay: Lampu tidur
    • A nightlight, or “lampu tidur,” is often used to provide a gentle, soothing glow during the night, especially for children who may be afraid of the dark.
  • Berangan (Daydream)
    • Malay: Berangan
    • Daydreaming, or “berangan,” is a pleasant mental escape that can occur during the day but is unrelated to sleep.
  • Mengigau (Talk in Sleep)
    • Malay: Mengigau
    • Talking in your sleep, or “mengigau,” is a phenomenon that intrigues Malaysians and often leads to playful teasing within families.
  • Rasa letih (Feeling Tired)
    • Malay: Rasa letih
    • Feeling tired, or “rasa letih,” is a common experience after a long day, making a good night’s sleep even more welcome.
  • Merenung ke langit (Stargazing)
    • Malay: Merenung ke langit
    • Stargazing, or “merenung ke langit,” is a peaceful nocturnal activity enjoyed by Malaysians, often before bedtime.
  • Terjaga (Awake)
    • Malay: Terjaga
    • Being awake, or “terjaga,” during the night can be due to various reasons, such as insomnia or night shifts.
  • Kecamuk (Restless)
    • Malay: Kecamuk
    • Feeling restless, or “kecamuk,” at night can disrupt your sleep, but Malaysians have various techniques to combat this restlessness, including soothing herbal teas.

Interested, and now want more resources from the Malay language? Check out sentence building blocks   & basics of Malay grammar.

malay words for world sleep day

Funny Malay Idioms Related To Sleep

  • “Tidur lelap seperti mayat.”
    • Meaning: To sleep soundly like a corpse.
    • Usage: Used to describe a deep and undisturbed sleep.
  • “Tidur dengan satu mata terbuka.”
    • Meaning: To sleep with one eye open.
    • Usage: Refers to being vigilant or cautious even while resting.
  • “Tidur yang nyenyak, mimpi yang indah.”
    • Meaning: Deep sleep brings sweet dreams.
    • Usage: Emphasizes the importance of quality rest for pleasant dreams.
  • “Mimpi basah.”
    • Meaning: Wet dream.
    • Usage: Refers to a dream with a sexual connotation that may result in physical reactions during sleep.
  • “Tidur ayam.”
    • Meaning: Chicken’s sleep.
    • Usage: Used to describe a short nap or a light sleep, like that of a chicken.
  • “Tidur awal, bangun awal.”
    • Meaning: Sleep early, wake up early.
    • Usage: Encourages going to bed early for a healthy lifestyle.
  • “Mimpi nombor ekor.”
    • Meaning: Dreaming of lottery numbers.
    • Usage: Refers to having dreams that are believed to predict winning lottery numbers.

Sleep In Malaysian Culture

Malaysians have a deep appreciation for sleep, and it’s not just about getting enough rest; it’s also about the rituals and traditions surrounding it. Malaysians commonly practice “sembahyang tahajjud,” the late-night prayers, which are performed in the quiet of the night when the world is asleep. This practice reflects the spiritual connection Malaysians feel with the tranquility of the night.

Additionally, Malaysians often enjoy “tutup aurat tidur,” which means covering up before sleep. This concept extends beyond modesty; it is believed to protect the sleeper from negative energy and disturbances during slumber.

Furthermore, the idea of “pakaian tidur” or sleepwear is a significant aspect of sleep culture in Malaysia. Malaysians often wear comfortable and loose clothing to bed, emphasizing the importance of a relaxed sleep environment.


As we celebrate World Sleep Day, we’ve dived into the Malay words and phrases related to sleep and learned about the cultural significance of sleep in Malaysia. Sleep is not merely a necessity in this vibrant culture; it’s a cherished part of daily life. So, whether you’re learning Malay for travel or simply want to learn the language, understanding these sleep-related words will help you connect with Malaysian culture. Selamat tidur! (Goodnight!)

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