30+ Easy Spaceship Vocabulary In Spanish: Ultimate Cheatsheet You Should Have

Spaceship Vocabulary in Spanish

If you’re a space nut like me and you love everything related to it, then you’ll definitely want to read this article, where I’m going to show you some spaceship vocabulary in Spanish for you to use in your next discussion about Star Wars with your Spanish friends!

Ever since I first laid my eyes on a wookie I’ve been a huge Star Wars fan. I love everything about it, especially the fact that it explores space in a way that I wish we could explore nowadays. The immensity of the universe is something that makes me feel both tiny and overwhelmed but also incredibly curious and intrigued about the little we know about it.

I recently watched one of the latest Star Wars movies in Barcelona, Spain. I was staying for a month in the area, and the movie had just come out, so due to my incredible lack of patience, I could not wait until I got home to watch it.

Before going to the cinema, and already knowing that Spanish people translate everything on television and cinema, I added to my Spanish vocabulary a few words that I thought might be helpful during the session. Boy, oh boy, what a great decision! Every minute there was astronave here and planeta there, but luckily I already knew what those words meant!

After the movie, the first thing I did was get this article ready because if I needed to explore a few words about space and spaceships, maybe other people would also research it! This way, by reading this article, you’ll discover some new words about space in Spanish that you’ll be able to understand during your next Star Wars movie in Spanish and explain and discuss with your friends afterward! Ready? Vámonos!

Spaceship in Spanish - Spaceship photo

Fundamental Spaceship Vocabulary In Spanish: Must-Learn!

Let’s start with the essential words that you should know about space in Spanish. If you want to know how to pronounce them, then just press the little blue play button and listen to how to say them. Practice as much as you want and return to this article whenever you need to recover any word or pronunciation!

English WordsSpanish WordsPronunciation
BlackholeAgujero negro
Dwarf planetPlaneta enano
Mother shipnave nodriza
Red GiantGigante rojo
Shooting StarEstrella fugaz
Solar SystemSistema solar
Space shuttleTransbordador espacial
Space StationEstación Espacial
Space-stationEstación Espacial
StarbugBicho estelar
StarshipNave estelar
Welcome to The Dark Side

Other Space-Related Words In Spanish: Planets, Astronomy And Other Fun Vocabulary!

Besides these introductory words, you can continuously enrich your vocabulary by learning a few more complex and less common words and their Spanish translation.

English WordsSpanish WordsPronunciation
Big BangBig Bang
Outer spaceEspacio exterior
Rocket LaunchLanzamiento de cohete
Shooting StarEstrella fugaz
Space suitTraje espacial
Space technologyTecnología espacial

Basic Phrases Space-Related in Spanish

But how do you use these words in a sentence? That’s what I’m going to show in this chapter. After we’ve learned how to say these words in Spanish and how to pronounce them in this language, it is time to practice using them in complete sentences. Next are a few examples of these words being used in phrases that you can use in your conversations and show your friends what you’ve learned in Spanish and how well-advanced your fluency is!

If you feel that these sentences are a bit too advanced and that you’re struggling to form and understand sentences, then maybe it is a good idea to stick with the above words and explore a bit more about basic Spanish sentences and words in our Spanish blog. This way, you can first learn how to form sentences and use basic words in Spanish before diving into more complex phrases like the ones below. If you already feel confident with the Spanish language, then come with me, and let’s explore el espacio!

The Universe is so big that I feel tiny!¡El Universo es tan grande que me siento pequeño!
Do you believe aliens are among us?¿Crees que los extraterrestres están entre nosotros?
Can you imagine there is another world beyond the Earth?¿Te imaginas que hay otro mundo más allá de la Tierra?
Uranus is the furthest planet in the solar system. It usedto be Pluto.Urano es el planeta más lejano del sistema solar. Solía ​​ser Plutón.
I stayed awake until 4AM yesterday to see the shooting stars. It was beautiful!Me quedé despierto hasta las 4 de la mañana de ayer para ver las estrellas fugaces. ¡Fue hermoso!
I would love to go to Mars one day. Maybe we will see that before we die.Me encantaría ir a Marte algún día. Tal vez lo veamos antes de morir.
Did you see the rocket launching yesterday? They must have reached the moon by now!¿Viste el lanzamiento del cohete ayer? ¡Deben estar llegando a la luna ahora!
Just to think that there are millions of billions galaxies just like ours is very overwhelming. It makes us feel very small!Solo pensar que hay millones de miles de millones de galaxias como la nuestra es abrumador. ¡Nos hace sentir muy pequeños!
The sun looked very beautiful at the time of setting in the evening.El sol se veía muy hermoso a la hora de ponerse por la tarde.
Starwars movies are filled with spaceships, wandering around in outer spaceLas películas de Starwars están llenas de naves espaciales, deambulando por el espacio exterior.
The spaceship in the movie was so modern!¡La nave espacial de la película era tan modern!
CTA Learn Spanish With Ling App

Come Learn Spanish With Ling

Wow! You’re really good at this! Your Spanish is excellent! And now that you have a few more words to your vocabulary, you’re starting to really become a great Spanish speaker!

I have some bad news for you: learning about space vocabulary and how to use it is not enough to become fluent in Spanish (#sadface). But now, just like in every fictional movie, it’s time for the big hero to come and save the day! Queue Ling app a super powerful, intuitive, and fun language learning application where you can learn Spanish and become a fluent speaker in no time!

Let me talk to you a bit more about Ling App and show you why you should embark on this journey with us: we at Ling app are determined to avoid old and boring language classes, with tough and long textbooks that will make you feel more like you’re obligated to learn instead of engaging with your curiosity and interest. Instead, we aim to teach you through fun and interactive ways, such as puzzles, quizzes, and games. Learning should be fun, and that is our main goal!

But wait, I have even more great news! Ling app has even a Chatbox where you can put everything you learned here in practice, chatting in Spanish and practicing your sentence making.

So what are you waiting for? Download Ling from App Store or Google Play today!

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