6 Best Ways To Say Thank You In Greek

Every time I explore a new country, “Thank you” is always the first expression I learn in the local language. Greek people are known to be very warm and welcoming, but if you add this short and easy-to-learn expression, I can guarantee that you have the best tool to collect countless smiles along your way. Saying thank you in Greek, i.e., Efcharistó (Ευχαριστώ), to a local and seeing their eyes light up as we attempt to speak their language is one of the best feelings and experiences you can have as a foreigner in a new country.

Despite modern greek having changed a bit from its ancient version, the Greek language is one of the oldest in the world and one of the most complex, so how many ways are there to express one’s gratitude? In this post, I will teach you all the ways to say “thank you” in Greek, along with some ways to reply if you’re on the receiving end of this beautiful expression. Ready to take your first step towards learning more about the Greeks?

Greek Word For “Thank You”

Just like saying “Thanks” in English, the word Efcharistó (Ευχαριστώ) is the quickest and most informal way to express gratitude. You can use this expression for small acts of kindness, such as when your mom passes you your food at dinner when a friend gives you a ride, or when your colleague gives you last night’s class notes. 

Informal Ways To Say Thank You In Greek

couple drinking coffee

1. Thank You: Ευχαριστώ

If you master the word Efcharistó (Ευχαριστώ) then you’re most probably safe to be able to connect with the greek people. However, if you want to speak Greek correctly and don’t want to stick only to the quick “Thanks,” then you must say say’ efcharisto (σ’ ευχαριστώ), which means “Thank you” in Greek. If you want to take it up a notch, you can say efcharisto poli (ευχαριστώ πολύ), which means “Thanks a lot” or efcharistó para poli (ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ) that means “Thank you very much.”

2. I Am Grateful: Είμαι ευγνώμων

Another way to thank someone is by simply saying that you’re grateful. The expression to be used is ime efgnomon (Είμαι ευγνώμων) which directly translated to “I am grateful.” Don’t be scared to use this expression with your greek friends and see their faces of amazement when they realize you know more than one way to appreciate them.

3. I Appreciate It: Το εκτιμώ

Another way to show your gratitude is to express one’s appreciation. In this case, you can say to ektimo (Το εκτιμώ), which means “I appreciate it,” or to ektimo para poli (Το εκτιμώ πάρα πολύ) that means “I appreciate it very much” if you are really grateful.

Formal Ways To Say Thank You In Greek

When speaking to strangers, your boss, or elderly people, you should try to express your gratitude more formally as a sign of respect. In the Greek language, this formalism is made by adding the so-called “polite plural” sas (σας) to the phrase. This way, the very informal word Efcharistó (Ευχαριστώ) becomes sas efcharistó (σας ευχαριστώ) that doesn’t have a literal translation in English. Nevertheless, knowing this word, you can add it in front of every “Thank you” expression and turn it into a formal version.

Other than applying this polite version of informal expressions, there are different ways to express your gratitude formally. Here are some of these expressions:

1. I Remain Obliged: Μένω υπόχρεος/η

This expression is different depending on the gender of the speaker: if you’re a male, you should say meno ipohreos (Μένω υπόχρεος), but if you’re a female, you should say meno ipohrei (Μένω υπόχρεη).

2. Gratitude: Ευγνωμοσύνη

Although the straight translation of the word “Gratitude” – evgnomosini (ευγνωμοσύνη) cannot be used alone, if you use it in a sentence, it becomes one of the most formal ways to say “thank you.” Using this word, you can say tha ithela na ekfraso tin evgnomosini mou (Θα ήθελα να εκφράσω την ευγνωμοσύνη μου) which means “I would like to express my gratitude.”

3. Very Kind Of You: Πολύ ευγενικό εκ μέρους σας

Another way to express your gratitude is simply by saying poli evgeniko ek merous sas (Πολύ ευγενικό εκ μέρους σας), with means “very kind of you” where you thank the person for the kind words or actions.

How To Say “You’re Welcome” In Greek

When it comes to saying “You’re welcome,” the Greek language is very pragmatic. Just like “Bitte” in German or “Prego” in Italian, the word parakaló (παρακαλώ) means both “You’re welcome” and “Please” in Greek. If only everything in the Greek language was this easy!

If you want to use the formal version of this expression, and if you’ve paid attention to what I’ve been teaching you, then you can predict that the word sas (σας) will appear here somewhere. You’re correct! The formal way to say “You’re welcome” is by saying sas parakaloúme (σας παρακαλούμε).

Other Phrases To Express Gratitude In Greek

Here are a few more Greek expressions that might come in handy to use along with “Thank you”:

Efharistó ya ta kalá sas lóya (Ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σας λόγια)Thank you for your kind words
Ne polí evyenikó ek mérus sas (Είναι πολύ ευγενικό εκ μέρους σας)That’s very kind of you
Eímai evgnómon (Είμαι ευγνώμων)I am grateful/thankful
pos boro na sou to adapodoso? (Πώς μπορώ να σου το ανταποδώσω?)How can I repay you?
Ise o kaliteros/kaliteri (Είσαι ο καλύτερος/η)You’re the best
Ti tha ekana horis esena? (Τι θα έκανα χωρίς εσένα?)What would I do without you?
Simeni pola gia emena (Σημαίνει πολλά για εμένα)It means a lot to me
Mou eftiakses ti mera (Μου έφτιαξες τη μέρα)You made my day
Den eho logia (Δεν έχω λόγια)I have no words

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