Thank You In Romanian: 4 Best Ways You Should Learn

What better way to express your gratitude than a happy Mulțumesc or thank you in Romanian? Very often, we receive kind gestures from friends and strangers alike, which normally makes us happy, and you will agree with me that the next phrase that comes to mind to express our sincere gratitude is to say thank you! No wonder almost every language in the world has a unique phrase for saying thank you, including the Romanian language. Want to learn how it goes? Keep reading below!

Saying thank you in Romanian means a lot to the locals, and though Romanians are generally warm people, it is only right to express your gratitude. That’s why we want to cover how to say thank you in Romanian. So, if you are traveling to Romania soon, you are learning how to speak Romanian, or you have Romanian friends to that you want to express gratitude, here are the most popular ways to say thank you in Romanian.

Common Ways To Say Thank You In Romanian

girl smiling

There are different ways to say thank you in Romanian, and we’ve decided to divide the article into two sections: the first section addresses the most common ways to say thank you, and then the second section covers other ways you can express gratitude in the Romanian Language. Without further ado, let’s take a look.


The most common way to say thank you in Romania is Mulțumesc which literally means thank you. So, whichever part of Romania you find yourself, saying mulțumesc means thank you and is understood by every Romanian.

What makes mulțumesc the best option is that it can be used in formal and informal situations, which means you don’t have to worry about offending anyone if you say Mulțumesc. Also, unlike other thank you phrases, both the old and young generations understand Mulțumesc. So, if you are traveling to Romania for the first them, I will suggest you use Mulțumesc in every situation. Besides, it has easy pronunciation.

Mulțumesc mult

If you are greatly pleased by the kind gesture you just received, you can take it a step further and say Mulțumesc mult, which means thank you a lot or thank you so much. Mult means a lot or much, so it can mean both phrases.

Mulțumesc foarte mult

two women hugging

Foarte means very and adding it to Mulțumesc foarte mult means thank you very much. You can use this phrase when you are genuinely thankful for the act of kindness you just received.

Mulțumesc frumos

Another beautiful phrase I really love is Mulțumesc frumos which means thank you beautifully. While this may sound awkward in the English Language or any other language, it is acceptable in the Romanian language, so feel free to say the thank you phrase any time.


You may be wondering why a french word suddenly appeared in a Romanian article, but Merci is also widely used in Romanian. Don’t be surprised when you hear Romanian saying Merci with the Romanian intonation. In fact, you can say mersi mult or merci frumos. It is generally acceptable too. However, in a formal setting, we will advise you to rather stick with Mulțumesc rather than mersi. This is because a lot of people have different views and may find using mersi strange, and maybe offensive in a business setting.

Other Ways To Say Thank You In Romanian

Now that we’ve clarified the most common ways you can say thank you in Romanian, let’s look at other ways to express gratitude.

I appreciate your helpApreciez ajutorul vostru.

That is kind of youE drăguț din partea ta.

I wish there was some way to repay your kindnessAs vrea să mă recompensez în vreun fel pentru bunătatea ta.

I really appreciate your helpChiar apreciez ajutorul tău.

Thank you for the giftMulțumesc pentru cadou.

Thank you for coming todayVă mulțumim că ați venit astăzi.

Ways To Reply A Thank You Phrase

thank you in romanian; typewriter

You may be wondering, what if I am at the receiving end of the gratitude? What will I say? Well, we know you have to say something like you’re welcome, so we’ve listed out some great ways to reply with a thank you phrase.

You are welcomeCu Placere.
Don’t thank me, it was nothingNu-mi mulțumi mie, nu a fost nimic.
Well, I wish I could do moreAș vrea să pot face mai mult.
You are a good person tooși tu ești o persoană bună.

Other Greetings To Know

Fortunately, there are other greetings words that you will find helpful in Romanian. Phrases like how to introduce yourself or popular question words will matter, especially if you are visiting Romania for the first time. Not to worry, we’ve listed some popular greeting words with their translation to keep close.


Good morningBună dimineața

Good AfternoonBună ziua

Good EveningBună seara

Good NightNoapte bună

How are youCe faci

My name isMă numesc

Good byeLa revedere

Final Thoughts

Now that we’ve been able to explore the popular expressions for saying thank you in Romanian, I am sure you will be able to express your gratitude when next you receive a kind gesture. Feel free to explore other ways of saying thank you in Romania, the Romanian language is a beautiful language, and it isn’t limited to saying thank you. So, if you are looking for channels to improve your Romanian speaking abilities, you can check out the Ling App!

Learn Romanian With Ling

learn romanian with ling

Ling App is a language learning app whose main aim is to teach language beginners until they become fluent speakers. The Ling App does this through intuitive features such as grammar lessons, quizzes, an AI chatbot, blogs, repetitive lessons based on your weaknesses, reminders, and so much more. Apart from that, you have access to the Ling blog, where you can read up on your target language. So, if you are serious about learning Romanian and are looking for a great app to help you, consider Ling App.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Ling App today from the Play Store and App Store!

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