Chinese Phrases For Expressing Regret: Your #1 Ultimate Guide

Chinese Phrases For Expressing Regret Ling App

There are often many things we wish we had done differently in our lives. As you begin to regret some things, your mind ponders and starts thinking of the what-ifs. The good thing, though, is that language can help us communicate and say what we feel. In China too, there are many Chinese phrases for expressing regret, so some of our guilt can no longer bother us.

We will help you learn how to apologize in the Chinese language. Communicating with the local people using the Chinese phrase “I’m sorry” will help strengthen relationships. So, brace yourselves for a deep dive into these Chinese phrases that possess the power to set things straight.

What Is Regret?

The word “regret” is connected to feelings and emotions of sorrow, disappointment, and the nagging sense of having made a wrong action or mistake. When people find themselves starting to wish they made a different choice in the past, they start to feel regret.

This word transforms into 后悔 (pronounced as “hòuhuǐ”) in the depths of the Chinese language. For example, someone might say, “I deeply regret not apologizing sooner to my mother.” In Chinese, the sentence would be “我非常后悔没有早点向妈妈道歉” (wǒ fēicháng hòuhuǐ méiyǒu zǎodiǎn xiàng mā ma dàoqiàn).

Chinese phrases for expressing regret

What Are The Different Kinds Of Apologies In Chinese?

Many phrases come to mind when conveying and expressing a sincere apology in Chinese. So don’t overthink too much, and don’t feel embarrassed or as if you did something wrong. We will help you express regret by using the proper phrase.

Excuse Me – Bù Hǎo Yì Si (不好意思) 

This phrase serves as a polite, courteous form of saying sorry in Chinese. It’s best suited for minor offenses, and it’s like saying, “Excuse me.” “Bù hǎo yì si” finds its place when you need to offer a simple excuse or navigate your way past someone with politeness.

I Am Sorry – Bào Qiàn (抱歉)

“Bào qiàn” stands as a popular phrase for a direct apology. Its literal translation, “feel sorry,” is woven into everyday Chinese conversations. The Chinese word “Bào qiàn” allows you to express remorse for a minor mistake.

I Am So Sorry – Zhēn Duì Bù Qǐ (真对不起)

When it comes to expressing profound regret for a significant mistake, the phrase “zhēn duì bù qǐ” is what you need. The literal meaning of “duì bù qǐ” in English is “can’t face someone,” which goes far beyond a simple apology. It’s akin to a heartfelt expression of, “I sincerely apologize.”

I Apologize – Wǒ Gēn Nǐ Péilǐdàoqiàn (我跟你赔礼道歉)

In more formal situations, Chinese people employ “wǒ gēn nǐ péilǐdàoqiàn” to convey a respectful and serious apology. This phrase carries a deep expression of sincerity and respect, typically reserved for interactions with an authority figure or older family member.

How To Own Your Mistake In Chinese

In Chinese culture, it’s super important to admit your mistakes and own up to them. The Chinese language offers several ways to convey this with varying degrees of formality and sincerity:

I Was Wrong – Wǒ Cuò Le (我 错 了)

This phrase is like a clear mirror reflecting one’s mistake. “Wǒ cuò le” doesn’t express an intense guilt or sorrow but plainly recognizes an error. It’s a simple and truthful method to acknowledge one’s actions.

It’s My Fault – Shì Wǒ Bù Duì (是我不对)

When you aim to clearly shoulder the blame, “shì wǒ bù duì” becomes the go-to phrase. This literally means, “It’s my fault,” signifying personal responsibility for any inconvenience caused.

It Was My Fault / Admitting Responsibility – Shì Wǒ De Cuò (是我的错)

This expression goes the extra mile when a person is accepting blame and accountability. The Chinese characters “是我的错” stress that the mistake is undeniably yours. This is used in a formal situation to express an earnest commitment to right the wrong you’ve committed.

How To Respond To An Apology In Chinese?

When someone apologizes, some folks accept it in a polite way, showing they forgive and understand. Others take it slow, needing time to think about the mistake and how sincere the apology is. Some offer comfort, trying to make the apologizer feel better, while some just stay quiet, giving everyone a chance to think.

Knowing how to say sorry in Chinese is sometimes not enough. Knowing how to react and how to respond to an embarrassing situation is crucial. It’s also important to know how to reassure someone that everything is okay and that the mistake is no big deal. Here are some common ways Chinese speakers respond to apologies:

It’s nothing没事 Méi Shì
It’s okay 没关系Méi Guān Xi
Forget about it算了吧Suàn Le Ba
Don’t worry about it别担心Bié dānxīn
I forgive you我原谅你Wǒ yuánliàng nǐ
Let me think about it first让我先考虑一下Ràng wǒ xiān kǎolǜ yīxià

Mastering Chinese Phrases For Expressing Regret

In wrapping up our journey through basic Chinese phrases for expressing regret, remember all these responses and ways to say sorry. Whether it’s a simple “bù hǎo yìsi” or a deeper “zhēn duì bù qǐ,” you’re conveying more than just an apology – you’re expressing empathy and respect.

Success in any language hinges on consistent practice, so don’t stop using these words. Over time and with dedication, saying these Chinese phrases for expressing regret will become effortless. You will be restoring harmony, forging stronger connections, and bridging cultural gaps. Best of luck on your language journey!

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