50+ Must Know Life-Saving Turkish Phrases For Emergency

Turkish phrases for emergency - Ling

Last summer, I helped a tourist who was defrauded by someone in Istanbul. Cops were already there when I was passing by. I overheard the woman telling the story in English but the police officers didn’t understand her as she didn’t speak Turkish.

I stepped in – your Turkish wonder woman on duty – and offered help in translating between the police and the tourist. At the end of the story, she was able to get her money back. But what if you are not lucky enough to have me around? Well, in that case, you should know Turkish phrases for emergency situations.

Keep reading to learn how to ask for help in different emergency situations and communicate effectively with the officers in Turkish.

How To Ask For Help In Turkish

There are more than one ways to ask for help in the Turkish language. Some sound polite while others sound urgent. If you face an urgent and critical situation, please keep politeness aside and shout for help: İMDAT!

  • İmdat! – Help!
  • Yardım! – Help!
  • Yardım et! – Help me!
  • Yardım edin! – Help me!
  • Yardıma ihtiyacım var. (Formal) – I need help.
  • Yardım edebilir misiniz? (Formal) – Could you help me?
  • Lütfen yardım edin. (Formal) – Please help me.

Protip – Learn to say the local word for ‘where’. Nerede means where in Turkish. This question word will help you greatly in an emergency situation when you need to see a doctor or police, call for an ambulance or other emergency services.

Common Turkish Phrases For Emergency

Does anybody speak English here?Burada İngilizce konuşabilen var mı?
I have an emergency.Acil bir durumum var.
I need help.Yardıma ihtiyacım var.
I’m calling 112.112’yi arıyorum.
Let me help you.Sana yardım edeyim.
Do you need any help?Yardım lazım mı?
Turkish emergency number Turkish phrases for emergency

What Is The Emergency Number In Turkey?

Similar to the United States, there is one nation-wide common number for reporting an emergency in Turkey. And it is 112. Just call 1-1-2 and they will direct you to the local police station, hospital, or fire station to help you as soon as possible. They have English-speaking officers so you shouldn’t have a problem with the language. However, it is always a good idea to equip yourself with few handy phrases in the local language.

Phrases To Talk To The Doctor

The phrases provided in the table below can help you navigate your way through a maze of hospital and emergency services. You can even explain your health issue using the phrases below.

I’m hurt.Yaralandım.
I don’t feel well.İyi hissetmiyorum.
My legs hurt.Bacaklarım acıyor.
My head hurts.Kafam acıyor.
I have a stomach ache.Karnım ağrıyor.
My throat hurts.Boğazım acıyor.
I have cramps.Kramp giriyor.
I am dizzy.Başım dönüyor
I will vomit.Kusacağım.
I have a strong fever.Çok ateşim var.
I need my pills.İlaçlarımı almam gerek.
There was a car accident.Araba kazası oldu.
I need a doctor.Doktora ihtiyacım var.
I feel nauseous.Midem bulanıyor.
I got food poisoning.Gıda zehirlenmesi geçirdim.
I think I’m going to faint.Sanırım bayılacağım.
My friend passed out.Arkadaşım bayıldı.
I think I broke my leg.Sanırım bacağımı kırdım.
It hurts here.Burası acıyor.
I can’t breathe properly.Düzgün nefes alamıyorum.
I’m allergic to penicillin.Penisiline alerjim var.
My blood type is _____Kan grubum _____
I need a pill for a headache.Baş ağrısı için ağrı kesiciye ihtiyacım var.
I need a pill for menstrual cramps.Regl sancısı için ilaca ihtiyacım var.

Phrases To Talk To The Police

It’s always a relief to see the Turkish police who are always ready to help! You can report a crime or ask for help by using the Turkish phrases given below.

I got lost.Kayboldum.
I don’t know how to get to my hotel.Otelime nasıl gideceğimi bilmiyorum.
My daughter/son got lost.Kızım/oğlum kayboldu.
My cellphone was stolen.Telefonum çalındı.
I lost my passport.Pasaportumu kaybettim.
I left my purse inside the subway.Cüzdanımı metroda unuttum.
I was robbed in the mall.Alışveriş merkezinde soyuldum.
A thief!Hırsız var!
Please quickly call the police!Lütfen hemen polisi ara!
A man was harassing me.Bir adam beni taciz ediyor.
I was attacked in this street.Sokakta saldırıya uğradım.
Please help me find my wallet.Lütfen cüzdanımı bulmama yardım edin.
Here is my ID.Kimliğim burada.
I lost my car keys.Araba anahtarımı kaybettim.

Phrases To Talk To The Firefighter

Recently, there have been a lot of forest fires in the coastal cities of the country. If you happen to see a fire starting in a building or catch someone setting fire to a green field, call 112 and ask them to send firefighters.

I see smoke.Duman görüyorum.
There’s a fire!Yangın var!
There’s a lot of smoke coming out of the kitchen.Mutfaktan çok duman çıkıyor.
Something is burning in the house!Evde bir şey yanıyor!
That building is burning down!Bina yanıp kül oluyor!
The building is on fire.Binada yangın çıktı.
We have to call the fire station!İtfaiyeyi aramalıyız!
There are still people inside the building!Binanın içinde hala insanlar var!

Phrases To Talk To The Receptionist At The Hotel

A lot of emergencies happen at the hotels too. You can talk about your problem to the room service or directly to the receptionist by using the phrases below.

Where is the embassy of _____ ?_______ elçiliği nerede?
I lost my room key.Oda anahtarımı kaybettim.
My friend got locked inside the elevator.Arkadaşım asansörde kaldı.
I can’t flush the toilet.Tuvalet sifonu çalışmıyor.
I don’t have hot water in my room’s shower.Duşta sıcak su gelmiyor.
The TV doesn’t work.Televizyon çalışmıyor.
Can you help me get a taxi to the airport, please?Havaalanına taksi çağırmama yardım edebilir misiniz?
Could you please give me a travel guide?Lütfen, bana bir tur rehberi bulabilir misiniz?
I missed my flight. I need to book another night at the hotel.Uçağımı kaçırdım. Otelde bir gece daha kalmam lazım.
Turkey flag Turkish phrases for emergency

Stay Safe During Your Trip!

Turkey is a sight for sore eyes with its natural and cultural beauties. However, as a tourist, you should always be careful when in a foreign country. There are people with bad intentions as well as people who are polite and hospitable towards tourists. If you happen to have an emergency situation – God forbid – you now know how to ask for help in the Turkish language!

Want to prepare for your coming trip to Turkey by learning Turkish? Try Ling to learn real-life Turkish words and phrases in a fun and quick way!

Start Learning Turkish With Ling!

Are you looking for the best app to learn Turkish? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Ling is the best language-learning app for learning conversational Turkish in a short period of time. What sets Ling apart from other language learning apps is its interactive exercises, real-life vocabulary, and focus on conversational skills such as pronunciation and speaking.

But that’s not all! Other fantastic features of Ling are engaging writing and listening exercises, real-life vocabulary and phrases, voice recognition for improving pronunciation, revision quizzes, and the bonus of AI chatbots for practicing everyday conversations.

Don’t wait any longer to learn Turkish! Download Ling now from the App Store or Play Store and connect through language today!

Also, remember to check our Turkish blog for new articles every week to learn more about the Turkish language and culture!


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