The #1 Best Guide To Turkish Love Phrases From A Native

Turkish Love Phrases-Ling

Expressing your feelings for someone isn’t easy, especially if it’s someone from a different culture. You may feel nervous because you don’t know how things go in Turkish culture. That’s why you need to learn some Turkish love phrases!

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to show your interest in someone by complimenting, flirting, going on a date, and finally expressing your love in Turkish. Basically, everything you need to know to impress your crush with your knowledge of the Turkish language. So, if you have a Turkish crush and you hesitate to open your heart, keep reading!

Turkish Love Phrases

Let’s start learning Turkish love phrases from the beginning. When someone catches your interest, how do you show it? You can compliment their look and personality. Then, you can try flirting, and once they get the signal, it’s time to ask them out on a date.

First things first, let’s learn how to compliment someone in Turkish!


The Turkish word for a compliment is “iltifat”. Everyone loves being complimented, and it’s the best way to show your interest in someone. But when complimenting them, make sure you talk sincerely and you really mean it. Here are some Turkish phrases you can use:

You are very beautiful.Çok güzelsin.
You are very handsome.Çok yakışıklısın.
You have beautiful eyes.Çok güzel gözlerin var.
Your smile is beautiful.Gülüşün ne kadar güzel.
Your hair is very beautiful.Saçların çok güzel.
You have a great sense of humor.İyi bir espiri anlayışın var.
You are so talented.Çok yeteneklisin.
You are a very kind person.Çok kibar birisin.
You have a wonderful personality.Harika bir kişiliğin var.
You are very smart.Çok zekisin.
I admire your courage.Cesaretine hayranım.
You have a great style.Harika bir tarzın var.
A photo of a Turkish woman and man flirting in the street


Flirting is flört etmek in Turkish. Some foreigners think Turkey is a conservative and strict country when it comes to romantic relationships and hence flirting is frowned upon. This is not true! Flirting is a thing in Turkey. It’s the in-between phase before becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Here are some Turkish phrases you can use when flirting:

Can you stay a little longer?Biraz daha kalabilir misin?
I want to see you.Seni görmek istiyorum.
Would you like to dance with me?Benimle dans etmek ister misin?
I like you very much.Senden çok hoşlanıyorum.
I miss you so much.Seni çok özlüyorum.
I always think about you.Hep seni düşünüyorum.
I can’t stop thinking about you.Seni düşünmeden edemiyorum.
Sweet dreams.Tatlı rüyalar.

If you want to learn more Turkish phrases like these, try the Ling app! You can download it from the App Store or Play Store and start your free 7-day trial now!

Going On A Date

If your flirting is not one-sided, it means you’re ready to go on a date! The first date is important. If you need advice, going on a dinner date is a good option for the first date. I shared beautiful date spots in Istanbul in my previous blog post, so you may want to check it out!

Here are some Turkish phrases you can use to ask someone out:

Let’s meet somewhere.Bir yerlerde buluşalım.
I would like to see you again.Seni tekrar görmek isterim.
Can I see you again?Seni tekrar görebilir miyim?
Do you have plans for the weekend?Hafta sonu için planın var mı?
Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow night?Yarın akşam yemeğe çıkmak ister misin?
Can I have your phone number?Telefon numaranı alabilir miyim?

Expressing Your Love

So, you have gone on multiple dates, and they went really well. Good for you! You start to get the feeling that they also like you. Then, it’s time to open your heart to them and express your feelings! Here are some Turkish love phrases you can use to express love:

I like you so much.Senden çok hoşlanıyorum.
I’ve fallen in love with you.Sana aşık oldum.
I love you.Seni seviyorum.
I love you so much.Seni çok seviyorum.
I miss you so much.Seni çok özledim.
I want to be with you.Seninle olmak istiyorum.
You are the meaning of my life.Sen benim hayatımın anlamısın.
I love you with all my heart.Seni bütün kalbimle seviyorum.
I’m crazy about you.Sana deli oluyorum.

If you want to learn more ways to say I love you in Turkish, don’t miss my related blog post!

Terms Of Endearment

After you officially become a couple, you should use terms of endearment to address your lover. When it comes to romantic words, Turkish is a rich language.

My foreign friends say Turkish people use love words too often. It’s true! We use terms of endearment not only for our romantic partners but also for friends and family. Here are common Turkish love words you can use:

My loveAşkım
My darlingSevgilim
My lifeHayatım
My sweetheartCanım
My honeyTatlım
My babyBebeğim
My only oneBitanem
My angelMeleğim
My soulmateRuh eşim

Final Words

I believe the Turkish love phrases you’ve learned from this blog post will be handy when you decide to make a move toward your Turkish crush. If you want to learn more about Turkish culture and the Turkish language, visit Ling’s Turkish blog every day so you don’t miss new posts written by a local! See you in the next post!

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