60+ Most Catchy Slovenian Songs With Useful Vocabulary

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As someone who has been learning languages, I can tell you something that helped me immensely was listening to songs in that language. I paid close attention to the lyrics, and over time, I started learning the words by heart, which really helped me expand my vocabulary.

That’s why, if you’re learning Slovenian, I believe it’s a great idea to learn about Slovenian songs. This will help you learn words more quickly, but also, get to know the culture better.

The Best Of Slovenian Songs

I’m a huge fan of music, and Slovenians have such a large range of good music to listen to. There’s something for a fan of any genre when it comes to Slovenian music. That’s why we’ll go through different artists and music styles, so you can find the perfect Slovenian songs to help you learn the language and enjoy the rich musical heritage of Slovenia.

Famous Slovenian Bands And Singers

I’d like to start this post on Slovenian songs by listing the best and most famous Slovenian bands and singers who are beloved all over the country. These musicians all write songs in the Slovenian language, making them great choices for anyone who’s trying to learn Slovenian through songs. I’ll also give you some of their most catchy tunes, so you can check them out after reading the blog!


Magnifico is the stage name of Robert Pešut, who’s a songwriter and singer best known for his wide mix of Balkan, Latin, and funk music. He often writes witty and provocative lyrics. Some of the best-known are:

  • In ko enkrat bom umrl
  • Tivoli
  • Silvija
  • Hir Aj Kam Hir Aj Go
  • Sonce posijalo
  • Cici mici


Siddharta is a cornerstone of the Slovenian rock scene. The band is named after Herman Hesse’s famous novel. Over twenty years of creative evolution, Siddharta has become one of Slovenia’s most beloved bands. They captivate audiences with their innovative music and performances. Some of their best songs include:

  • Na soncu
  • Ledena
  • Platina
  • Piknik
  • Napoj
  • Dolga pot domov

Vlado Kreslin

Vlado Kreslin is best known for making beautiful folk rock music. He’s one of the most respected Slovenian musicians and songwriters of all time. His musical career began in the 70s as the lead singer of the rock group Martin Krpan. Later on, he went on to mix Slovenian folk and rock music with the Beltinška Banda and Mali Bogovi.

He has also worked with big international artists like R.E.M. and The Dubliners! His annual concerts at Cankar Hall in Ljubljana are a big part of the city’s culture, and he performs all over the world in many languages and dialects. His work has even inspired books and movies and has been honored worldwide, including at Yale University. Make sure you don’t miss these songs of his:

  • Z goričkega v piran
  • Tisoč let
  • Tvoje jutro
  • Če bi midva se kdaj srečala
  • Cesta
  • Preko mure, preko drave
  • Od višine se zvrti
  • Namesto koga roža cveti
A Slovenian band playing

Adi Smolar

Adi Smolar is a songwriter and composer. His songs are simple, mainly just him playing guitar, and they have very profound and meaningful lyrics about love and life. Make sure you check out some of my favorites from him:

  • Na travniku
  • Tagada
  • Je treba delat
  • Daleč je za naju pomlad
  • Rolica papirja
  • Neprilagojen
  • Jaz sem nor


Čuki is a pop and folk music group, especially known for their vibrant and entertaining style at live concerts. Over the years, they’ve released many hits, collaborated with plenty of artists, and evolved their music style, as well as received several awards for their music.

They keep entertaining fans with new music and shows, remaining a beloved part of Slovenian music culture. Some of the best songs that they’ve written are:

  • Ta vlak
  • Liter vode in en poljub
  • Zgodba o prijateljstvu
  • Poletna
  • Zvočnik na pločnik
  • Krokodilčki
  • Rdeča mašna

Nina Pušlar

Nina Pušlar is a prominent solo singer and songwriter. She has achieved significant success in Slovenian music, topping charts and making history by selling out the Stožice Arena in Ljubljana in 2023, a first for a Slovenian singer. She’s a versatile artist with an amazing voice who writes catchy and beautiful songs. Some of these are:

  • Ni ona
  • Vse, kar rečeš mi
  • Slečeno srce
  • To mi je všeč
  • Rok trajanja
  • Pozdrav z ljubeznijo
  • Svet je tvoj


Tabu is a pop-rock band that has changed four female singers over the years but still manages to stay on top of the Slovenian music scene with memorable performances from each of the singers. All of them managed to bring their own spark to the band, while also keeping the band’s unique energy and sound. This has helped their ongoing popularity and success in Slovenia’s music scene. Don’t miss these songs from my favorite Slovenian band:

  • Dobra vila
  • Pesek in dotik
  • Nabiralka zvezd
  • Ocean
  • Divje
  • Nekoč nekje
  • Angel
  • Poljubljena
  • Prvi zadnji
  • Lahko sem srce
  • Oblak za dva
  • Greva dol

Slovenian Folk Music

We can’t have a blog about Slovenian songs without talking about Slovenia’s traditional folk music. In Slovenian, it’s called narodnozabavna glasba.

Slovenian folk music means a form of polka, but there’s plenty of Slovenian folk music such as kolo, lender, štajeriš, mafrine, and šaltin.

Deeply rooted in Slovenian culture, typical Slovenian folk music is performed with a Styrian harmonica and other kinds of musical instruments such as the fiddle, clarinet, zithers, and flute.

The most well-known performers of this type of music are musicians such as Slavko Avsenik, with the iconic tune of Na Golici, which is the most played instrumental tune of all time!

A well-known folk music ensemble called Ansambel Lojzeta Slaka is considered to be the pioneer of the genre. These are songs that you could learn Slovenian from and that you’re likely to hear at a Slovenian local party (called veselica):

  • Čebelar
  • V dolini tihi
  • Glas harmonike
  • Po dekle
  • Mama, prihajam domov
  • Ej, prijatelj
  • Deželica sonca in grozdja
A Styrian harmonica or accordion

How Do You Say Song In Slovenian?

The word for ‘song’ in Slovenian is pesem.

In plural, the word ‘songs’ in Slovenian would be pesmi. To say Slovenian songs, you can say slovenske pesmi.

When you’re learning about songs, learning some related Slovenian music vocabulary can be super useful too! That way, you can better understand the cultural aspects and context of Slovenian music, making your learning and enjoyment of the songs more fulfilling.

bandglasbena skupina/bend
musical instrumentglasbeni inštrument
bass guitarbas kitara

Want to learn more Slovenian words and phrases? The Ling app is a useful tool that can help you learn Slovenian more quickly, with easy daily lessons that you can do on the go when you download it to your phone!

FAQs About Slovenian Songs

What’s The Music Taste In Slovenia?

Besides popular folk music, which attracts the largest crowds, Slovenians enjoy all types of genres, including pop, rock, and metal. Techno and electronic music are becoming increasingly famous among young people. Slovenians also like to listen to ex-Yugoslavian rock bands from the 80s.

What Is The Most Streamed Slovenian Song?

The most streamed Slovenian song is ”Carpe Diem” by Joker Out. They’re the band that represented Slovenia in Eurovision’s song contest in 2023. On Spotify, the song has over 10 million streams.

What Is The Traditional Instrument Of Slovenia?

The traditional instrument of Slovenia is the Styrian harmonica, which is the oldest type of accordion. It’s used in traditional Slovenian folk music and plays a big role in preserving Slovenian cultural traditions.

Listening to Slovenian music

Time To Update Your Playlist!

Even though there are many musicians that we left out today that would be worth mentioning here, I believe I presented you with the best of Slovenian music, as I do pride myself with a great taste in music!

I hope that you check out these songs on YouTube or Spotify today. They’ll not only help you learn Slovenian, but you’ll also gain some new tunes for your playlist!

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