Conjunctions In Slovenian: 3 Impressive Categories

Conjunctions in Slovenian Ling App

Are you also looking for impeccable ways to turn your clauses into proper sentences? That is only possible by learning some useful “vezniki” or conjunctions in Slovenian. Let’s walk you through three major categories of the conjunctions for this language and a few examples to help you understand the topic better. If you are ready to get your creative juices flowing, then keep reading below!

Conjunctions In Slovenian


Unlike in English, the conjunctions in Slovenian are based on gender and number. Based on its structure, we found out that there are three major types of conjunctions in Slovenian that you must know about. Before getting into the details of that, you should get an overview of the conjunct agreement conducted, which has been supported by several types of research.

Conjunction Agreement

In the Slovenian language, the verbal participle seeks controller of agreement. According to one research, five experiments were conducted, and the experiments documenting the conjunct agreement had valuable results. The findings show that the conjunct agreement in the Slovenian language had three distinct grammars and all of which were in agreement with the highest conjunct (feminine), closest conjunct (neuter), and Boolean Phrase (masculine).

Coordinate Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are called priredni vezniki in the Slovenian language. Here is a list of coordinating conjunctions with examples so that you can practice them when creating your sentences.

AndInAlice and Klaus are coming with us.Alice in Klaus gresta z nami.
ButAmpak/TodaI know I should leave, but I want to stay.Vem, da bi moral oditi, a želim ostati.
ForZaI am grateful for your efforts.Hvaležen sem za vaš trud.
NorNitiNor this.Niti tega.
OrOzGet an apple or an orange.Vzemite jabolko ali pomarančo.
SoTorejHe left, so you should go.Odšel je, zato bi moral iti.
YetŠeHe’s not here yet.Ni ga še tukaj.

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions relate an independent clause with a dependent clause to form complex and compound sentences. Here is a list of the correlative conjunctions in the Slovenian language with suitable examples.

As/AsKot/kotHe is as wise as an owl.Moder je kot sova.
Both/AndOboje/inBoth he and she must goTako on kot ona morata iti
Either/OrAli to/ali paEither you eat fish or eat nothing.Ali ješ ribe ali ješ nič.
If/ThenČe/potem (ter)If you want me to come then, you should send an invitation.Če želite, da pridem takrat, bi morali poslati povabilo.
Just/SoSamo/zatoI came so that I could keep you Safe.Prišel sem samo zato, da te lahko varujem.
Neither/NorNiti/nitiNeither you nor is going to the airport.Niti ti niti ne gresta na letališče.
No Sooner/ThanNe prej/takratCome no sooner than 8’o clock.Pridite ne prej kot ob 8. uri.
Not Only/But AlsoNe samo/ampak tudiNot only do I hate you but also I want to kill you.Ne samo, da te sovražim, ampak te tudi želim ubiti.
Rather/ThanRaje/kotI would rather die than attend your party.Raje bi umrl, kot da bi se udeležil vaše zabave.
So/ThatTako/toIt would be best if you left so the cat could come out.Morate oditi, da lahko mačka pride ven.
Such/ThatTako/TakoDo this in a way such that the guests get impressed.Naredite to tako, da bodo gostje navdušeni.
Whether/OrAli/AliWhether you go or I will.Ali greš ti ali bom jaz.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions show two subordinating clauses, called Podredni Vezniki in the Slovenian language. Let’s learn about these below.

AfterPoI will teach you more sentences after you learn this one.Ko se naučiš tega, te bom naučil več stavkov.
AlthoughČepravAlthough I could tell of the consequence already, I waited.Čeprav sem že vedel za posledice, sem čakal.
AsKotAs the report has presented, the existence is in dangerKot je navedeno v poročilu, je obstoj ogrožen
As Far AsDoklerAs far as my opinion is concerned, you need to add a comma here.Kar se tiče mojega mnenja, morate tukaj dodati vejico.
As IfKot DaYou are asking as if my suggestion matters to you.Sprašujete, kot da bi vam bil moj predlog pomemben.
As Long AsDoklerAs long as you know about the mechanisms, you can form chemicals.Dokler poznaš mehanizme, lahko tvoriš kemikalije.
As Much AsToliko KotRespect your elders as much as possible.Spoštujte starejše, kolikor je le mogoče.
As Soon AsTakoj, KoI need you to translate this sentence as soon as possible.Potrebujem, da čim prej prevedete ta stavek.
As ThoughKot DaAs Though these figures matter to you.Čeprav so te številke pomembne za vas.
BecauseKerFinally, because I insisted, they agreed to come.Nazadnje so privolili, ker sem vztrajal.
BeforePrejDid you know about these properties before?Ste že vedeli za te lastnosti?
By The TimeDo TakratBy this time, the gender-related stigmas will end.Do takrat se bodo stigme, povezane s spolom, končale.
EvenCeloEven I could note the pain in his eyes.Celo jaz sem opazil bolečino v njegovih očeh.
Even IfTudi ČeEven if she constrained herself, her desires would guide her.Tudi če bi se omejila, bi jo vodile njene želje.
Even ThoughČepravEven though my vocabulary is good, I still encounter issues.Čeprav imam dober besedni zaklad, še vedno naletim na težave.
HowKakoHow can you teach a combination of nouns to children?Kako lahko otroke naučite kombiniranja samostalnikov?


IfČeIf a person comes to you for help, how would you respond?Če oseba pride k vam po pomoč, kako bi se odzvali?
In CaseV PrimeruIf these phrases are difficult for you, I’ll teach you clauses.Če se te fraze težko naučite, vas bom naučil klavzul.
NowZdajNow let’s learn new words.Zdaj pa se naučimo novih besed.
UnlessRazenI won’t go unless you give me food.Ne grem, če mi ne daš hrane.
UntilDoklerUntil when can you get this done?Do kdaj lahko to storite?
WhatKajWhat is your name?kako ti je ime
WhenKdajHe spat on his face when he hit him.Ko ga je udaril, mu je pljunil v obraz.
WheneverKadarkoliI want you to visit my office whenever possible.Želim, da obiščete mojo pisarno, kadar koli je to mogoče.
WhereKjeWhere can we go for some Chinese food?Kam lahko gremo na kitajsko hrano?
WhetherAliIt depends on whether you want to go there or not.Odvisno od tega, ali želite iti tja ali ne.
WhileMedtemI want to have fun while I can.Želim se zabavati, dokler lahko.
WhoeverKdorkoliWhoever comes to your wedding.Kdor koli pride na vašo poroko.
WhoseČigavaWhose bag is this?Čigava je to torba?
WhyZakajWhy are new languages so hard to learn?Zakaj se je novih jezikov tako težko naučiti?

Wrapping Up

Learn Slovenian Language with Ling CTA

With these conjunctions, you can form new sentences like a pro. Enjoyed this post? You gotta check out our other articles to find out how to crack Slovenian jokes, get to know Slovenian music, and so much more! Trust us; we’ve covered many topics over the years, so we bet that we have something to offer you, no matter your interests.

But if you want to enhance your Slovenian language skills further, you must check our Ling App. The Ling App is a new language learning platform for keen learners looking for high-quality resources all in one place. Not only does it have in-depth lessons, but it comes with several features that’ll help anyone master Slovenian and 60+ other languages much faster! Want to try it out? Install the app from the Google Play Store or App Store and start your language-learning journey. Happy learning!

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