10+ Powerful Malay Words for Pregnancy

Malay words for pregnancy

Are you interested in learning Malay and its rich vocabulary? Whether you’re planning to travel to Malaysia or just want to expand your horizons, understanding Malay words for pregnancy, birth, and children can be a fascinating and helpful endeavor towards increasing your Malay vocabulary.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some key Malay words in these domains to help you on your language learning journey!

Most Used Malay Words For Pregnancy, Birth & Children

Let us take a quick look at the various vocabulary used in this genre.

Malay Words For Pregnancy

Pregnancy: The Malay word for pregnancy is “kehamilan.” It represents pregnant women as patients in health cultures of Malay speaking regions. This term also refers to the condition of being pregnant.

Baby: As you embark on your Malay language adventure, you’ll soon encounter the word “bayi,” which means ‘baby.’ It’s a word you’ll frequently use when discussing pregnancies and children.

Malay words for pregnancy

Malay Words For Childbirth

Birth: “Kelahiran” is the Malay word for the English term ‘birth’.

To Give Birth: When it’s time for a mother to give birth, the Malay term “bersalin” is used. It’s essential to understand this word if you’re discussing childbirth in Malay.

Delivery Room: “Bilik bersalin” translates to ‘delivery room’ and is an important phrase when talking about the birthing process.

Fetus: Before birth, a developing baby is referred to as “janin.” Understanding this word helps you follow discussions about the different stages of pregnancy.

Malay Words Related To Children

Child: The Malay word for ‘child’ is “anak.” This term is widely used in daily conversations and is an essential word when talking about children.

Children: When you want to refer to children collectively, you can use “kanak-kanak.”

Education: If you’re interested in childhood education, the word “pelajaran” will come in handy. It means ‘education’ and is vital when discussing a child’s development.

Malay words for pregnancy

Additional Malay Pregnancy Vocabulary

As you continue your Malay language learning journey, you’ll discover more vocabulary related to pregnancy, birth, and children. Here are a few extra words to enrich your vocabulary:

  • Mother: Understanding “ibu” is essential when discussing mothers and their role during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Father: Just like “ibu,” “ayah” is the Malay word for ‘father,’ an important term for discussing family dynamics.
  • Development: When discussing a child’s growth and development, “perkembangan” will be a valuable word to know.
  • Grandmother & Grandfather: Family plays a crucial role in a child’s life, so learning the words for ‘grandmother’ and ‘grandfather,’ which are “nenek” and “atuk,” respectively, can be beneficial.

Childbearing Process And Common Birth Rituals In Malay Culture

In Malay culture, the childbearing process holds great significance and is often accompanied by a variety of rituals and traditions that reflect the deep-rooted cultural and religious values of the community. Let’s explore the childbearing process in Malay culture and some common rituals associated with giving birth.

The Childbearing Process (Proses Kehamilan)

The childbearing process in Malay culture begins with the announcement of pregnancy, a momentous event and belief celebrated with joy and anticipation. The word “kehamilan” represents a woman in pregnancy, and as mentioned earlier, it is a crucial term in discussions about this phase.

As the pregnancy progresses, mothers-to-be receive extensive support from their families and communities. Malay culture places a strong emphasis on family bonds, and this is particularly evident during pregnancy. The expecting woman is encouraged to eat nourishing foods and engage in activities that promote well-being for both the mother and the developing fetus.

Malay words for pregnancy

Common Birth Rituals (Ritual Bersalin)

  • Herbal Steam Bath: One common tradition during pregnancy and postpartum is the “bertungku” or herbal steam bath ritual. It involves a herbal steam bath that is believed to help mothers recover and regain strength after giving birth. The herbs used in the steam bath are thought to have healing properties and avoid infection.
  • Chanting Prayers: The “berzanji” ceremony is a spiritual practice (scientific basis exposed) where verses from Islamic texts are chanted and prayers are offered for the well-being of both the mother and the newborn. It’s a significant event in Malay culture, as Islam plays a vital role in the lives of many Malays.
  • Naming Ceremony: The “aqiqah” or naming ceremony is held a few days after the birth of the child. It involves the symbolic shaving of the baby’s head and the naming of the child. The baby’s hair is weighed, and an equivalent amount of gold or silver is donated to charity.
  • First Haircut: Malay culture has a tradition called “cukur jambul,” where a baby’s first haircut is performed. It’s typically done on the seventh day after birth. This event is celebrated with family and friends, and the cut hair is often placed in a coconut and buried as a symbol of growth and prosperity.
  • Scattering Flowers: After childbirth, it is customary to scatter flower petals around the mother and the newborn as a symbol of blessings, beauty, and good fortune. This ritual is called “bertabur bunga.”

To Conclude

These rituals reflect the cultural and religious diversity of Malay society, with influences from Islam, indigenous beliefs, and regional customs. Understanding these rituals is not only a way to appreciate the cultural richness of women in Malay society but also a way to connect with the people and their traditions when visiting or living in Malaysia or other Malay-speaking regions!

Learn Malay With Ling

Learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging, but with the right resources and dedication, you can make significant progress. Start by mastering these Malay words for pregnancy, birth, and children, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming proficient in this beautiful language.

And if you choose to learn Malay on your own, then we have got your back! You can download the Ling app to further your language progression in a fun, interactive space. Download it on the App Store and Play Store today!

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