90+ Easy Household Items In Lithuanian

Uncover the secret sauce to an immersive adventure in Lithuania by getting cozy with household items in Lithuanian. Trust me- the more that you know about it, the more you’ll realize that you can unlock a world of culture and connections from quirky trinkets to traditional tools. If you’re ready for that and more, read on below!

Different Household Items In Lithuanian

Common Household Items (Įprasti namų apyvokos daiktai)

Picture confidently blending with the Lithuanian locals with your newfound self-sufficiency skills. You’ll dance through kitchens, high-five appliances, and wield cleaning agents like a pro – all while dodging accidents like a ninja. So dive in, become the Lithuanian household maestro, and level up your home sweet home game with these words:

English Lithuanian Pronunciation
Table Stalas Stah-lahs
Chair Kėdė Keh-deh
Sofa Sofa Soh-fah
Bed Lova Loh-vah
Dishwasher Indaplovė In-dah-ploh-veh
Washing machine Skalbimo mašina Skahl-bee-moh mah-shee-nah
Television Televizorius Teh-leh-vee-zoh-ree-oos
Computer Kompiuteris Kohm-pyoo-teh-rees
Lamp Lempa Lehm-pah
Clock Laikrodis Lye-kroh-dees
Shower Dusas Doo-sahs
Sink Kriauklė Kree-ow-kleh
Iron Lygintuvas Leeg-een-too-vahs
Toaster Tosteris Tohs-teh-rees
Trash can Šiukšliadėžė Shooksh-leeah-deh-zheh
Dish Indas In-dahs
Glass Stiklas Stee-klahs

Bathroom (Vonia)

From unraveling daily rituals to sparking cross-cultural convos, these items are your passport to improving your health and appearance. And hey, whether you’re a globe-trotter or a future Lithuanian local, knowing your way around these bathroom gems ensures a comfy stay. So, dive in, soak up the charm, and keep the cultural vibes flowing!

English Lithuanian Pronunciation
Mirror Veidrodis Vay-droh-dis
Sink Praustuvas Prow-stoo-vahs
Bathtub Vonios kriauklė Voh-nyohs kryow-kle
Shower Dušas Doo-shah
Toilet Tualetas Too-ah-leh-tahs
Toilet paper Tualetinis popierius Too-ah-leh-teenis poh-pyeh-ree-oos
Soap Muilas Moo-ee-lahs
Shampoo Šampūnas Shahm-poo-nahs
Conditioner Kondicionierius Kohn-dee-tsee-oh-nee-eh-ree-oos
Towel Rankšluostis Rahnk-shloo-stihs
Toothbrush Dantų šepetėlis Dahn-tooh sheh-peh-teh-lis
Toothpaste Dantų pasta Dahn-tooh pah-stah
Faucet Krānas Krah-nahs
Cabinet Spintelė Speen-teh-leh
Shower curtain Dušo uždanga Doo-shoh oo-zh-dahn-gah
Rug Kilimas Kee-lee-mahs
Toilet brush Tualetinio šepetėlis Too-ah-leh-tee-nee-oh sheh-peh-teh-lis
Trash bin Šiukšliadėžė Shooyksh-leeah-deh-zheh
Cotton balls Medvilnės kamuoliukai Meh-dveel-neh’s kah-mwoh-lyoo-kai
Hairdryer Plaukų džiovintuvas Plow-koo dzhoh-veen-too-vahs
Scale Svarstyklės Svar-sti-klehs
Razor Skustuvas Skoo-stoo-vahs
Cotton swabs Medvilnės tamponai Meh-dveel-neh’s tahm-poh-nai
Medicine cabinet Vaistų spintelė Vai-stoo speen-teh-leh
Tissue box Nosiaryklės dėžutė Noh-see-ah-rik-lehs deh-zhoo-teh
household items vocabulary in lithuanian

Kitchen (Virtuvė)

How about some incredible Lithuanian kitchen treasures to help you impress the locals? Let’s stir up some fun and flavor together with these terms:

English Lithuanian Pronunciation
Plate Lėkštė Lek-shte
Fork Šakutė Sha-koo-te
Knife Peilis Pay-lis
Spoon Šaukštas Shaowk-shtas
Cutting board Pjaustymo lenta Pyow-sti-mo len-ta
Pot Puodas Pwo-das
Pan Skarda Skaar-da
Bowl Dubuo Doo-boo
Glass Stiklas Stik-las
Mug Puodelis Pwo-deh-lis
Toaster Tosteris To-steh-ris
Blender Smulkintuvas Smool-kin-too-vas
Microwave Mikrobangų krosnelė Mee-kro-ban-goo kro-sne-le
Oven Krosnis Kro-snis
Refrigerator Šaldytuvas Shal-di-too-vas
Sink Kriauklė Kree-au-kle
Dishwasher Indaplovė In-da-plo-ve
Utensils Indai In-dai
Cutting knife Pjovimo peilis Pyo-vi-mo pay-lis
Ladle Pjovimo šaukštas Ly-duh
Whisk Plaktukas Plak-too-kas
Can opener Skardos atidarytuvas Skaar-dos ah-ti-dar-y-too-vas
Measuring cups Matavimo puodeliai Ma-ta-vi-mo pwo-de-li-ai
Mixing bowls Maišymo dubenėliai Mai-shee-mo doo-be-ne-ly-ai
Rolling pin Tešlos slėginys Te-shlos sle-gi-nys
Colander Nukošimo indas Noo-kosh-i-mo in-das

Cleaning Materials (Valymo medžiagos)

Understanding these cleaning tools isn’t just about keeping things spick and span; it’s a key to unlocking cultural insights and practical prowess. By knowing the ropes of Lithuanian cleaning essentials, you’re tapping into the locals’ daily routines and gaining a deeper appreciation for their way of life. From sparking conversations with a cultural twist to acing your own cleaning game, these items are your secret weapon.

So, whether you’re a tidiness enthusiast or just curious about keeping things neat, prepare to sweep away ignorance and embrace the sparkle of cultural connection!

English Lithuanian Pronunciation
Broom Šluota Shluota
Mop Šluostė Shluoshteh
Vacuum cleaner Dulkių siurblys Doolk-yoo syoor-blees
Dustpan Šiukšliadėžė Shoooks-lyah-deh-zheh
Brush Šepetys Sheh-pehtys
Bucket Kibirėlis Kee-beh-reh-lees
Sponge Kempinė Kehm-peen-eh
Cloth Skudurėlis Skoo-doo-reh-lees
Cleaning solution Valymo skystis Vah-lymo skees-tis
Disinfectant Dezinfekantas Deh-zeen-feh-kahn-tahs
Window cleaner Langų valymo priemonė Lahng-oo vah-lymo pree-oh-meh-neh
Dish soap Indų ploviklis Een-doo ploh-veek-lees
Laundry detergent Skalbimo milteliai Skahl-bee-mo meel-teh-lyai
Baking soda Kepimo soda Keh-pee-mo so-dah
Vinegar Actas Ah-tsas
Paper towels Popierinės rankšluostės Poh-pee-eh-rees rahnk-shlooos-tes
Trash bags Šiukšlių maišai Shoooks-lyoo my-shai
Gloves Pirštinės Peer-shtee-nehs
Scrubbing pad Skustuvas Skoos-too-vahs
Air freshener Oro gaiviklis Oh-roh gah-ee-veek-lees
Cleaning materials

First Aid Kit (Pirmosios pagalbos rinkinys)

Picture this: you’re exploring the stunning landscapes of Lithuania, soaking in the culture, when suddenly, oops! A little stumble or unexpected twist in the adventure! That’s where knowing your Lithuanian household first aid kit comes in, like your trusty sidekick. This kit’s got your back, from bandages that work like magic to antiseptics that make germs disappear faster than a magician’s trick. So get ready to level up your safety game and ensure smooth sailing on your travel escapades by knowing these words:

English Lithuanian Pronunciation
Adhesive bandages Lipniniai pleistrai Lip-nee-nai pley-strai
Gauze pads Gipsinės pagalvėlės Gip-si-nes puh-gahl-veh-les
Adhesive tape Lipnus tinkas Lip-nus tin-kas
Antiseptic wipes Dezinfekuojančios servetėlės Deh-zin-fay-kwo-yahn-chyos sehr-veh-teh-les
Scissors Zirklės Zir-kles
Tweezers Pincetas Peen-cheh-tas
Disposable gloves Vienkartines pirštinės Vyehn-kar-tee-nes peer-shtin-nes
Thermometer Termometras Tehr-moh-meh-tras
Pain relievers Skausmo malšintuvai Skows-mo mahl-Shihn-too-vai
Tweezers Pincetas Peen-cheh-tas
First aid kit

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