#1 Easy Guide To Date And Time In Arabic


As a native English speaker, have you ever read an Arabic text and just automatically read the date and time in Arabic as if they were written in English because you didn’t know how to really say them?

Well, I have. But we need to stop doing that! In this article, you will learn how to read an Arabic date and time.

The Basics Of Arabic Dates

Let’s start with how to write dates in Arabic.

As in other parts of the world, dates in Arabic format look like this: “day-month-year.” November 14, 2023, would be 14/11/2023. In Eastern Arabic numerals, that particular date in Arabic would look like this: ١٤/١١/٢٠٢٣. Keep in mind, you should write dates from left to right in Eastern Arabic.

Gregorian And Hijri Calendars

In Arab countries, two calendars are used in daily life—the widely used Gregorian calendar and the Hijri, an Islamic calendar. While the Gregorian calendar is the one you’re accustomed to, the Hijri calendar is lunar-based and has religious connotations for the Arab world. This lunar calendar plays an important role in determining special dates and events in Islam, such as Ramadan and Eid.

Image of a calendar - calendars date and time in arabic

Date And Time In Arabic

Let’s get to learning essential vocabulary related to date and time in Arabic, starting from days of the week.

Days Of The Week In Arabic

In the table below, you’ll find the vocabulary for the days of the week in Arabic, with their prepositions as well, so you know how to use them in a sentence correctly. I know they sound very different compared to the European languages, but don’t be scared. I’m sure you’ll learn them in a very short time!

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation
Weekendالعطلة الأسبوعيةal-o’tla al esbue’yah
On Mondayفي يوم الإثنينfi yaum al-ethnayn
On Tuesdayفي يوم الثلاثاءfi yaum al-tholatha’
On Wednesdayفي يوم الأربعاءfi yaum al-arbe’a’
On Thursdayفي يوم الخميسfi yaum al-khamees
On Fridayفي يوم الجمعةfi yaum al-jom’ah
On Saturdayفي يوم السبتfi yaum al-sabt
On Sundayفي يوم الأحدfi yaum al-ahad
At the weekendفي العطلة الأسبوعيةfi al-o’tla al esbue’yah

Months In Arabic

Months are easier to learn because they sound very similar to their English names.

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation

Seasons In Arabic

And when it comes to vocabulary for seasons, they are even easier than months!

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation
Image of a clock

Telling The Time In Arabic

The time of day can be described in general terms or specific times. We’ll start with words that can be used to describe the general time of day.

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation
Afternoonبعد الظهيرةba’d al-daheerah
Midnightمنتصف الليلmontasaf al-layl

When you want to know a specific time of day, you can ask as-saa’a kam? (What time is it?). Remember that time expressions use ordinal numbers (first, second, and so on) rather than cardinal numbers (one, two, and so on).

Before telling time, you should learn the numbers; if you haven’t learned them yet, we have another blog article about Arabic numbers!

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation
One o’clockالساعة الواحدةas-saa’a al-waaHida
Two o’clockالساعة الثانيةas-saa’a ath-thaaniya
Three o’clockالساعة الثالثةas-saa’a ath-thaalitha
Four o’clockالساعة الرابعةas-saa’a ar-raabi’a
Five o’clockالساعة الخامسةas-saa’a al-khaamisa
Six o’clockالساعة السادسةas-saa’a as-saadisa
Seven o’clockالساعة السابعةas-saa’a as-saabi’a
Eight o’clockالساعة الثامنةas-saa’a ath-thaamina
Nine o’clockالساعة التاسعةas-saa’a at-taasi’a
Ten o’clockالساعة العاشرةas-saa’a al-‘aashira
Eleven o’clockالساعة الحادية عشرةas-saa’a al-Haadiya ‘ashra
Twelve o’clockالساعة الثانية عشرةas-saa’a ath-thaaniya ‘ashra

When telling the time, you can use the following terms to break things down.

EnglishArabic ScriptPronunciation
Third (20 minutes)ثلثthulth

To tell a specific time, you should say the hour and then add the minutes, quarters, etc. to the end of the phrase. Let’s look at the following examples:

  • Quarter ’til four – الساعة الرابعة إلا ربع (as-saa’a ar-raabi’a illaa rub’)
  • 1:30 a.m. – الساعة الواحدة ونصف في الصباح (as-saa’a al-waaHida wa nuSf fii-SabaaH)
  • 7:15 p.m. – الساعة السابعة وربع في المساء (as-saa’a as-saabi’a wa rub’ fii-l-masaa’)

Start Learning Arabic With Ling!

If you want to learn Arabic and are looking for the best language-learning app to improve your language skills, Ling is here for you!

The Ling app is a language learning app that offers more than 60 language courses from beginner to advanced level. It helps you practice the Arabic alphabet and learn new vocabulary in context. Last but not least, you can practice your pronunciation skills by talking to a chatbot. Thanks to Ling, you can improve all your Arabic language skills in a single app!

So don’t wait. Download the Ling app from the App Store or Play Store and start learning now!

Also, don’t miss Ling’s Arabic blog! We share articles covering topics related to this language and culture!

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