100+ Basic Arabic Phrases That You Must Know

Would you like to know some of the most commonly used Arabic expressions that could make everyday communication easier? In this blog post, you will access at least 100 basic Arabic Phrases from different categories you need as a resident and tourist.

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Basic Arabic Phrases

People in the middle east tend to speak several dialects of Arabic, each having certain commonalities. Speaking Arabic with Arabic speakers could be a great sport if you aren’t aware of all the essential basic words and phrases in this beautiful language.

Understanding what you hear is made considerably simpler by being familiar with popular Arabic expressions. These expressions are often or primarily used. Keep your ears alert and pay close attention since you’ll hear them being spoken frequently.

Asking For Directions

Basic Arabic Phrases

You can speak Arabic more fluently when you know basic phrases to ask while traveling to the train station or elsewhere. You could get invited to many Arabic events, so here is a great list to help you massively find your way around an Arab country.

Are you a native of this area?هل أنت من مواليد هذه المنطقة؟hal ‘ant min mawalid hadhih almintaqati?
Can I get any assistance? I have to get there.هل يمكنني الحصول على أي مساعدة؟ لا بد لي من الوصول إلى هناك.hal yumkinuni alhusul ealaa ‘ayi musaeadatin? la buda li min alwusul ‘iilaa hunakin.
Could you please direct me to the Big Hotel?هل يمكنك توجيهي إلى الفندق الكبير من فضلك؟hal yumkinuk tawjihi ‘iilaa alfunduq alkabir min fadliki?
Could you please inform them how to go to the railway station, please?هل يمكن أن تخبرهم كيف يذهبون إلى محطة السكة الحديد من فضلك؟hal yumkin ‘an tukhbirahum kayf yadhhabun ‘iilaa mahatat alsikat alhadid min fadlika?
Could you tell me where to go?هل يمكن أن تخبرني إلى أين أذهب؟hal yumkin ‘an tukhbirani ‘iilaa ‘ayn ‘adhhabi?
Do we have London in our sights?هل لدينا لندن في بصرنا؟hal ladayna landan fi basarna?
Excuse me, How does one get to… if I’m lost?معذرةً ، كيف يمكن للمرء أن يصل إلى … إذا تاهت؟medhrtan , kayf yumkin lilmar’ ‘an yasil ‘iilaa … ‘iidha tahati?
Have you got a guide?هل لديك دليل؟hal ladayk dalil?
How are we going to go to High Park?كيف سنذهب إلى هاي بارك؟kayf sanadhhab ‘iilaa hay bark?
How can I locate…?كيف يمكنني تحديد موقع …؟kayf yumkinuni tahdid mawqie …?
Is it far?انه بعيد؟anah baeid?
I’m sorry, how do I go to…?انا اسف كيف اذهب الى …؟ana asif kayf adhhab alaa …؟
I’m trying to find…أحاول أن أجد…uhawil ‘an ‘ajdi…
I’m trying to locate this location.أحاول تحديد موقع هذا الموقع.uhawil tahdid mawqie hadha almawqiei.
Please provide me with a map.من فضلك زودني بالخريطة.min fadlik zudani bialkharitati.
What location is the closest post office?ما هو أقرب مكتب بريد؟ma hu ‘aqrab maktab birid?
Where are…?أين…؟ayn…?
Where can I find the library?أين يمكنني أن أجد المكتبة؟ayn yumkinuni ‘an ‘ajid almaktabata?
Which method is the best to…?ما هي الطريقة الأفضل …؟ma hi altariqat al’afdal …?

Phrases To Express Love

Basic Arabic Phrases

If you are learning to speak Arabic because you fell in love with an Arab girl, this list is especially for you. Learn these phrases, make sentences and let us know if you found them helpful.

I absolutely love you.أنا أحبك تمامًا.ana ‘uhibuk tmaman.
I adore being around you.أعشق التواجد حولك.aeshaq altawajud hawlaka.
I miss you and I’m sad.اشتقت لك وانا حزين.ashtaqt lak wana hazina.
I only ever think about you.أنا فقط أفكر فيك.ana faqat ‘ufakir fik.
I want to be with you forever.أريد أن أكون معك للأبد.urid ‘an ‘akun maeak lil’abdu.
I’m completely smitten with you.أنا مغرم بك تمامًا.ana mughrim bik tmaman.
I’m grateful to you.انا ممتن لك.ana mumtin lika.
I’m madly in love with you.أنا أحبك بجنون.ana ‘uhibuk bijununi.
You illuminate my existence.أنت تنير وجودي.ant tunir wujudi.
To me, you are everything.بالنسبة لي ، أنت كل شيء.bialnisbat li , ‘ant kulu shay’in.
You are on my mind.أنت في ذهني.ant fi dhihni.
You are the reason I am here today.أنت سبب وجودي هنا اليوم.ant sabab wujudi huna alyawma.
You give me hope.تستطيع أن تعطيني الأمل.tastatie ‘an tuetiani al’amlu.
You make my life happier.انت تجعل حياتي اسعدant tajeal hayaati asead
You were in my thoughts.كنت في أفكاري.kunt fi ‘afkari.
Your laughter is missed.ضحكتك ضائعة.dahikatuk dayieatun.

Phrases To Guide

Basic Arabic Phrases

If you have passed the beginner’s level of learning Arabic, remember these phrases to help others find their way when they first come to the Arabic region of your residence, like Dubai, etc. We have added some Arabic verbs in these phrases to help you recall them.

Drive straight at the intersection.قد مباشرة عند التقاطع.qad mubasharatan eind altaqatueu.
Go ahead…إنطلق…iintalaqa…
Go up…اذهب للأعلى…adhhab lil’aelaa…
Head left into… Streetاتجه يسارًا إلى … شارعatajih ysaran ‘iilaa … sharie
In the center of the block.في وسط الكتلة.fi wasat alkutlati.
It is around 300 meters.تبلغ مساحتها حوالي 300 متر.tablugh misahatuha hawalay 300 mitra.
It is to your left.إنه على يسارك.iinah ealaa yasariki.
It’s close to…إنه قريب من …iinah qarib min …
It’s near a corner.إنه بالقرب من الزاوية.iinah bialqurb min alzaawiati.
Move leftتحرك يساراtaharak yasaran
On your left, you will pass a supermarket.على يسارك ، ستمر سوبر ماركت.ealaa yasarik , satamuru subar markit.
Proceed directly aheadالمضي قدما مباشرةalmudiu quduman mubasharatan
Right turnادر على اليمينadir ealaa alyamin
select the first right-hand road.حدد أول طريق على اليمين.hadad ‘awal tariq ealaa alyamini.
Take the second left-hand road.اسلك الطريق الأيسر الثاني.asluk altariq al’aysar althaani.
Take this highwayخذ هذا الطريق السريعkhudh hadha altariq alsarie
Your right will find it.سيجده حقك.sayajiduh haquka.

Phrases To Respond Negatively

Basic Arabic Phrases

There are many ways to respond negatively to a situation than merely saying no. Let’s say you don’t like the food and don’t want it, but saying so could make things salty between you and your friend. So learn these Arabic phrases to know many ways of saying no.

At this point, I won’t take anything else.في هذه المرحلة ، لن آخذ أي شيء آخر.fi hadhih almarhalat , lan akhidh ‘aya shay’ akhra.
For me, that is a flawed concept.بالنسبة لي ، هذا مفهوم خاطئ.bialnisbat li , hadha mafhum khatiun.
I wish I could, but I can’t.أتمنى لو أستطيع ، لكني لا أستطيع.atamanaa law ‘astatie , lakiniy la ‘astatieu.
It seems like fun, but I’m not free.يبدو الأمر ممتعًا ، لكنني لست حرًا.yabdu al’amr mmtean , lakinani last hran.
I’m sorry, but I’m unable to attend.أنا آسف ، لكني غير قادر على الحضور.ana asf , lakiniy ghayr qadir ealaa alhuduri.
I’m unable to make that commitment at this time.أنا غير قادر على تقديم هذا الالتزام في هذا الوقت.ana ghayr qadir ealaa taqdim hadha alailtizam fi hadha alwaqti.
My heart says no, even if my body says yes.قلبي يقول لا ، حتى لو قال جسدي نعم.qalbi yaqul la , hataa law qal jasadi niema.
No, I won’t be able to use that.لا ، لن أتمكن من استخدام ذلك.la , lan ‘atamakan min astikhdam dhalika.
perhaps in the future.ربما في المستقبل.rubama fi almustaqbali.
Simply put, I don’t have that to provide at this time.ببساطة ، ليس لدي هذا لأقدمه في الوقت الحالي.bibasatat , lays ladaya hadha li’uqdimah fi alwaqt alhalii.
Thank you, I’d prefer not.شكرا لك ، لا أفضل.shukran lak , la ‘ufadilu.
Thanks for asking; I’m not really into it.شكرا على السؤال؛ أنا لست مهتمًا بها حقًا.shukran ealaa alsuwali; ‘ana last mhtman biha hqan.
We are grateful for the offer, however…نحن ممتنون لهذا العرض ، ولكن …nahn mumtanawin lihadha aleard , walakin …

Phrases To Explain

Basic Arabic Phrases

When you start learning Arabic and try to hold an introductory conversation, you will find yourself searching for many words to explain something. Here is a list of some great phrases you can use to describe more.

Additionallyبالإضافة إلى ذلكbial’iidafat ‘iilaa dhalik
An example is…مثال …mithal …
As a case in point…كمثال على ذلك …kamithal ealaa dhalik …
As an exampleكمثالkamithal
As seen in…كما رأينا في…kama ra’ayna fi…
By way of illustrationعلى سبيل التمثيلealaa sabil altamthil
Examples include…الامثله تشمل…alamithlah tshamli…
E.g.على سبيل المثالealaa sabil almithal
For instanceعلى سبيل المثالealaa sabil almithal
If you look at…إذا نظرت إلى …iidha nazart ‘iilaa …
In a similar caseفي حالة مماثلةfi halat mumathila
In addition toبالإضافة إلىbial’iidafat ‘iilaa
In particularخاصهkhasah
Let’s say…دعنا نقول…daena naqul…
Likewiseعلى نفس المنوالealaa nafs alminwal
Note wellلاحظ جيداlahiz jayidan
One example is…أحد الأمثلة هو …ahad al’amthilat hu …
Such asمثلmithl
These include…وتشمل هذه…watashmal hadhihi…
This can be seen whenيمكن رؤية هذا عندماyumkin ruyat hadha eindama
This includesهذا يشملhadha yashmal

Phrases To Show Lack Of Knowledge

Basic Arabic Phrases

There are many ways of saying “I don’t know” than just saying so. Here are some great phrases in the Arabic language that you must know.

Amazes me.يدهشني.yadhishuni.
I can’t say for sure.لا أستطيع الجزم.la ‘astatie aljazma.
I can’t think of anything right now.لا أستطيع التفكير في أي شيء الآن.la ‘astatie altafkir fi ‘ayi shay’ alan.
I don’t know anything about that.لا أعرف أي شيء عن ذلك.la ‘aerif ‘aya shay’ ean dhalika.
I have no idea.ليس لدي أي فكرة.lays ladaya ‘ayu fikratin.
I have no knowledge of…ليس لدي علم …lays ladaya eilam …
It’s a great question, but I’m not sure.إنه سؤال رائع ، لكني لست متأكدًا.iinah suaal rayie , lakiniy last mtakdan.
I’ll check again and let you know.سوف أتحقق مرة أخرى وأعلمك بذلك.sawf ‘atahaqaq maratan ‘ukhraa wa’uealimuk bidhalika.
I’m going to look into that more.سأبحث في ذلك أكثر.sa’abhath fi dhalik ‘akthara.
I’m not the most extraordinary candidate to respond to it.أنا لست المرشح الأكثر استثنائية للرد عليه.ana last almurashah al’akthar aistithnayiyatan lilradi ealayhi.
I’m scared. I’m clueless.أنا خائف. أنا جاهل.ana khayifi. ‘ana jahili.
Let me investigate that.اسمحوا لي أن تحقق في ذلك.asmahuu li ‘an tuhaqiq fi dhalika.
That is a valid concern, and I will investigate.هذا مصدر قلق صحيح ، وسأحقق فيه.hadha masdar qalaq sahih , wasa’uhaqiq fihi.
That is the precise question I’m attempting to answer.هذا هو السؤال الدقيق الذي أحاول الإجابة عليه.hadha hu alsuwal aldaqiq aladhi ‘uhawil al’iijabat ealayhi.
That needs a little more investigation first.هذا يحتاج إلى مزيد من التحقيق أولاً.hadha yahtaj ‘iilaa mazid min altahqiq awlaan.
The future?المستقبل؟almustaqbali?
To me, it is a mystery.بالنسبة لي ، إنه لغز.bialnisbat li , ‘iinah laghaz.

Phrases About Hotel

Basic Arabic Phrases

Staying in a hotel could be really scary, not because of what the horror stories tell you but by not knowing basic phrases used in modern standard Arabic. So here is a list for you to get benefitted from.

Are there any other ways we can support you?هل هناك طرق أخرى يمكننا من خلالها دعمك؟hal hunak turuq ‘ukhraa yumkinuna min khilaliha daemuki?
Can you assist me with my baggage, please?هل يمكنك مساعدتي في أمتعتي ، من فضلك؟hal yumkinuk musaeadati fi ‘amtieati , min fadlika?
Do you have an appointment?هل لديك موعد؟hal ladayk maweidun?
Do you want to be woken up?هل تريد أن تستيقظ؟hal turid ‘an tastayqiza?
How many visitors are present?كم عدد الزوار الحاضرين؟kam eadad alzuwaar alhadirina?
It isn’t quiet here.إنه ليس هادئًا هنا.iinah lays hadyan huna.
Need assistance with your bags?بحاجة الى مساعدة مع حقائبك؟bihajat alaa musaeidatan mae haqayibika?
Please let me have a single room.واسمحوا لي أن أحصل على غرفة مفردة.wasmahuu li ‘an ‘ahsul ealaa ghurfat mufradatin.
Please let me make a room reservation.من فضلك دعني أحجز غرفة.min fadlik daeni ‘ahjiz ghurfatan.
Please let me view the room.واسمحوا لي أن أنظر إلى الغرفة.wasmahuu li ‘an ‘anzur ‘iilaa alghurfati.
The front desk has more cleaning supplies handy.المكتب الأمامي به المزيد من لوازم التنظيف في متناول يدي.almaktab al’amamiu bih almazid min lawazim altanzif fi mutanawal yadi.
The second floor is where your room is.الطابق الثاني حيث توجد غرفتك.altaabiq althaani hayth tujad ghurfatuk.
We appreciate you remaining with us!نحن نقدر لك البقاء معنا!nahn naqdir lak albaqa’ maena!
We had a wonderful time.كان لدينا وقتا رائعا.kan ladayna waqtan rayiean.
When may I arrive?متى يمكنني الوصول؟mataa yumkinuni alwusulu?
Your name should be written here.يجب كتابة اسمك هنا.yajib kitabat asmuk huna.

Wrapping Up

Basic Arabic Phrases

That’s it for this blog post. If you liked this article, you should check out the Ling App, which provides language learning services on its website and app. You can access a handy list of different topics that you would need in your daily life conversation.

Not just Arabic, you can also learn sixty other languages with the help of proper phrases and sentences. No matter what city or country you are from, This user-friendly app makes learning Arabic fun and exciting. If you speak English, then you would find this app especially helpful.

You can start with the Arabic alphabet and then find your way up to the greetings in Arabic, like good morning, good evening, and goodbye in Arabic, and much more. You can best install our app from Google Playstore or App Store and start learning the Arabic language!

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