4 Movies represent an impact of technologies on human life

Currently, We have the undeniable fact of technology may have made positive changes in the world, there is evidence for the negative effects of technology and its overuse, as well.

The technological innovations have become necessary, while at the same time the culture, ideals and aspirations of human destroyed
In this article, I will pick the movie from Netflix about impaction of technologies on human life.

1. Black Mirror

Set in a world only minutes from our own, “Black Mirror” unveils how modern technologies can backfire and be used against their makers, every episode set in a slightly different reality with different characters combating different types of technologies.

Netflix released the 6 episodes of Black Mirror fourth season
Its creator, Charlie Brooker, a British journalist, writer and screenwriter, is known for his acid humor and his critical vision of everything that surrounds us. Many may think that in this series he expresses his most pessimistic vision about technology but he explains

Another key of the Black Mirror success is the familiarity of the stories and technological evolutions. They don’t seem distant in the future. They are very subtle disruptions that unleash human stories and deep reflections, possible destinations like those

2. The social dilemma

Disagreeing with The Social Dilemma - Social Media will not kill society -  My-Thai.org

From Wikipedia

The film dives into the manipulation techniques it claims that social media companies use to addict their users, and the psychology that is leveraged to achieve this end. The interviewees state that this often leads to increased depression and increased suicide rates among teens and young adults.[4]

Orlowski uses a cast of actors to portray this in the dramatization. Ben, a teenager (played by Skyler Gisondo), slowly falls for these manipulation tactics and dives deeper into a social media addiction.

The dangers of artificial intelligence and fake news are touched on. Tristan Harris argues that this is a “disinformation-for-profit business model” and that companies make more money by allowing “unregulated messages to reach anyone for the best price”. Wikipedia is mentioned as a neutral landscape that shows all users the exact same information without curating or monetizing it.

The interviewees restate their fear about artificial intelligence’s role in social media and the influence these platforms have on society, arguing that “something needs to change.”

3. The great hack

Seven Things Netflix's 'The Great Hack' Gets Wrong About the  Facebook–Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal - Truth on the Market Truth on the  Market

From Wikipedia

Cambridge Analytica, the firm responsible for the scandal, was dedicated to big data. The data which was collected was meant to be used as part of a sales strategy that involved creating massive campaigns that approached users in a personal manner. The results of this campaign ended up disrupting US and UK politics and led to claims of complicity of social media enterprises such as Facebook.

The illicit harvesting of personal data by Cambridge Analytica was first reported in December 2015 by Harry Davies, a journalist for The Guardian. He reported that Cambridge Analytica was working for United States Senator Ted Cruz and used data harvested from millions of people’s Facebook accounts without their consent.[5] Facebook refused to comment on the story other than to say it was investigating. Further reports followed in the Swiss publication Das Magazin by Hannes Grasseger and Mikael Krogerus (December 2016), (later translated and published by Vice), Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian (starting in February 2017) and Mattathias Schwartz in The Intercept (March 2017). Brittany Kaiser, former director of Business Development at Cambridge Analytica, revealed that everything published involving Cambridge Analytica in the Brexit campaign and Ted Cruz‘s campaign was true.

The scandal reached a point where even Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, had to testify officially in front of several committees of the United States Congress.


Should we be wary of AI? 'Coded Bias' says yes. | The Stanford Daily

It follows researchers and advocates, principally MIT computer scientist and founder of the Algorithmic Justice LeagueJoy Buolamwini, as they explore how algorithms encode and propagate bias. The documentary touches on other ethical issues in Big Tech, including surveillance through facial recognition, and the perils of computer-based judgement in human evaluation. Others featured include Weapons of Math Destruction author Cathy O’Neill and members of Big Brother Watch, including Silkie Carlo, in London.

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