A Better Life During & After An Internship

Hi there, as of now it has already been six months since I was an intern at Simya Solutions. I thought now it would be just a wonderful time to reflect my internship life there as a sharing experience to those juniors who are looking for the best place to have an internship with since I understand that making a decision for which company you should go for was not such an easy. For those that do not know, I am Dara who is currently working as a full-time remote software developer at Simya Solutions.

During Internship

As a senior student at College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University, this was my first real-world experience in a such fast-growing company. I was nervous, doubtful, not quite sure if I can manage to finish my four-months internship fruitfully there since the in-class project and the company project were 180 degree difference.

But everything was turned out to be an amazing experience ever, everyone there was so helpful and supportive. When I was in troubles with the given tasks, there was a mentor or other senior developer who will directly assist, teach and train me. I am so fortunate that I have got a chance to join a team to develop an amazing online platform, Ling Live, for enabling students to learn a new language with an online tutor. During the development there were some interesting challenges and that help improve my skills a lot both technical and soft skills. Regarding the technical skills, I learnt and improved a lot with programmings and other tools used in the company like ReactJS, React-Native, Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Cloud-Function and other products from Firebase like Firebase Hosting, Firestore, Cloud-Messaging etc,. For the soft skills, I improved considerably in communication which confidently to talk and discuss with other teamwork which I was before so shy to talk and ask for helps from others. The company used Scrum methodology, so what we usually did in the morning was called the Daily Standup which is the 15 minutes update meeting within the team to talk about what was done yesterday and what plan to do today. It was such an interesting meeting but sometimes I did not like it haha. After from that, we had a sprint review meeting which usually a sprint lasted seven days, so in the meeting we had to review all of what has been done for the sprint, what problem was meet during the sprint, what to improve and to plan tasks for the next upcoming sprint. All the mentioned above was such an unforgettable experiences and what I learned during my internship. These really helped equip me with the needed skills and made me ready for the employment after graduation.

After Internship

On 17 March, 2021 was my last day at Simya Solutions for the internship. We had a farewell dinner together joined by my classmate who was having an internship here as well, senior developers and a project owner. I was so elated about that and also sad to leave my current working project since I would also like to see it grow. After one week holiday, I had got a meeting with my boss to talk and discuss about my next plan after internship. I told them my plan and luckily got hired as a full-time remote software developer with the Macbook provided. That was an indescribable feeling for the great opportunity they gave me and I have never forgotten it.

Regarding the full-time remote work, the working time is so flexible. For me, I usually start working at 09:30 and leave at 18:00. Even not working at the office, but I still get the full supports by the helpful and friendly teamworks like working at the office when there is some issues needed to be discussed and solved. So far, I really love and enjoy working remotely.

I would highly recommend for those who is currently looking for the internship opportunity in the fast-growing company, Simya Solutions should be in your whitelist.

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