8+ Fun Tamil Childhood Games You Must Know

Tamil Childhood Games

Ready to step into the lively world of Tamil culture, where traditions and cherished memories come to life through Tamil childhood games?

Imagine children gathered beneath ancient banyan trees, their laughter filling the air as they play games like “Pallanguzhi,” deftly moving colorful shells on a wooden board, or “Kabbadi,” a thrilling game of tag and strategy that embodies unity. These traditional Indian indoor games or outdoor games offer a glimpse into Tamil culture’s resilience, creativity, and indomitable spirit. It’s an invitation to not just observe but to immerse yourself in captivating traditions, where every game spins a tale, and every moment carries the weight of centuries of history.

Come, play, and explore the magic of Tamil childhood games!

What Is “Childhood Games” In Tamil?

These cherished childhood games or “குழந்தை பருவ விளையாட்டுகள்” (kuḻantai paruva viḷaiyāṭṭukaḷ) have been lovingly passed down through generations, weaving themselves into the very fabric of this southern Indian state.

Among the standout childhood games is “Kabaddi,” a dynamic contact sport demanding agility, strength, and strategy. Its roots trace back to the pages of ancient Tamil literature or “இலக்கியம்” (Ilakkiyam), finding mention in Sangam poetry, underlining its profound historical importance. The locals also enjoy “Pallanguzhi,” a centuries-old traditional board game that has stood the test of time. On a wooden board adorned with multiple pits, players engage in a delightful contest of wits, distributing seeds or shells while adhering to intricate rules. Pallanguzhi isn’t merely amusement; it’s an educational gem, imparting lessons in counting, strategy, and the art of social interaction among children.

These childhood games aren’t just pastimes; they are living legacies, preserving Tamil Nadu’s age-old traditions and values, while also serving as a joyful conduit for young minds to learn and connect with their peers. They are a bridge across time, seamlessly connecting the past and the present, ensuring that the roots and heritage of this remarkable culture remain firmly ingrained in the hearts of future generations.


Popular Tamil Childhood Games


Tamil Nadu is home to the popular team sport of Kabaddi. The goal of the game, which includes two teams, is for a “raider” from one team to invade the other team’s half, tag as many opponents as they can, and then escape without being caught.


A hardwood board with numerous pits and little seeds or shells is used in the classic board game Pallanguzhi. With the objective of gathering the most seeds, players take turns picking up seeds and scattering them in the pits.

Goli (Marbles)

Commonly known as Marbles, is an indoor game played by participants who use a larger marble ball to attempt to knock down marbles arranged in a tiny circle. The winner is the person who destroys the most marbles.


In the tag game Kho-Kho, two teams alternately chase and tag the opponents’ team members who are seated in a row. The team that tags every adversary in the least amount of time wins.

Lagori (Seven Stones)

A softball and seven flat stones are used to play the game of Lagori. One side tries to use the ball to knock down the stacked stones, while the other team works to put them back in place and tag the other team with the ball.

Kite Flying

Particularly during celebrations like Pongal, kite flying is a well-liked pastime in Tamil Nadu. Kids enjoy battling it out to cut the strings of their rivals’ kites in the sky.

Kilikattai (Hopscotch)

In the game Kilikattai, which is similar to hopscotch, participants hop over rows of squares painted on the ground while throwing objects into the squares. To finish the course without stepping on the lines or losing your balance is the objective.

Pambaram (Spinning Top)

Children spin a wooden top on the ground with a rope in the game called pambaram. The goal is to knock the opponent’s top-down while spinning the top for as long as you can.

Puli Meka (Tiger and Goat)

One player controls a “tiger” in the strategy game Puli Meka, which is played on a square grid, while the other player controls “goats,” both of which try to stop the tiger’s attempts to capture the other player’s “goats.”

Kavadi Attam

Traditional folk dances like Kavadi Attam are frequently performed at festivals. Children will occasionally perform this dance while holding little kavadis on their heads while they dance to the music.

Kite flying

Words Related To Childhood Games

Do you want to relate more with the locales by talking about the outdoor traditional Indian games? Expand your vocabulary with these words, and make your conversations much deeper and fun!

EnglishTamil Pronunciation
Playgroundவிளையாட்டு மைதானம்Viḷaiyāṭṭu maitāṉam
Hide and Seekகண்ணாமுச்சிKaṇṇāmucci
Marblesபளிங்கு கற்கள்Paḷiṅku kaṟkaḷ
Jump ropeகயிறு குதிக்கவும்Kayiṟu kutikkavum
Board gameபலகை விளையாட்டுPalakai viḷaiyāṭṭu
Traditional gamesபாரம்பரிய விளையாட்டுகள்Pārampariya viḷaiyāṭṭukaḷ
Game boardவிளையாட்டு பலகைViḷaiyāṭṭu palakai
Fun gameவேடிக்கை விளையாட்டுVēṭikkai viḷaiyāṭṭu
Outdoor gameவெளிப்புற விளையாட்டுVeḷippuṟa viḷaiyāṭṭu

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