70+ Awesome Mongolian Adverbs!

adverbs in mongolian

Picture this: you’re in the bustling markets, using Mongolian adverbs to describe the whirlwind of colors and sounds. In this case, adverbs aren’t just words – they’re your cultural passport, helping you vibe with locals and understand their way of life. From timing to manner, adverbs guide you through conversations like a pro.

Think of it this way…

They’re like spices that turn ordinary chats into flavorful connections. So, mastering Mongolian adverbs turns every moment into an unforgettable memory, whether you’re haggling for treasures, swapping tales by a nomadic fire, or savoring local eats. Get ready to sprinkle that linguistic magic and dive into a world of immersive experiences!

Formation Of Mongolian Adverbs

Adding Suffixes To Adjectives

One common way to form adverbs in Mongolian is by adding specific suffixes to adjectives. For instance, by adding “-на” (“-na”) or “-д” (“-d”) to adjectives, they can be transformed into adverbs. For example, “хайр” (good) becomes “хайрна” (well) and “хурц” (fast) becomes “хурцд” (quickly).

Using Noun + Adverb Constructions

Another method involves using noun-adverb combinations. For example, “бараг” (word) + “доо” (near) gives us “бараг доо” (close to the word), which means “nearly.”

English alphabet made of square wooden tiles with the English alphabet scattered on blue background - mongolian adverbs

Types Of Adverbs

Adverbs Of Time

When modifying a verb, adjective, or adverb within a sentence, an adverb of time identifies when an action, occurrence, or situation occurs. It is beneficial to answer “when?”-related questions within the context of the phrase. These adverbs help us understand the timing and order of events presented in the text more precisely because they provide temporal information.

English Mongolian Pronunciation
Now Одоо Odoor
Then Тэгээд Teged
Today Өнөөдөр Önöödör
Tomorrow Маргааш Margaaš
Yesterday Шинээр Shinēēr
Soon Хурга Khurga
Later Дараа Daraa
Early Өмнө Ömnö
Always Энгийн Engiin
Never Хэзээ ч Khezee ch
Often Орчин үеийнхэн Orchin üeiynhen
Rarely Ойрд байдаггүй Oird baidagguī
Sometimes Үргэлж Ürgelj
Seldom Доторх Dotorh
Recently Саяхан Sayakhan
Frequently Илүүд үзсэнд Ilüüd üzsend
Periodically Үргэлжилсэнд Ürgeljilsend
Occasionally Арай Arai
Always Энгийн Engiin
Eventually Тэгш Tegsh
Daily Өнөөдөр бүр Önöödör bür
Weekly 7 хоногт 7 khonogt
Monthly Сар бүрийн Sar büriin
Yearly Жил бүрийн Zhil büriin
Last Уржигдсан Urjigdsan
Next Дараах Daraakh
Recently Саяхан Sayakhan
Before Өмнө Ömnö
After Дараа Daraa
Already Аль хэдийн Al khedīn

Example in sentences:

  1. She went to the market yesterday. (In Mongolian: Тэр унаасаа өчигдөр зах руу очлоо.)
  2. We have a meeting tomorrow. (In Mongolian: Бид мөргөө уулзалт болно.)
  3. I’ll finish my work today. (In Mongolian: Би өнөөдөр ажилыг дуусгана.)

Adverbs Of Place

An adverb of place is a grammatical component that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb by describing the placement or position of an action or event. Answering inquiries like “where” with a sentence is helpful. These adverbs help the reader grasp the scenario described by providing information about the situation’s location.

English Mongolian Pronunciation
Here Энд End
There Там Tam
Nearby Ойрхонд Oirkhond
Far Амар Amar
Near Ойрхон Oirkhon
Above Дээд Deed
Below Доошоо Dooshoo
Under Доогийн Doogiin
Inside Дотор Dotor
Outside Гадар Gadar
Behind Зүүн гар талд Züün gar tald
In front Зүүн гар талд Züün gar tald
Opposite Эсрэг Esrөg
North Хойд Khoid
South Умард Umard
East Зүүн Züün
West Баруун Baruun
Upstairs Дээд Deed
Downstairs Доош Doosh
Indoors Дотор Dotor

Example in sentences:

  1. The keys are here on the table. (In Mongolian: Түлшний дээд босоор энд түрээсээ байна.)
  2. The bookstore is over there across the street. (In Mongolian: Номын сан там долдугаар замд байна.)
  3. People were dancing and celebrating everywhere. (In Mongolian: Хүн бүхэн амьдралдаа дуу, ойр дуулж байлаа.)

Adverbs Of Manner

In a sentence, an adverb of manner modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb by describing how an action is carried out or an event takes place. It provides insight into the style, method, or behavior related to the activity, adding detail to the way something is done. These adverbs clarify the “how” and improve the overall understanding of the material.

English Mongolian Pronunciation
Quickly Хурдан Khurdan
Slowly Гэнэтхэн Genetkhen
Carefully Анхааралтай Ankhaaraltai
Loudly Хүчтэй Hüchtei
Quietly Тэнэг Teneeg
Happily Хөгжимт Högjimt
Sadly Гайхалтай Gaikhaltai
Well Зүрхэн Zürkhen
Badly Муу Mu
Politely Зөнөлөн Zönölön
Rationally Бодитой Boditoy
Irrationally Бодохгүй Bodokhgüi
Clearly Ачаалалтай Achaalaltai
Confidently Энэрэлхэг Enerelheg
Angrily Агаад Agaad
Gently Эрүүл мэндэд Erüül mendd
Harshly Зовлон Zovlon
Softly Царай Tsarai
Efficiently Оршин суугаалтай Orshin suugaaltai
Inefficiently Оршин суугаахгүй Orshin suugaaKhgui
Cautiously Тэнэглэн Teneeglen
Boldly Дөрвөлжин Dörvöljin
Patiently Тер номлон Ter nomlon
Impatiently Тергүүнгүй Tergüüngüi

Example in sentences:

  1. She handled the delicate vase carefully. (In Mongolian: Тэр хоосон хуурайгаа ачааллаж байгаа.)
  2. He finished the race quickly. (In Mongolian: Тэр явж зогссон.)
  3. The old man walked slowly in the park. (In Mongolian: Сэтгэлд сэтгэл хонож байгаа залуучууд өдөр болгон зориулагдаад гарсан.)
mongolian adverbs

Learn Mongolian With Ling

Have you ever wondered how you can explore the depth of the Mongolian language by diving into its grammar, pronunciation, and other essential words aside from learning the adverbs? Well, folks, we introduce you to a language-learning application that resembles a game called Ling. It offers more than 60 different languages you can learn to aid your language-learning journey. Sounds pretty cool, right?

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