You may be wondering why knowing the art vocabulary in Mongolian is essential. Well, try to close your eyes first and let your imagination paint a picture – the grandeur of the Louvre in Paris or the timeless masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. But wait, there’s a treasure trove of creativity lying in wait, a treasure yet to be fully unveiled – and it’s nestled right within the heart of Mongolia.
Well, folks, Mongolia’s art seems like a fusion – a dance between the old and the new, where centuries-old techniques entwine with contemporary expressions. Canvases whisper tales of Genghis Khan’s conquests, while modern sculptures breathe life into ancient myths. With all the colors and each stroke of a brush, each chisel’s touch carries the weight of a history that has weathered storms, triumphs, and reinventions. So by learning Mongolian art vocabulary, you can easily relate with the locals and appreciate the pride and beauty of art in Mongolia.
With this, did it excite you to be impressed with Mongolian art-related words? Let’s sway the magical brush and flourish your inner Mongol artist by mastering these words!
Mongolian Art
You know what? Mongolian art is absolutely mesmerizing! I recently came across it, and let me tell you, it’s like stepping into a whole new world where history, nature, and spirituality come alive in beautiful harmony. Each piece tells these incredible tales of a nomadic society that’s so closely connected to its surroundings it’s like they’re one with nature.
And those fabrics with their intricate patterns? They’re like little snapshots of the deep relationships between the people and the landscapes they roam. It’s fascinating to see how their lives and the environment intertwine in such a profound way.
For me, Mongolian art is like taking a journey through time, immersing yourself in a culture that treasures its heritage while embracing the winds of change. It’s like experiencing the heart of a nation that holds onto its traditions while embracing new horizons. If you ever get the chance, you’ve got to check out Mongolian art; it’s an adventure of captivating beauty and ancient wisdom that’ll leave you in awe.
Art Vocabulary In Mongolian
If you are looking for phrases to use whenever you need to buy art materials or easily converse with a Mongol artist, then we got you! Below are words you can use which are related to fine art and painting:
English | Mongolian | English Pronunciation |
Canvas | Канвас | Kanvas |
Brush | Сойз | Soiz |
Palette | Палетт | Palyett |
Pigment | Пигмент | Pigmyent |
Acrylic | Акрил | Akril |
Oil | Газрын тос | Gazryn tos |
Watercolor | Усан будаг | Usan budag |
Gouache | Гуаш | Guash |
Tempera | Темпера | Tyempyera |
Brushstroke | Сойзоор цохих | Soizoor tsokhikh |
Composition | Найрлага | Nairlaga |
Still life | Натюрморт | Natyurmort |
Landscape | Ландшафт | Landshaft |
Portrait | Хөрөг зураг | Khörög zurag |
Abstract | Хийсвэр | Khiisver |
Impressionism | Импрессионизм | Impryessionizm |
Cubism | Кубизм | Kubizm |
Surrealism | Сюрреализм | Syurryealizm |
Realism | Реализм | Ryealizm |
Expressionism | Экспрессионизм | Экспрессионизм |
Fauvism | Фовизм | Fovizm |
Artistic technique | Уран сайхны техник | Uran saikhny tyekhnik |
Art gallery | Уран зургийн галлерей | Uran zurgiin gallyeryei |
Museum | Музей | Muzyei |
More Art-Related Vocabulary In Mongolian
Looking for a more advanced set of words? If yes, check out the ones we rounded up below.
English | Mongolian | Pronunciation |
Art exhibition | Уран зургийн үзэсгэлэн | Uran zurgiin üzesgelen |
Sculpture | Уран баримал | Uran barimal |
Mixed media | Холимог хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл | Kholimog khevlel medeelliin kheregsel |
Color theory | Өнгөний онол | Öngönii onol |
Artistic style | Уран сайхны хэв маяг | Uran saikhny khev mayag |
Chiaroscuro | Чиароскуро | Chiaroskuro |
Varnish | Лак | Lak |
Palette knife | Палетт хутга | Palyett khutga |
Art history | Урлагийн түүх | Urlagiin tüükh |
Masterpiece | Шилдэг бүтээл | Shildeg büteel |
Canvas stretching | Канвас сунах | Kanvas sunakh |
Visual arts | Дүрслэх урлаг | Dürslekh urlag |
Nude | Нүцгэн | Nütsgen |
Studio | Студи | Studi |
Artwork | Уран бүтээл | Uran büteel |
Fine art | Дүрслэх урлаг | Dürslekh urlag |
Watercolor paper | Усан будгийн цаас | Usan budgiin tsaas |
Still life | Натюрморт | Natyurmort |
Figure drawing | Зураг зурах | Zurag zurakh |
Art school | Урлагийн сургууль | Urlagiin surguuli |
Mongolian Expressions To Compliment Art
Are you worrying about what to say when you visit a museum in Mongolia? Then below are some sentences which can surely help you blend with the sophistication and relate amazement with the locals!
English | Mongolian | English Pronunciation |
Your artwork truly resonates with emotion and depth. | Таны уран бүтээл үнэхээр сэтгэл хөдлөл, гүн гүнзгий мэдрэмж төрүүлдэг. | Tany uran büteel ünekheer setgel khödlöl, gün günzgii medremj törüüldeg. |
Your use of colours creates such a captivating and vibrant atmosphere. | Таны өнгө ашиглах нь сэтгэл татам, эрч хүчтэй уур амьсгалыг бүрдүүлдэг. | Tany öngö ashiglakh ni setgel tatam, erch khüchtei uur amisgalyg bürdüüldeg. |
I’m impressed by your work’s level of detail and precision. | Таны ажлын нарийвчлал, нарийвчлалын түвшин надад сэтгэгдэл төрүүлэв. | Tany ajlyn nariivchlal, nariivchlalyn tüvshin nadad setgegdel törüülev. |
The composition of this piece is both visually striking and thought-provoking. | Энэ бүтээлийн найруулга нь нүдэнд харагдахуйц гайхалтай бөгөөд бодол төрүүлдэг. | Ene büteeliin nairuulga ni nüdend kharagdakhuits gaikhaltai bögööd bodol törüüldeg. |
This artwork feels like a breath of fresh air – so original and inspiring. | Энэ урлагийн бүтээл нь цэвэр агаарт амьсгалж байгаа мэт санагдаж байна – үнэхээр анхны бөгөөд урам зоригтой. | Ene urlagiin büteel ni tsever agaart amisgalj baigaa met sanagdaj baina – ünekheer ankhny bögööd uram zorigtoi. |
The way you’ve portrayed the subject captures its essence beautifully. | Та энэ сэдвийг хэрхэн дүрсэлсэн нь түүний мөн чанарыг маш сайхан харуулсан. | Ta ene sedviig kherkhen dürselsen ni tüünii mön chanaryg mash saikhan kharuulsan. |
I’m truly moved by the emotions that your art conveys. | Таны уран бүтээлийн хүргэж буй сэтгэл хөдлөл миний сэтгэлийг хөдөлгөж байна. | Tany uran büteeliin khürgej bui setgel khödlöl minii setgeliig khödölgöj baina. |
I can’t help but get lost in the intricate details of your art. | Таны уран бүтээлийн нарийн ширийн зүйлд төөрөхгүй байхын аргагүй. | Tany uran büteeliin nariin shiriin züild töörökhgüi baikhyn argagüi. |
Learn More Mongolian Vocabulary With Ling
Are you prepared to go even more deeply into the fascinating realm of the Mongolian language? Don’t look elsewhere!
Having Ling on your devices gives you access to extensive materials for learning Mongolian. Ling also gives you access to blogs written by native speakers and language lovers who are aware of the difficulties that students like you could face. The app offers interactive lessons and exercises on subjects relevant to everyday life.
Ready to give it a try? Download the Ling app immediately from the Play Store or App Store to advance your Mongolian language skills!