20 Key German Business Vocabulary Terms For Success

German business vocabulary terms - Ling app

Ready to impress your German-speaking clients and colleagues by speaking their language? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with our guide to learning German business vocabulary terms.

Imagine having an intimate fireside chat about business opportunities in vibrant Frankfurt or confidently delving into key business management strategies at a bustling Berlin conference. Exciting, isn’t it?

Let’s get started!

What Is Business German?

Before diving into the pool’s deep end where the vocabulary words are swimming around, let’s dip our toes in the waters of Business German first. This way, you will get comfortable and understand what you’re getting into. Exciting, isn’t it?

So, what is Business German?

Well, just as a delicious pretzel is more than just a twist of dough and a classic Volkswagen Beetle is more than just a set of four wheels, Business German is much more than another foreign language. It’s a harness for success! This specially crafted version of German is used in professional scenarios, including conference calls, meetings, emails, and even social gatherings after work.

Understanding Business German is like having a magical key that opens up a new world of opportunities. Trust me. It’s a world worth exploring!

Top German Business Vocabulary Words

Ready to master business German? Dive into these German business vocabulary words to help you easily navigate various professional situations. Communicate with your German-speaking colleagues like a pro by mastering these essential terms and examples.

Business – Geschäft

Give it the old razzle-dazzle and drop Geschäft in a convo whenever you’re talking business, be it your small corner store or a multibillion-dollar industry.

  • English: I’ve been working for this business for five years.
  • German: Ich arbeite seit fünf Jahren für dieses Geschäft.

Employee – Mitarbeiter

The hard-working individual powering your Geschäft.

  • English: We have over 300 employees at various locations.
  • German: Wir haben über 300 Mitarbeiter an verschiedenen Standorten.

Customer – Kunde

The ever-important person whose satisfaction means the success or downfall of your Geschäft.

  • English: We won over a new customer last week.
  • German: Wir haben letzte Woche einen neuen Kunden gewonnen.

Contract – Vertrag

This is the holy grail of business: sacred, respected, and unbreakable. At least, it should be!

  • English: The contract is valid for three years.
  • German: Der Vertrag ist für drei Jahre gültig.

Meeting – Besprechung

The very own chat room of your German company where ideas bounce off each other, and decisions are made.

  • English: The meeting is at 10 AM tomorrow.
  • German: Die Besprechung ist morgen um 10 Uhr.

Project – Projekt

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

  • English: We are currently working on an exciting project.
  • German: Wir arbeiten gerade an einem spannenden Projekt.

Deadline – Frist

This ticking clock can cause some stress but also gives satisfaction when conquered.

  • English: The deadline for the report is on Friday.
  • German: Die Frist für den Bericht ist am Freitag.

Salary – Gehalt

The delightful monthly reward for the blood, sweat, and tears you put into your work.

  • English: I receive my salary at the end of the month.
  • German: Mein Gehalt erhalte ich am Ende des Monats.

Presentation – Präsentation

Your platform to showcase ideas, designs, or findings.

  • English: I did a presentation about our new product today.
  • German: Ich habe heute eine Präsentation über unser neues Produkt gemacht.

Task – Aufgabe

It’s your very own piece of the project puzzle.

  • English: My task for today is data analysis.
  • German: Meine Aufgabe heute ist die Datenanalyse.

Department – Abteilung

The tribe within your tribe, your specific gang in the office.

  • English: I work in the marketing department.
  • German: Ich arbeite in der Marketingabteilung.

Boss – Chef

The big wheel, the head honcho, the boss-man (or woman!).

  • English: My boss is very supportive.
  • German: Mein Chef ist sehr unterstützend.

Supplier – Lieferant

The business that keeps your business in business!

  • English: We need to find a new supplier for computers.
  • German: Wir müssen einen neuen Lieferanten für Computer finden.

Invoice – Rechnung

The formal “you owe us this much” business letter.

  • English: Please send the invoice by the 15th of the month.
  • German: Bitte senden Sie die Rechnung bis zum 15. Des Monats.

Revenue – Umsatz

This is when your hard work pays off – literally!

  • English: Our revenue increased last quarter.
  • German: Unser Umsatz ist im letzten Quartal gestiegen.

Profit – Gewinn

Even better than Umsatz, it’s the remaining money after all expenses are accounted for!

  • English: We made a higher profit this year.
  • German: Wir haben dieses Jahr einen höheren Gewinn.

Costs – Kosten

The price tag of doing business.

  • English: The costs for this project are quite high.
  • German: Die Kosten für dieses Projekt sind ziemlich hoch.

Competition – Konkurrenz

Rival businesses that keep you on your toes.

  • English: We have to watch out for the competition.
  • German: Wir müssen auf die Konkurrenz achten.

Networking – Netzwerken

It’s not what you know, but who you know.

  • English: I’m doing some networking at a business event tomorrow.
  • German: Ich mache morgen etwas Netzwerken bei einer Geschäftsveranstaltung.

Business Trip – Geschäftsreise

This is when work takes you places!

  • English: I’m going on a business trip to Berlin next week.
  • German: Nächste Woche mache ich eine Geschäftsreise nach Berlin.

Wrap It Up With Useful Business German Vocabulary

Well, there you have it! By mastering these essential German business vocabulary terms, you’re well on your way to becoming a pro in the business world. Remember, learning business German not only opens doors in German-speaking countries. It also helps you make connections and understand business-related situations more effectively.

And as always, practice makes perfect – so don’t hesitate to use your newly-acquired business German words in everyday conversations. And hey, whenever you need help or want to ask, “Haben Sie noch Fragen?” (Do you have any questions?) Just go ahead and say it!

Keep up the good work, and continue to learn business German. It’s an incredibly valuable tool for opening paths and opportunities in the ever-evolving global market. Now, go out there and impress your international colleagues with your awesome German language skills!

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