4+ Basic Tagalog Phrases For Regret

Tagalog phrases for regret

Regret – that pesky feeling that creeps into our lives, leaving us cringing about our past mistakes. But hey, we’ve all been there! If you’re searching for the right Tagalog phrases for regret or pagsisi, you’ve come to the perfect place. Say goodbye to miscommunications – we’re here to rescue your “I wish I could turn back time” moments with our arsenal of essential Tagalog phrases. Time to dive into some Pinoy-style expressions of regret and leave those uh-oh moments in the past.

What Is “Regret” In Tagalog?

Just like in English, the Filipino language encapsulates this emotion with profound depth. So, tie your seatbelts, we’re about to delve deeper into the very core of regret – in Tagalog!

In Tagalog, the word ‘regret’ in the Philippines can be translated into these beats three pulsating words— Nagsisisi (naag-see-see), Panghihinayang (pang-hee-hee-nah-yang), and Pagsisisi (pag-see-see). Hear that? That’s the language’s heart rendering an apology, resonating with feelings of remorse.

On the off-chance that regret leaves you red-faced, the word Nakakahiya (na-ka-ka-hee-ya) describes the feeling perfectly. Do you sense the embarrassment creeping up your cheeks as you utter the word? Powerful, isn’t it? And if that doesn’t do enough justice, let’s call the mighty Hiya (hee-ya) into action, which directly translates to ‘shame.’ How’s that for shedding light on remorse?

Add a sprinkle of lost opportunities, and we land straight into Sana (sa-na) territory. This is the realm of “what-ifs.” A single word that sums up your regrets over undone actions or unspoken words. Brooding over the past takes a poetic turn in Tagalog – and Sana does just that!

Man thinking of what ifs and regret

Tagalog Phrases For Regret

Regret isn’t a one-size-fits-all emotion; it has nuances, reflections, and afterthoughts – it’s a complex piece of the human emotional puzzle. But fear not, esteemed language connoisseurs! The Filipino language offers a colorful palette to paint your reflective emotions.

“Sana hindi ko ginawa ‘yun”

This translates to “I wish I didn’t do that.” Are you resonating with the regret yet? Reporting a past mistake, in this phrase, we’re not just acknowledging a past mishap but actively expressing a desire to go back and undo it. Oh, if time machines were a thing!

“Gusto kong ibalik ang oras”

“Gusto kong ibalik ang oras.” (‘Gus-to kong i-ba-lik ang o-ras’) A.K.A, “I want to turn back time.” Straight out of a regret-filled sci-fi script! Kidding aside, this phrase carries the profound desire to rewind and redo, and it resonates at every regret level, from minor hiccups to major life decisions.

“Dapat hindi ako nagkaganito”

With “Dapat hindi ako nagkaganito.” (‘Da-pat hin-di a-ko nag-ka-gan-i-to’), you’re practically saying that “I shouldn’t have done this.” This phrase conveys a realization that our actions were inappropriate—a tangible reflection of hindsight learning from regret.

“Hindi ko sana ginawa iyon”

A phrase that digs deep into our past actions, holding us accountable for our decisions. This phrase brings us to a time of self-reflection and retraced steps. Imagine brewing a flavorful concoction blended with a dollop of introspection, a splash of hindsight, and a pinch of self-evaluation – chef’s kiss, you’ve just stirred up the essence of this Tagalog phrase!

“Bakit ko ginawa ‘yun?”

A powerful introspective tool, “Bakit ko ginawa ‘yun?” poses the question – “Why did I do that?” This thought-provoking phrase steers you through oceans of reflection and seas of contemplation.

“Sayang ang oras ko”

Regrets often stem from a nagging realization that we’ve haphazardly spent or squandered our time. Enter, “Sayang ang oras ko!” – “I’ve wasted my time.” With this phrase, you’ll find yourself engulfed in a whirlwind, reminiscing over those fleeting moments that vanished in the blink of an eye. Learn from the ticking clock, and let this phrase serve as a reminder to never let time slip through your fingers.

saying sorry

Making Amends In Tagalog

Imagine this. You’ve just accidentally stepped on someone’s toes on a crowded bus. Your heart drops. Your face flushes. A word idles on the tip of your tongue – a single word that has the power to diffuse the tiny chaos you’ve caused. Got it? Now, let’s transplant this scenario to the bustling streets of Manila. A priceless tool comes in handy here – an apologetic dialogue in Tagalog, the language that amps up the beauty of the Philippines!

First off, let’s get the basics right. “Pasensya na” (pa-sen-sha na) translates to “Please forgive me” in Tagalog. Essential, simple, and echoes sincerity, it’s the bread-and-butter phrase for any apologies-on-the-go situations.

Now, what happens if you’re truly, deeply, sorry-from-the-bottom-of-your-heart kind of remorseful? Get ready to pull out the big guns—”Patawarin mo ako” (pa-ta-wa-rin mo a-ko). This phrase translates to “Forgive me” and carries a heavy weight of sincere remorse. A handy phrase to store in your linguistic vault for moments of profound regret.

Got mixed up between Adobo and Sinigang? It’s time to whip out the phrase “Nagkamali ako” (nag-ka-ma-li a-ko), which translates to “I made a mistake.” An essential phrase that conveys recognition of one’s error and is the first step towards making amends – A Tagalog ticket, stamped with accountability and wrapped in humility.

And lastly, when words just aren’t enough, let’s call in the big leagues with “Maaari bang gumawa ng tama sa aking kamalian?” (ma-a-a-ri bang gu-ma-wa ng ta-ma sa a-king ka-ma-li-an), meaning “Can I make right on my wrong?” This phrase is the cherry on top of your apology sundae, amplifying your desire to rectify a mistake.

But remember language adventurer, apologies aren’t about rattling off rehearsed sentences. It’s the sincerity and condemnation behind those words that swoop in to save the day.

Learn Tagalog With Ling

And that, my linguistic aficionados, is the vibrant world of Tagalog for you—an enchanting symphony of phrases and expressions, each harmonizing perfectly with feelings of regret and apology. From the path of introspection to the journey of making amends, we’ve paved our way through it all.

Yet, the adventure is far from over! For those of you craving more, wanting to dive deeper into the fascinating realms of Tagalog, or any other language, for that matter—never fear! The solution is here. Meet your new best friend, your constant companion on this linguistic quest: the Ling app!

Ling is a powerful educational tool that combines in-depth lessons and gamified features to help keep you on your toes while learning. Ready to level up your language game? Get the Ling App from the App Store or Play Store today!

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