Nana Rosson
Nana Rosson
About me
Hi! I have a strong background in and a longtime passion for literature and writing. My innate sense of adventure is also why I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. So, naturally, writing for a language blog is a perfect fit for me. I have extensive experience with SEO and am building up my knowledge of marketing every day. Feel free to check out my posts on Malay, Korean, Polish, Vietnamese, Khmer, Tagalog, and helpful language tips!
Common Vocab In Khmer
89 Easy Khmer Vocab For Daily Life!

Have you always wanted to travel to Cambodia, but you’ve been too afraid or intimidated to learn Khmer? If that’s the case, you’re not alone.

Vegetables In Khmer
50+ Easy Words For Vegetables In Khmer

Have you ever found yourself in Cambodia and had no idea what you were eating? If so, that’s completely normal when you’re visiting other countries!