A 12-Minute Simple Guide To Japanese Jobs Vocabulary

Man with a suit-japanese jobs vocabulary

Are you thinking of working in Japan? Perhaps you dream of working in a Japanese company specializing in technology or any other industry. But if you want to be hired right away, learning relevant Japanese jobs vocabulary to name that profession is a must. If that’s the case, you have come to the right place.

There are different types of Japanese companies, as well as various types of employment, so it is essential that you get informed to know the kind of job you would like to have in Japan. So to give you tools for talking about the professional world, today we’ve compiled a 12-minute guide to familiarize you with Japan-related terminology. Let’s start!

Employment Types In Japan

In Japan, there are different types of employment. Each category has its own requirements; therefore, clarifying its characteristics will give you an idea of what kind of jobs you can expect when looking for a job in Japan.

Full-Time Employee(正社員)

A full-time job in Japanese is called 常勤職 (joukin-shoku). Most Japanese people expect to find this type of job after graduating from college. Full-time employees are called 正社員 (seishain), and they usually work for companies on a long-term basis. Traditionally, a 正社員, once hired, would remain with the company until retirement, but things have changed. The younger generation looks for better opportunities and feels less guilty about changing jobs.

Contract/Temporary Employee(契約社員)

Another popular form of employment in Japan is contract work, and these types of employees are called 契約社員(Keiyakushain). Generally, companies use this type of employment when they have temporary projects or when it is more convenient to have contract/temporary employees. Most of the time, contract employees are responsible for paying their taxes and typically don’t receive other benefits from the company. On the other hand, full-time employees are entitled to certain benefits such as retirement, health insurance, paid vacations, etc. 

Part-time Employee(アルバイト)

This job category is probably familiar to anyone exposed to Japanese culture through dramas or anime. アルバイト or part-time jobs are pretty common among young students, seniors, and some foreigners. The main characteristic of this job is that it’s quite versatile, so employees come and go frequently. Since it is flexible, this type of job is convenient for students because it allows them to make some money without neglecting their studies. You can find a part-time job in a coffee shop, a supermarket, or even a restaurant.

Meeting-employees-japanese jobs vocabulary

Occupations In Japanese

Now, we will look at the Japanese words related to professions. Of course, we won’t cover all of them, but we will focus on the most common ones, so take note of the ones you’re interested in.

Court judge裁判官Saibankan
Manager (shop)店長Tenchou
Performer (stage, TV)芸能人Geinoujin
Maid, Housekeeper家政婦Kaseifu
Civil Servant公務員Koumuin
Engineer 技術者Gijutsusha
Stage magician手品師Tejinashi
Clerk 事務員Jimuin
Construction worker土工Dokou
Comic artist漫画家Mangaka
Reporter (news, radio)記者Kisha
Employee (salaryman)サラリーマンSarariiman
President (company)社長Shachou
Secretary 書記官Shokikan
Police officer警察, 警官Keisatsu
Soldier 軍人Gunjin

Want to learn more about job titles in Japan? Learn more in this comprehensive guide!

What Do You  Need To Get A Job In Japan?

The question is broad and would require an entire article to address it in depth; however, we will comment on a few points. First, considering that every type of job is different is crucial to navigating the Japanese professional market. To succeed in any industry, you must be confident that you possess the necessary skills.

If you want to work in a traditional Japanese company, you need to have a high level of Japanese. Most companies require an N2 level on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). A visa is also crucial since foreigners must be authorized to work in Japan. There is a variety of Japanese visa categories based on the field you want to pursue. If you don’t have a visa, verifying if that company can sponsor your visa is imperative when looking for a job. If you are an entrepreneur or a freelancer, you should find out the requirements to do business in Japan.

Considering that the world of employment in Japan is quite broad, it would take much more time to cover all the details that define it. Still, we hope our post today has shed some light on some specific aspects of the Japanese work system and the different kinds of jobs. Moreover, we hope we have helped you expand your vocabulary.

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