Jobs In Dutch: Master 99+ Job Titles You Must Know

The Netherlands, especially Amsterdam, is an absolutely lovely place to live, particularly if you enjoy getting around by bicycle or scooter. This region of the world is expressly concerned with being environmentally friendly, adding to its appeal as a country to live and work in. So, if you’re thinking about living here, you just might want to know which kinds of occupational expertise the Dutch are looking for and how to say jobs in Dutch.

Now, for many professions such as in the medical or education industry, you’ll first want to make contact and research if your education and knowledge are accepted in Holland. You may need to update your skills and abilities to match local requirements, and in some cases, this may mean going back to school, but in The Netherlands!

In this article we’ll take a look at how to say common jobs in Dutch, take a quick look at what it might be like to live and work in The Netherlands and we’ll even discuss how you can start your job search.

First, let’s take a look at some common professions in The Netherlands.

What Are Common Job Titles In Dutch?

The Netherlands (aka Holland) is one of the more modern countries in Europe and it boasts one of the largest English-speaking populations as well. As a result, there are plenty of job opportunities for expats and you’ll be familiar with the majority of jobs on offer. This means that you’ll likely find your professional experience is transferrable to a new position in The Netherlands and have the skill set employers are looking for.

As mentioned, the Dutch are rather environmentally conscious. This funnels down into their employment sectors, of which, agriculture is the top industry to find employment in and will be the first category where we show you translations of the most common jobs in the Dutch language.

You’ll notice that some Dutch words are similar or the same as they are in English making them easier to learn.

Occupations and Jobs In Dutch

1. Agriculture

job titles in Dutch
Agriculture JobsDutchPronunciation
Agricultural economistlandbouweconoom
Agricultural engineerLandbouwingenieur
Agricultural technicianLandbouw technicus
Agricultural technologistlandbouwtechnoloog
Conservation plannerConserveringsplanner
Environmental plannerMilieuplanner
Equipment technicianApparatuur technicus

2. Medical Jobs

Medical occupation in Dutch
Medical JobsDutchPronunciation
Clinical Laboratory TechnicianKlinisch Laboratorium Technicus
Dental AssistantTandarts assistente
Dental HygienistMondhygienist
Medical AssistantMedische assistent
Medical SecretaryMedisch secretaris
Nursing AideVerpleegkundige
Personal Care AideHulp bij persoonlijke verzorging
Pharmacy TechnicianFarmaceutisch technicus
Physical TherapistFysiotherapeut
Physical Therapist AssistantFysiotherapeut-assistent
Registered NurseGeregistreerde verpleegster

3. Business Related Jobs

occupations in Dutch
Business Related JobsDutchPronunciation
Administrative AssistantAdministratief Medewerker
Business Operations ManagerManager Bedrijfsvoering
Customer Service RepresentativeMedewerker klantenservice
Executive AssistantUitvoerend Assistent
Financial AnalystFinancieel analist
Financial ManagerFinancieel directeur
HR SpecialistHR specialist
Interpreter & TranslatorTolk vertaler
Market Research AnalystMarktonderzoeksanalist
Marketing ManagerMarketing Manager
Public Relations SpecialistPublic Relations Specialist
Sales ManagerVerkoopsmanager
Sales RepresentativeVerkoop vertegenwoordiger

4. Trade Jobs

trade jobs in Dutch
Trade JobsDutchPronunciation
Auto MechanicAutomonteur
Maintenance & Repair WorkerOnderhouds- en reparatiemedewerker
Construction ManagerBouwmanager
Construction WorkerBouwvakker

5. Education

teaching jobs in Dutch
Education JobsDutchPronunciation
Elementary School TeacherBasisschoolleerkracht
High School TeacherMiddelbareschoolleraar
Preschool TeacherVoorschoolse Leraar
Sports CoachSportcoach
Teacher AssistantOnderwijsassistent

6. IT Jobs

highest paying jobs in Holland
IT JobsDutchPronunciation
Computer ProgrammerComputer programmeur
Computer Systems AdministratorBeheerder van computersystemen
Computer Systems AnalystAnalist computersystemen
Database AdministratorDatabase Administrator
IT ManagerIT-manager
Web DeveloperWebontwikkelaar
Software DeveloperSoftware ontwikkelaar

7. Therapists

Talking about jobs in Dutch
Marriage TherapistHuwelijkstherapeut
Mental Health CounselorGeestelijke Gezondheidsconsulent
Occupational TherapistErgotherapeut
Physical TherapistFysiotherapeut
School CounselorDecaan
Social WorkerSociaal werker
Speech-Language PathologistLogopedist
Substance Abuse CounselorAdviseur voor middelenmisbruik

8. Other Professions

jobs in Dutch
Other ProfessionsDutchPronunciation
Civil EngineerBurgerlijk ingenieur
Delivery Truck DriverLevering vrachtwagenchauffeur
Insurance AgentVerzekeringsagent
Massage TherapistMassagetherapeut
Mechanical EngineerMechanisch Ingenieur
Event PlannerEvenementenplanner
Real Estate AgentMakelaar
Security GuardBewaker

Advice On Working In The Netherlands

Work in the netherlands

Is The Netherlands A Good Place To Work?

The Netherlands is actually considered to be a high-paying country with low costs of living. This means that housing will be affordable and other costs of living are low as well.

The majority of high-paying jobs are found in the capital city of Amsterdam, however even though the cost of living is low, it’s relatively high in this major city.

There are plenty of new jobs available in the service and financial industries which account for nearly half of The Netherlands’s economic output. You’ll find many vacancies in these areas.

From excellent shopping to UNESCO world heritage sites (including castles) and lots of nature to explore, you’ll always have something to do.

In addition, the Dutch people are warm and inviting (once you get to know them) and you’ll quickly feel a part of the community.

Highest Paying Jobs In The Netherlands (With Salaries)

Often one occupation will pay a higher salary than all the others. In the case of Holland, companies are looking for workers with skills in the agricultural business. The number one highest paying salaried work is related to the agricultural industry.

Here’s a list of the highest paying jobs in The Netherlands with expected salaries in 2022:

RankEnglishDutchPronunciationAverage Annual Salary
1Clinical chemistry researcherOnderzoeker klinische chemie€210,000
3Commercial directorCommercieel directeur€127,920
6Company lawyerBedrijfsadvocaat€99,240
10Addiction psychiatristVerslaving psychiater€76,560

How To Get a Job In The Netherlands

A local business or company will often recruit a new employee just as you’d expect them to; through the internet and the world of job posting portals. Simply type in the name of the occupation you’re looking for and off you go on your job search.

You can even copy and paste the Dutch job titles from this very article to ensure you don’t miss any company postings!

Once you get a job, whether it’s a contract position or full-time, your future employer will help with the visa application and hiring process. Of course, if you’re already registered within the European Union, you can forgo the visa necessity.

Visa Process For New Hires

If you’re already a citizen of the European Union (EU) this means you can work for a local business without a visa. However, if you don’t have citizenship from a member country of the EU, you’ll need your employer to apply for a visa and work permit for you. Thus is the nature of business in Europe!

Do I Need To Pay Taxes In The Netherlands?

Yes, you will have to pay taxes.* Taxation rates start at 2.3% and go up to 52%. In addition to that, your wages will also be subject to social security deductions which can be over 27% of wages. The total amount of taxes that you’ll pay depends on your salary. Taxes are submitted annually.

*Check to see if your home country has a taxation agreement with The Netherlands.

Continue To Learn More Words In Dutch

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