20+ Easy Names For Fruits In Lao For Beginners

Fruits in Lao Ling App

Hey there, have you ever learned about the incredible world of fruits in Lao? If not, you are missing out on a wild ride of fruity goodness! You see, Laos is famous for having some of the most exotic and tropical fruits in the world, and if you haven’t tried them yet, then now is the time to learn how to say a few words so you can choose the right fruit for you. Let’s go learn more about that in today’s post!

In Laos, fruits are a delicious treat and a crucial part of their daily diet. With its tropical climate and fertile soil, Laos produces an abundance of fresh and juicy fruits all year round. From sweet mangoes and tangy tamarinds to exotic dragon fruits and rambutans, Laotians have a wide variety of fruits to choose from. Some of these fruits are even used in their traditional recipes! Ready to learn more? Let’s dive right into it!

What Are The Most Popular Fruits In Lao

This country is not just the home of fantastic dishes but also amazing fruits. In this section, we’ll review the locals’ most recommended fruits for travelers and their names in the Lao language. Most of these are readily available in groceries bu,t you can also find them peddled on the sidewalk in the form of fruit slices or shakes.

First up is the ໝາກໂປມ (ma kham pom) or apple. Don’t let its yellow hue and tart, tangy flavor fool you; this fruit is anything but ordinary. It’s perfect for snacking and adds a zingy touch to salads or dips.

Up next, we have the ໝາກ ອະງຸ່ນ (mak a ngun) or pomelo, a giant, sweeter version of grapefruit that’s sure to tantalize your taste buds. Sprinkle on salt and chili powder for a flavor explosion that will leave you wanting more!

For a citrusy punch in all your Lao dishes and cocktails, look no further than the ປູນຂາວ (punkhav) or lime. These little flavor bombs will take your culinary creations to the next level. Plus, it’s a great addition to some of the most common alcoholic drinks served in the country.

Don’t miss out on the ໝາກຂາມ (makkham) or tamarind, with its sour and tangy taste that’s perfect for soups, curries, and sauces. And be sure to try “nam makham,” the sweet and sour tamarind juice that’s a Lao specialty.

When it comes to sweet and buttery tropical fruit, the ໝາກຫຸ່ງ (makhung) or papaya is a must-try. It’s packed with vitamin C and makes for a great addition to salads or a healthy snack.

Looking for a thirst-quenching treat on a hot day in Laos? Look no further than the ໝາກໂມ (makom) or watermelon. Grab some from a street vendor, and don’t forget to try “nam oi,” the popular watermelon juice that will keep you cool and refreshed.

Last but certainly not least, we have the ໝາກມັງກອນ (makmangkon) or dragon fruit. This exotic fruit is as eye-catching as it is delicious, with its vibrant pink exterior, kiwi-like interior, and sweet, juicy flavor. Whether alone or in smoothies and salads, this fruit is a must-try on your Lao fruit adventure. Get ready to awaken your taste buds and indulge in the exotic fruits of Laos!

Tropical fruits of Lao

Vocabulary For Other Fruits In Lao

Now that we’ve discussed the fruits most eaten in the great nation of Laos, we need to discuss other fruits that are also common not only in the neighboring countries but all around the world. 

Piece of fruitໝາກໄມ້makmai
Apricotໝາກແອັບເປິ້ນ mak aeb poen
Grapeໝາກ ອະງຸ່ນmak  a ngun
Tomatoຫມາກ​ເລັ່ນ maklen
Strawberryສະຕໍເບີຣີ sato boeri
Plumໝາກພິລາ mak phila
Blueberryບລູເບີຣີ blu boeri
Kiwiກີວີ kivi
Avocadoອາໂວກາໂດ a ov kaod
Papayaໝາກຫຸ່ງ makhung

What Are The Adjectives To Describe Fruits

Before you go and dazzle others with your knowledge of the common fruits in Lao, remember that using adjectives can help emphasize the quality of a specific fruit. With this case on point, we rounded up the best adjectives for you to use in the table below.

Inedibleກິນບໍ່ໄດ້ kinbodai
Flavorລົດຊາດ lod sad
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Learn More Lao With The Ling App

Congratulations, my fruity friend, you’ve made it to the end of this article! I hope you’re now ready to embark on your own fruity adventure in Laos and explore all the exotic fruits this country has to offer. But wait! Before you go, I want to share with you an excellent tool that can help you learn even more about Lao and other languages: the Ling app!

With the Ling app, you can learn Lao and over 60 other languages from the comfort of your own phone. That’s right, no need to attend boring language classes or spend hours studying textbooks. With the Ling app, you can learn on the go, whenever and wherever you want. Plus, this resource has a ton of awesome features to help you learn more efficiently and effectively. There are interactive lessons, vocabulary builders, and even a chatbot that can help you practice your language skills with real people.

And with its massive language library, you’ll never run out of languages to learn. From Spanish to Chinese to Arabic, there’s a language for everyone. So what are you waiting for?

Download the Ling app today from the App Store or Play Store and start your language-learning journey. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to impress your Lao friends with your newfound language skills the next time you’re at the market buying fruit!

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