4+ Best Ways To Say Thank You In Italian

Do you want to learn the best ways to say thank you in Italian? Knowing how to thank you is a must. Think about how many times we find ourselves asking someone for something each day.

Think about the same thing now, but when you are in a foreign country. You’re going to need help such as asking for directions, ordering at the restaurant, talking to the hotel staff, etc. and people will appreciate gratitude for their efforts.

In this article, you can find different ways to say thank you in Italian.

Most Common And Best Ways To Say Thank You In Italian

In the Italian language, you can say “thank you” by simply using the word:


But, in life, sometimes you want to show more gratitude, or you might deal with people you don’t know, which requires you to use formal ways to express gratitude in Italian.

When we express ourselves in a foreign language, it is easy to run out of words, ending up sounding repetitive and showing, at times, poor knowledge of the language.

Like in every language, also in Italian, there are different ways to express one’s gratitude, and the choice of the right words depends on the following:

  • The context in which we find ourselves
  • The relationship with the interlocutor (the person you’re communicating with)

These two variables help us choose the most appropriate word or phrase, which can be formal, informal, or somewhere between. But, of course, the choice is often subjective, and in most cases, there are no strict rules to follow.

However, here at Ling we believe that having guidelines for understanding the differences and nuances between the various ways of expressing one’s gratitude can help you choose which sentence to use.

Here are the best ways to say thank you with the different levels of formalities:

  • Grazie – Thank you (informal and formal situations)
  • Grazie mille – Thank you very much. The literal translation is “Thank you a thousand.” (informal and formal situations)
  • Grazie molto / Molte grazie – Many thanks (primarily formal )
  • Grazie di cuore – Heartfelt thanks (primarily casual)
  • Grazie tante – Thank you a lot (primarily informal)
  • Grazie di tutto – Thank you for everything (formal and informal situations)
  • Grazie davvero – Thank you, really
  • Grazie ancora/Grazie di nuovo – Thank you again

The sentence “Thank you very much” (Grazie Mille) goes well on several occasions; it is truly multipurpose.

At the bar, at the restaurant, among friends or colleague. We can use it both to express a higher level of gratitude than thank you and to appear kinder, but also in a more formal context.

How To Sound More Sophisticated While Saying Thank You In Italian

4+ Best Ways To Say Thank You In Italian

Do you want to sound more sophisticated? Change the order of the words. For example, instead of saying: ” Grazie Mille,” you could say: “Mille Grazie.”

The difference is very subtle, but there is. For example:

  • Molte grazie or Grazie Molte
  • Tante grazie – Grazie tante

How To Express Deeper Gratitude

Another way to give thanks by expressing a more profound feeling is with “Grazie di cuore” (heartfelt thanks).

It can be used if the person we are talking to has done or said something personally important to us.

Similarly, you can use the following:

  • Grazie infinite – Infinite thanks

How To Say Thank You In a More Formal way

A more formal way to thank someone is used with whom we do not have much confidence, but it can increase in intensity by adding the words “molto” (very) and “dal cuore” (from the heart) to the sentence.

Here are some example of thank you in Italian for more formal situations:

  • Ti/La ringrazio molto (la ringrazio tanto) – Thank you very much
  • Ti/La ringrazio di cuore – Thank you from my heart
  • Ti/La ringrazio infinitamente – Infinite thanks
  • I miei più sinceri ringraziamenti – My most sincere thanks
  • Molto gentile da parte tua/sua – Very kind of you
  • Ti/le sono grato – I am grateful to you

“Ti sono grato” (I am grateful to you) is more formal than the rest of the sentences.

In spoken language, it is only used in truly formal contexts. For example, if we talk to someone with whom we have a very detached relationship with whom we want to show respect (such as a university professor or our boss at work).

It is easier to find it in written language, for example, in an e-mail.

Also, in this case, it is possible to give more weight to the feeling of gratitude by adding words to the sentence, such as “extremely,” very,” and “infinitely.”

For example:

  • Ti/le sono molto grato – I am very grateful to you
  • Ti/le sono estremamente grato – I am extremely grateful to you
  • Ti/le sono infinitamente grato – I am infinitely grateful to you

The Sarcastic Thanks

Best Ways To Say Thank You In Italian

The sarcastic use of the word “thank you” exists only in the spoken language and is never found in written Italian (except in the dialogues we find in books).

It is part of the informal register and is used in conversation between people who know each other reasonably well, for example, between friends, acquaintances, or colleagues among whom there is a relationship of confidence.

Usually, it is used together with sounds like “eh” or “well,” and the final result can be:

  • Grazie eh! – Thank you, eh!
  • Beh grazie – Well, thank you

Depending on how and when it is used, it can sound more like a joke rather than indicating that the person we are talking to has done or said something that made us angry or upset. The meaning depends on the context.

Examples of How To Express gratitude In The Italian Language

If you want more examples or ways to say thank you in Italian, here are some more sentences you can use:

  • Grazie infinite per quello che hai fatto per me – Thank you so much for what you have done for me
  • Il tuo aiuto è stato prezioso – Your help has been invaluable
  • Ti ringrazio tanto per il tuo aiuto – Thank you so much for your help
  • Grazie di aver chiamato – Thanks for calling

Learn Italian With Ling App

Best Ways To Say Thank You In Italian

If you want to become more proficient in expressing gratitude or speaking Italian in general, you can use the Ling App.

It is a simple tool that can help you learn Italian following a precise path. You can learn all the basics of grammar, pronunciation, and words. In addition, you can find 60+ other languages to choose from if you want to know two or more languages simultaneously.

Do you want to know more about Italian curiosities? Then, check out date and time in Italian and Italian birthday phrases.

What are you waiting for? Download it from App Store and Play Store for free!

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