#1 Comprehensive Guide To Making Chinese Words Plural

Making Chinese Words Plural Ling App

Ever found yourself scratching your head over making Chinese words plural? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to help you master this grammar game. So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and dive into the fascinating world of plurals in Chinese. Trust us. It’s easier than you think!

How Do Plurals Work In Chinese?

Ready to dive into the world of Chinese plural forms? Don’t worry. We’re breaking it down for you step-by-step. You’ll be a master of Chinese plurals in no time!

First, here’s a little secret: Chinese doesn’t have a separate plural form like most English nouns. How cool is that? No more worrying about adding an ‘s’ or changing the word entirely.

But wait, you might be thinking, “How do I know when something is plural, then?” Great question! In Chinese, we use a combination of numbers and little something called a “measure word” to help us out. But we’ll talk more about them later.

But there’s more! When talking about people, you can also add “们” (men) to the Chinese noun or pronoun to show plurality. We’ll dive deeper into that later, too.

Remember, Chinese plurals differ slightly from what you’re used to. But with some practice, you’ll be able to use them like a pro.

How To Make Words Plural In Chinese

Ready to learn how to make words plural in Chinese? Perfect! In this section, we’ll review some of the most common ways to make nouns and pronouns plural. We’ll also give you a few examples to help you get started. Let’s dive right in!

Defining A Number

In Chinese, forming plurals is a bit different from English. It’s a three-step dance: Number + Measure Word + noun. Sounds easy, right?

Let’s break it down:


First, you need to know how many of something you’re talking about. So, whether it’s one, two, or a hundred, just pop the number in at the beginning.

Twenty二十Er Shí
Fifty五十Wǔ Shí
One hundred一百Yī Bǎi
One thousand一千Yī Qiān
Ten thousand一万Yī Wàn
One hundred million一亿Yī Yì

You get the idea, right? Remember to use the right number in Chinese when counting your nouns.

Making Chinese Words Plural Ling App Numbers

Measure Word

Unlike English, Chinese uses special measure words to indicate the quantity of a noun. Measure words are like little helpers that come after the number to give more context about the noun. Think of them as the “piece” in “a piece of cake.”

When To UseChinesePinyin
Unit for books and magazinesBĕn
Share, portion, order [of food]Fèn
Unit for any kind of roomJiān
Unit for vehiclesLiàng
Bottle瓶 Píng
Unit for long, winding objects, like roads, rivers, snakes, fishTiáo
Sheet [of paper or bedsheets], unit for rectangular objects like beds, tablesZhāng
Unit for long, thin objects like pencils, pens, cigarettesZhī
Couple对 Duì
Pack or packetBāo
Group of people or animals like crowds, flocks, herds, swarms群 Qún

Finally, just add the noun you’re talking about—whether it’s apples, cats, or books! Just stick to our handy formula: Number + Measure Word + Noun, and you’ll be a pro at making Chinese plurals in no time.

Using Ambiguous Plurals

Another helpful technique in making Chinese words plural is by using ambiguous plurals. If you’re wondering what “ambiguous plurals” are, it’s pretty simple. They’re words that imply plurality without giving a specific number. Think of phrases like “some” or “several” in English. To use ambiguous plurals in Chinese, follow this structure: Ambiguous Plural + noun. Easy peasy, right?

Here are some examples of ambiguous plurals to help you get the hang of it:

Some, several 几 (jǐ): This little word is perfect when you don’t need an exact number.

  • I bought some apples
  • 我买了几个苹果
  • Wǒ mǎile jǐ gè píngguǒ

A few, some 一些 (yī xiē): Use this one when you want to talk about a small, unspecified amount.

  • I have a few questions.
  • 我有一些问题
  • Wǒ yǒu yīxiē wèntí

Several 数 (shù): This word works great for expressing “several” of something.

  • I read several magazines.
  • 我读了数本杂志
  • Wǒ dúle shù běn zázhì

Quite a few 不少 (bù shǎo): When you want to convey a larger, yet without specific quantity.

  • I met quite a few interesting people.
  • 我遇到了不少有趣的人
  • Wǒ yùdàole bù shǎo yǒuqù de rén

A lot, many 很多 (hěn duō): When you’re talking about a whole bunch of something.

  • There are a lot of cars on the street.
  • 街上有很多汽车
  • Jiēshàng yǒu hěn duō qìchē

Now you know how to use ambiguous plurals in Chinese like a pro. Experiment with these words, and soon you’ll be easily chatting away about various quantities.

Making Chinese Words Plural Ling App cars

Adding 们 (Men)

Now let’s talk about another nifty little trick: adding 们 (men) to some words. You’ll be amazed at how easy creating plurals for specific nouns is. 们 (men) is like a sprinkle of magic dust that can transform a few singular words into plurals, especially regarding people and personal pronouns.

For example:

We/us [male and mixed gender]我们Wǒ men
They/them [male and mixed gender]他们Tā men
They [female]她们Tā men
They [animals]它们Tā men

But hey, hold your horses! There’s a tiny catch. 们 (men) doesn’t work for everything. It’s mainly used to make personal pronouns and words related to people.

When Not To Use 们 (Men)

Though 们 (men) is a handy tool for making Chinese words plural, there are times when you shouldn’t use it. Let’s dive into the exceptions and learn when to leave 们 (men) out of the picture.

Counting With Numbers

When you’re already specifying the number of something, there’s no need to add 们 (men). It’s like saying “two students” in English—you wouldn’t say “two students.” Stick to using the appropriate number and measure word, and you’ll be golden.

Non-human Nouns

Sorry, animals and objects, 们 (men) is a humans-only club. When talking about anything that isn’t human, you’ll want to leave 们 (men) out. Don’t worry, though. Context usually makes it clear whether you’re talking about one or multiple non-human things.

Objects Of Sentences

In Chinese grammar, the object of a sentence is not pluralized with 们 (men). For example, if you want to say, “I see three dogs,” you would use the number 三 (sān) and the measure word 只 (zhī) for “dog,” but you wouldn’t add 们 (men) to the word for “dog.”

In a nutshell, while 们 (men) is useful for indicating plurality when referring to a Chinese person or Chinese people, it’s not always necessary. Be mindful of the context, and you’ll soon know when to use (and not use) 们 (men) when making Chinese words plural.

Making Chinese Words Plural Ling App dogs

Plurals Made Simple: You’ve Got This!

And there you have it, folks! Navigating the world of Chinese plurals doesn’t have to be a headache. With the tips and tricks from our comprehensive guide for making Chinese words plural, you’re ready to confidently tackle any conversation.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, don’t be shy to test out your newfound knowledge in everyday conversations. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll find yourself effortlessly adding that little 们 (men) or whipping out those handy measure words like a pro!

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