Samaha Kazmi
Samaha Kazmi
About me
"Slovenian, Irish, and Korean language specialists. My love for language dates back to when I was young and started learning Korean, Chinese, and Spanish out of curiosity. I have never thought that I would ever be able to utilize this skill and earn a living from it. I am fluent in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, and English. I can hold an intermediate-level conversation in Chinese, Spanish and Korean. I am also aware of some vocabulary in Arabic, Persian, French, and Italian. I am glad to come across the opportunity of working with Simya solutions as this platform not only assists me in teaching others but also helps me polish my skills. "
Slovenian Christmas greetings
5+ Best Slovenian Christmas Greetings

Celebrating traditional festivals and holidays is fun while you’re back at home. But, what is it like celebrating Christmas in Slovenia? With Christmas always just

Punjabi Alphabet
Punjabi Alphabet: Your #1 Best Guide

Looking at different, noodle-shaped letters with absolutely no understanding of what is being written is confusing for any person. It might make them feel agitated